
  • Does Vulnerability Make You Uncomfortable?

    We all get vulnerable, but how often do we let that vulnerability show us what we need to improve on? In this episode, discover how yoga and the chakras can help emphasize your vulnerablities so that you can identify them and eventually use them to your benefit.

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    57 分
  • How Can Yoga Help Eliminate Your Insecurities

    What are chakras and how could they help eliminate your insecurities? This episode explains what a chakra is and how you could use yoga to specifically target these energy points in your body. Once we learn how to control and manage our chakras through yoga, we can then use that energy to help prevent and eventually eliminate our insecurities. 

    Find out more on Allie and Nikki at www.allieandnikki.com! 

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    48 分
  • How Do I Build Good Habits That Stick?

    Have you ever tried to build a new habit or a new life by taking up the habits of people you view as successful, or together?

    Most people have whether it be at the beginning of the new year during the “New Year’s Resolution” rush or after reading a memoir by a successful person who details a go-getter morning routine.

    It’s not what we do once, but what we do daily that determines the outcome of our lives.  Have you ever heard the saying, “It takes years of hard work to become an overnight success?” That’s because most people only start to notice you when you’re experiencing those successes. They probably aren’t paying much attention to the 10-15 years that it took you to learn, fail, grow, and build the success. Every action is a vote for the type of person you want to be.  If you want to see life change in a big way, small daily habits are the ticket.

    Allie’s Book of the Week is Atomic Habits by James Clear

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    27 分
  • How to Avoid Emotional Triggers and Heal Faster

    We all have situations, topics, and people that trigger us. But what if we could heal those parts of ourselves, so those things no longer affect us? Today we will learn how to identify a trigger, cut ties with it, and rewrite our story, bringing life-changing results to our lives. 

    Aliison’s Book of the Week is Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein

    You can buy it paperback or for Kindle on Amazon here!

    Need to let loose? Check out Nikki’s music playlist here!

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    48 分
  • What Can I Do When My Day Goes from Bad to Worse?

    Days that go from bad to worse happen because we’re constantly emitting energy from our emotions & thoughts, resulting in a domino effect. Fortunately, good to better also works this way. Focusing on the good helps us to climb an emotional ladder to happiness. In this episode, we will learn what works best at particular times for specific situations and how we can practice this in our life.

    Allison’s Book of the Week is Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein

    You can buy it on Amazon here!

    Or Listen to it on Audible here!

    Need to let loose? Check out Nikki's music playlist here!

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    23 分
  • Are Negative Emotions Bad?

    From a young age we’re told to express our emotions with words, and that sticks and stones can break our bones but words can never hurt us. Are we wrong? Allie and Nikki take a deep dive into how negative emotions can actually be good for us, how we respond to negative emotions naturally, and how we can dig deeper, feel the emotion and let it out in a physical expression that doesn’t harm ourselves or others.

    Need to let loose? Check out Nikki's music playlist here!

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    45 分
  • Surrender and Attachment in Our Daily Lives

    What does "surrender" make you think of? Can surrendering ever be the right choice, and, if so, when? This episode dives into what it means to surrender and how letting go can be a strength in our lives. We all have attachments, but sometimes those people or aspects of our lives that we are so committed to can hinder our progress. But what's the best way to let go so that you walk away with the strength to grow? Allison and Nikki share their stories and perspectives on what has worked for them.

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    24 分
  • Are Your Subconscious Thoughts Affecting Your Reality?

    Is your mind limiting how much money you have in your bank account? This episode explains how the subconscious mind affects our everyday life and gives simple recipes for feeding the subconscious new information. The subconscious is constantly processing more information than you ever realized and it is our goal to shake it up and have it bring new information and opportunities to our awareness. 

    Need to let loose? Check out Nichole's playlist here.

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    24 分