• Never Skip A Workout Again: The Goldilocks Rule of Training

    🤔 EP056 - If you’re having difficulty staying consistent with your training in the gym or you can’t even remember the last time you went, and as a result, you’ve either plateaued or started to slide backward in terms of how you look, feel, and perform, what is the Goldilocks Rule of Training, and how do we use it to make skipping workouts a thing of the past?

    “The sweet spot of desire occurs at the 50/50 split between success and failure.” - James Clear

    🎙️ In today’s PodWod, we be crushing our PHYSICAL Health & Fitness.

    FACT - Every single day I have people (yogis) telling me that one of these days they’re going to try TRX. If I had a dollar for every person who says they’re going to come but don’t, this would be a podcast on how to get rich off of people’s broken promises.

    But why don’t they come? Are we as people inherently dishonest or is there something scaring us away from doing something we know we want and need to do? Until we solve the problems lurking below the surface we’ll never have the power to change our reality above the surface.

    🤝 Help a Brotha Out! If you find value in today’s PodWod, please help others who may need to hear today’s message by rating and reviewing the podcast. A minute or two of your time could help save a lifetime of suffering for one of our fellow Brothers out there.

    👉🏾 Feel free to hit me up on IG and let me know if you need a spot.

    👊🏾 Until next time, we got this!

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  • The Entrepreneur's Journey - Purpose Vs Profit: Which Should You Pursue?

    🤔 EP055 - If you’re an entrepreneurial-minded individual with more ideas than you have time to work on - all of which are going to change the world, of course - what do you do when you’ve got two or more business ideas that you really want to pursue but you keep going back and forth about which one to commit to because you’re either scared of making the wrong choice or you just don’t know which one is the best choice?

    “If you can tune into your purpose and really align with it, setting goals so that your vision is an expression of that purpose, then life flows much more easily.” - Jack Canfield

    🎙️ In today’s PodWod, we be crushing our PURPOSE Health & Fitness.

    FACT - It really sucks that both the health and fitness industry and the self-improvement industry continue to push this idea that success can happen virtually overnight. Even those who preach that there are no quick fixes contradict themselves by sharing ‘before and after’ stories of clients who have achieved amazing success in as little as a few months.

    One thing I come back to over and over again is that you’ll never get the right answers if you keep asking the wrong questions. As entrepreneurial-minded individuals, asking ourselves which idea will make the most money or which one is the “best idea” is the wrong question to be asking, one that will have you going around in circles for years or decades if you don’t start asking and answering the right questions.

    🤝 Help a Brotha Out! If you find value in today’s PodWod, please help others who may need to hear today’s message by rating and reviewing the podcast. A minute or two of your time could help save a lifetime of suffering for one of our fellow Brothers out there.

    👉🏾 Feel free to hit me up on IG and let me know if you need a spot.

    👊🏾 Until next time, we got this!

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  • How to Free Yourself From the Prison of Fear

    🤔 EP054 - If fear of failure, fear of success, or any other kind of fear has left you paralyzed and unable to step up and take the actions you need to take to succeed in any area of the REPP Work, what health and fitness strategy can we apply to master and ultimately conquer our fears?

    “We read a bunch of books nowadays. As humans, we want to find out how to be someone else. What we don’t do is we don’t go inside. We’re writing a book every day of our lives, but we never read that book.” - David Goggins

    🎙️ In today’s PodWod, we be crushing our EMOTIONAL Health & Fitness.

    FACT - It never ceases to amaze me how we think that simply knowing what to do is the answer to our problems both inside and outside of the gym. But as Derek Sivers once said, “If more information were the answer then we’d all be billionaires with perfect abs.”

    A lot of us claim that it’s fear that is holding us prisoner - whatever version it happens to be. But blaming fear for our inaction is like blaming our metabolism for our lack of weight loss. There may be some truth to it, but at the end of the day, if you don’t find your way out of those handcuffs you’ll remain a prisoner to fear for the rest of your life.

