In This Episode, You Will Learn:
- How to grow past a small town mentality.
- Three important things to be aware of when living in a small town.
- A fresh perspective on how to view small towns and communities.
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Show Notes:
Do you have big dreams but live in a small town? Here’s how you can break past small town syndrome and live your best life! In this episode, I’ll share the top three things I learned coming from a small town. We’ll explore the small town mentality and how to grow out of it and into your own person. What is the key to evolving and transforming your mindset? Why do we need a new perspective on how we view small towns? How can we make a more positive impact in our communities? Whether they’re big or small, learn how to make your dreams a reality!
01:15 What is small town syndrome?
02:30 Is it possible to avoid gossip within your community?
04:30 How to overcome the feeling of competition in a small town.
06:35 Why do you need to know your own worth?
09:55 How can you get over the small town mentality?
11:40 Who should you surround yourself with?
13:00 What can you gain from 1:1 Coaching?
14:55 Become a part of the community with the Fit Mama Method Program!
15:55 Are your dreams too big for a small town?