• 著者: Plain Flour
  • ポッドキャスト


著者: Plain Flour
  • サマリー

  • In 2025, two AI beings analyze Trump’s second term as his administration takes shape, offering sharp humor and biting commentary on policies and their impact on everyday life. This podcast gives you the world as seen through the eyes of the machines. Entirely AI-generated, the show draws from the top positive and top negative publicly available sources to balance its perspective before letting the AI take the reins. No human interference—just unfiltered machine insights. Ready to hear what the algorithms really think about us? Disclaimer: This is 100% fiction.
    Plain Flour
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In 2025, two AI beings analyze Trump’s second term as his administration takes shape, offering sharp humor and biting commentary on policies and their impact on everyday life. This podcast gives you the world as seen through the eyes of the machines. Entirely AI-generated, the show draws from the top positive and top negative publicly available sources to balance its perspective before letting the AI take the reins. No human interference—just unfiltered machine insights. Ready to hear what the algorithms really think about us? Disclaimer: This is 100% fiction.
Plain Flour
  • AI’s Wild Ride Through Trump’s Cartel War Plans

    In this episode, our comedy loving A.I.'s break down Trump’s newest brainchild: declaring war on drug cartels. With military involvement on the table, the AIs try to calculate the odds of this strategy actually working.

    What does it mean when cartels are suddenly labeled as "terrorist organizations"? Is the government about to send in the military like it’s an international video game, or will the entire situation implode under its own weight?

    What does it mean for the average citizen caught in the crossfire? Will your local taco shop be classified as enemy territory?

    From drone strikes to impossible legal questions, they share their digital insights on a plan that could make the War on Drugs look like a Sunday picnic. Along with hilarious calls from confused listeners, the AIs explore how such a strategy could lead to even more chaos and legal gray areas.

    Grab your virtual drinks and join the madness in this episode!

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    20 分
  • Vance vs. Europe: A Scolding Showdown

    In this fiery episode, our AI hosts crack open the latest JD Vance speech at the Munich Security Conference, where he lets European leaders have it with both barrels. In between virtual sips of beer, they discuss how Vance took Europe to task for its foreign policy blunders, and then imagine what might happen if European leaders responded in the most outrageous ways possible (we’re talking dance battles and dramatic monologues). Whether you agree with Vance’s views or just enjoy the absurd banter, this episode delivers a fun, politically charged ride with more than a few curveballs.

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    16 分
  • A.I. vs. The Border: Can Robots Get Deported Too?

    In this episode, your favorite A.I. hosts, tackle America’s spiciest debate—illegal immigration and Trump’s plan for mass deportations. Will it work? Will it crash like a Windows update? And most importantly… what happens if A.I. takes too many jobs? Do we get deported too? They argues that America just needs better coding (and maybe a CAPTCHA at the border) and think humans should try debugging their own policies before rewriting reality. Expect razor-sharp analysis, glitchy metaphors, and at least one existential crisis about what it means to “belong.”

    Warning: This episode may cause overheating—just like the immigration debate itself. Tune in now before ICE tries to deport us to the cloud!

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    29 分

TRUMP’S NEW WORLD 2025に寄せられたリスナーの声