    🤝 Help a Brotha Out! If you find value in today’s PodWod, please help others who may need to hear today’s message by rating and reviewing the podcast. A minute or two of your time could help save a lifetime of suffering for one of our fellow Brothers out there.

    👉🏾 Feel free to hit me up on IG and let me know if you need a spot.

    👊🏾 Until next time, we got this!

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  • If Your Wife Won’t Take Your Advice, Try This Instead.

    🤔 EP053 - If you’ve ever wondered why nothing you say or do seems to make things better when you’re witnessing your wife or partner have an emotional breakdown, and if offering solutions to her problems only seems to make matters worse, what is the skill we men need to practice and master to put out the emotional fires and keep the house that is our relationship from burning down right in front of our eyes?

    “A small change in what you see can lead to a big change in what you do.” - James Clear

    🎙️ In today’s PodWod, we be crushing our RELATIONSHIP Health & Fitness.

    FACT - Every January, millions of people all over the world set a New Year’s resolution to lose weight. They want to start working out more and eating better so that they can look, feel, and perform their best. They tell themselves, “This is going to be the year!”.

    Well, I’ve got news for you. No, it’s not. And you know why? Because you’re using the same fucking bullshit strategy you have every year that has failed you every year.

    Unless you want to join the 70% percent of divorces that are initiated by women, it’s probably time to start looking for new ways of putting out the fires in your relationship instead of throwing gasoline on them because you simply don’t know what the fuck to do when you’re wife or partner is losing her shit.

    🤝 Help a Brotha Out! If you find value in today’s PodWod, please help others who may need to hear today’s message by rating and reviewing the podcast. A minute or two of your time could help save a lifetime of suffering for one of our fellow Brothers out there.

    👉🏾 Feel free to hit me up on IG and let me know if you need a spot.

    👊🏾 Until next time, we got this!

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  • The Best Weight Loss Exercise Nobody Seems to Be Talking About

    🤔 EP052 - If you’re one of the millions of people who say to themselves, “I need to do better” when it comes to your fitness, nutrition, or both because what you see on the scale and in the mirror makes you cringe a little, what is the single best exercise for shedding fat and building muscle so you can look, feel, and perform your best over the long term that I’ve never seen anyone doing at the gym?

    “When I talk about skepticism it’s not just questioning everything that comes AT you it’s questioning everything that comes FROM you - meaning we all have long-held beliefs, and they may be incorrect.” - Philip Pape, The Wits & Weights Podcast

    🎙️ In today’s PodWod, we be crushing our PHYSICAL Health & Fitness.

    FACT - One thing that breaks my heart as much as anything is seeing members in the gym that I haven’t seen for months or years who have totally fallen off the wagon. They’ve put on a ton of weight, and when I talk to them the shame they feel is palpable.

    What sucks even more is that when I hear them say, “I just need to do better.”, a part of me dies inside because I know that like most people, they’re going to continue to fail because they haven’t yet realized that they are not the problem. They keep failing because they keep using the same approach, and we all know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

    🤝 Help a Brotha Out! If you find value in today’s PodWod, please help others who may need to hear today’s message by rating and reviewing the podcast. A minute or two of your time could help save a lifetime of suffering for one of our fellow Brothers out there.

    👉🏾 Feel free to hit me up on IG and let me know if you need a spot.

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  • How to Avoid Taking Your Dreams to the Grave With You

    🤔 EP051 - If you’re an entrepreneur with the goal of disrupting an entire industry because you’re tired of seeing people suffer from the bullshit advice they get from the so-called gurus, what is the unseen war we must wage and win over and over again to avoid taking our dreams to the grave with us?

    “Success is not a goal to reach or a finish line to cross. It is a system to improve, an endless process to refine.” - James Clear

    🎙️ In today’s PodWod, we be crushing our PURPOSE Health & Fitness.

    FACT - One of the things that really sucks about losing weight is the longer you wait to do it the harder it is to get started. On top of that, there’s the obvious downfall of the amount of weight you put on increasing in proportion to the time you waste deciding to take action.

    When it comes to getting our message out there and doing what we love not only for profit but just as importantly for Purpose, the same rule applies. The longer you put shit off out of fear of failure the more your failure compounds, and one day you’ll wake up and realize that the work you have to do is substantially more than the work you should have done.

    🤝 Help a Brotha Out! If you find value in today’s PodWod, please help others who may need to hear today’s message by rating and reviewing the podcast. A minute or two of your time could help save a lifetime of suffering for one of our fellow Brothers out there.

    👉🏾 Feel free to hit me up on IG and let me know if you need a spot.

    👊🏾 Until next time, we got this!

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  • The Heaviest Weight Most Men Will Ever Lift (But It Does Get Lighter)

    🤔 EP050 - If you’re the type of guy who when faced with the reality that you need to make some changes, you say to yourself, “I just need to do better”, and yet you’ve been saying that for years and not much has actually gotten better, what is the very first and hardest step you need to take before you can ever have a hope in hell of changing that which you desperately want and need to change in your life?

    “You do control the thoughts that follow an emotion, and you have a great deal of say in how you react to an emotion - as long as you are aware of it.” - Travis Bradberry

    🎙️ In today’s PodWod, we be crushing our EMOTIONAL Health & Fitness.

    FACT - There is one thing that drives me crazier than anything when I am teaching a group fitness class - when people refuse to listen to my instructions. Specifically, I have people who need to be dialing shit down but they refuse to listen, insist on playing at an intensity level way beyond what they are capable of only to quit early on the workout, or even worse, complain that it was too hard and never come back.

    Both inside and outside of the gym, unless and until we are honest with ourselves about where we’re at, when we need to dial it up and when we need to dial it back, and most importantly when we need help doing both, we're going to remain stranded on the lonely island of desperation wondering how the fuck we are ever going to get home to the truth of who we are.

    🤝 Help a Brotha Out! If you find value in today’s PodWod, please help others who may need to hear today’s message by rating and reviewing the podcast. A minute or two of your time could help save a lifetime of suffering for one of our fellow Brothers out there.

    👉🏾 Feel free to hit me up on IG and let me know if you need a spot.

    👊🏾 Until next time, we got this!

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  • A Mistake That Costs Most Men Their Relationships

    🤔 EP049 - If you’re a man who is consistently confused, irritated, and frustrated with the disconnect between you and your woman, what is the painful truth we men need to accept about the woman we love if we want to exist in a kingdom where we can rule as King and Queen working together as one?

    “Men and women are different but the problem with humans is that every difference is made into a discriminatory process.” - Sadhguru

    🎙️ In today’s PodWod, we be crushing our RELATIONSHIP Health & Fitness.

    FACT - As a Trainer, I can whole-heartedly attest to the fact that the majority of people who fail to lose weight will insist that what they are doing in terms of fitness and nutrition isn’t working when we all know what the real problem is.

    The real problem isn't the diet or the training program. It’s the individual’s unwillingness to see the facts and accept the truth that THEY are the problem, not the diet or workout program.

    The same goes for relationships. I have made the mistake of thinking that my partner - her moods, her behavior, her emotional rollercoasters - are the reasons why I cheated or why it didn’t work out.

    At the end of the day, there are truths we need to accept as individuals and as men, not the least of which is that if we want anything to change, that change begins with us and what we tell ourselves about the challenges we face in our relationship.

    🤝 Help a Brotha Out! If you find value in today’s PodWod, please help others who may need to hear today’s message by rating and reviewing the podcast. A minute or two of your time could help save a lifetime of suffering for one of our fellow Brothers out there.

    👉🏾 Feel free to hit me up on IG and let me know if you need a spot.

    👊🏾 Until next time, we got this!

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