
  • Countdown to Extinction

    Episode 20 | September 2022 | Week 2:

    All Are Gone, All But One

    Judging by the state of just about everything these days, I’d say it’s probably some sound advice to start battening down the hatches on the good ship homestead. There’s every indication that one bad mamma jamma of a black cloud is brewing on the horizon and, as far as I can tell, there’s no way for us to avoid the downpour of bad news coming. They’ve orchestrated the perfect storm to hit us from all sides at once, and when I say “us” I’m talking about what they used to call the “free world”.

    This storm is not on course to make any waves in China, Russia, or Iran for instance, but if you’re unlucky enough to live in Europe, the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, or anywhere in the Commonwealth, then we’re in the same boat my friend -and our ship has been squarely targeted by the billionaires and bankers in Geneva for complete and utter destruction. Of course, the potential for untold loss of human life due to starvation and freezing as a result of their manufactured resource scarcity is a small price to pay for saving the planet and preventing climate change. Never mind that the one nation on Earth responsible for the most pollution by far is moving full steam ahead and completely unfettered by the UN Agenda 2030 policies of austerity that all of us in the “free world” are literally choking to death on. Maybe it’s not really about the environment, after all.

    Is trading our privacy and accepting constant under-the-skin surveillance forever in exchange for the promise of “much better healthcare” really going to be worth it? Are the billionaire clients of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell really planning to live as immortal virtual gods while they genetically modify the rest of humanity to be their own subhuman slave class? Is it possible that there is no possibility at all even in a million years that CO2 emissions resulting from the industry of humankind could ever conceivably be seriously considered as a causal agent for climate change on planet Earth?

    We’ll answer these questions and more in this episode of Rock Stone Report LIVE.

    Buy this guy a coffee ...and ROCK ON \m/


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    58 分
  • All Along the Watchtower

    Episode 19 | September 2022 | Week 1:

    There Must Be Some Kind of Way Out of Here

    Imagine that you are spending a lovely Saturday at home with your family, perhaps even grilling up some tasty feature for an early supper, while the children are playing on their swingset and music can be heard softly playing from the kitchen window. Then, right in the middle of “Hotel California”, just as Glen Frye really turns up the juice on his sweet rock and roll guitar solo, the crack of gunfire and the rat-a-tat-tat of fully automatic machine guns ring out across the neighborhood. You hear shouting, it turns to screams. You look from your frightened children to your beloved, who has just emerged with a spiked baseball bat and a 9MM. What are you going to do?

    If it were me, my first thought would be for the safety of my children. I’d want to know what the hell was going on in this neighborhood and try to figure out a plan to GTFO with my loved ones before the bullets started heading in our direction. But, just imagine, that within the few seconds it took to process those thoughts, it was already too late. The men with machine guns, wearing patches of American flags, were already in your backyard with their knees in your children’s backs and the muzzle of an M-14 pressed against your forehead. Dinner’s ready!

    Could we be looking at a new era of “Manifest Destiny”, where one group believes they have the divine right of kings to claim not just an entire continent as before but, instead, the entire planet? Will we be saved from the impending collapse of society and the following descent into tyranny by another manipulated electoral contest between elephants and asses? Where have all the missing children who we know were swallowed up in a sick worldwide network of human trafficking gone? Does anybody care anymore?

    We’ll answer these questions and more in this episode of Rock Stone Report LIVE.

    Buy this guy a coffee ...and ROCK ON \m/


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    59 分
  • Your Civil War

    Episode 18 | August 2022 | Week 3:

    For the Love of God and Your Human Rights

    Just hold up a second there, hoss! We didn’t ask for this fight. We’re the ones who politely said, “NO” to their deadly forced injections. We’ve been threatened, brow-beaten, mocked, banned, censored, and ostracised because they decided that our body is their choice and then relentlessly hunted down every vax-resistant anti-vaxxer left to be found on the planet. We’ve courageously suffered through all of their vicious coordinated attacks against us for the past two years and held the line on principle, for all we hold dear, and with honor.

    Now, it seems, that our criminal abusers are attempting to flip the script and crowd their entitled, dishonest, murderous overfed collective posteriors across the battle line to our sanguineous side and invade the camps which we have been defending against them. What madness is this? What theatre! Have you ever seen such a perverse and pathological pack of panicked politicians? They shift blame so fast that it could give you whiplash.

    The thing about pathologically abusive personality types is that, while they are extremely dangerous and are capable of committing the most heinous acts, they are not at all imaginative. In truth, they are a slave to their need for control. At their core, they are scared, weak deceivers - like every dimwitted, brutish, overbearing, arrogant schoolyard bully in history. The lesson that we should have learned by now is that the bully never stops until he gets popped.

    Is there any logical way to rationalize the belief that governments around the world have not declared an all-out war on the people of Earth? Do the Brandon regime and the Center for Disease Creation really believe they're going to get away with gaslighting the embattled anti-vaxxer crowd? Could we be witnessing the controlled demolition of our heritage and our infrastructure, while the very same people responsible for orchestrating this destruction continue robbing us into slavery?

    We’ll answer these questions and more in this episode of Rock Stone Report LIVE.

    Buy this guy a coffee ...and ROCK ON \m/


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    1 時間 16 分
  • Sympathy for the Devil

    Episode 17 | August 2022 | Week 2:

    Please, Allow Me To Introduce Myself

    For those of us who are wise as serpents and gentle as doves, the sheer amount and grand scale of deception occurring in the world today can feel overwhelming. While we don’t pretend to have all of the answers to explain away this diabolical dramaturge playing out on the world stage, we can see that it is indeed a type of theatre macabre. So, it is impossible for us to go along according to their script with the rest of the NPCs who have been lost in a dream spell and who are convinced the stage props are real.

    But, these people are our loved ones, our neighbors, and our co-workers; we may have been close with them in the past but now they ignore us, as if we don’t exist because we chose to question the science rather than trust it. Most of us thought that the unprecedented number of deaths and lifelong injuries incurred around the world would sound a desperately needed wake-up call, and our friends and loved ones would return to us, all the wiser, so we could focus our collective attention and our outrage on the scumbags in white coats, and their shiny little needles, who injected the world with poison.

    Instead, they have continued to get more injections, every time somebody on TV tells them they are eligible. They have decided that “the science” is their new religion, the bureaucrats are their saints, and the painted bobbleheads on every cable news network are their sanctimonious priests. So, they have only grown more offended by us because we are the stiff-necked sinners who have denounced their messiah, and the divide between us now may never be crossed again.

    Does calling whatever the current thing is into question mean you’re actually a fringe alt-right kooky conspiracy theorist, as the finger pointers would have everyone believe? Could there really be some nefarious global political criminal conspiracy at work behind the scenes? While they’re busy painting “conspiracy theories” as public enemy number one, is it possible that the mindguards of mass formation groupthink are the true danger to society, as has been the case throughout history?

    We’ll answer these questions and more in this episode of Rock Stone Report LIVE.

    Buy this guy a coffee ...and ROCK ON \m/


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    1 時間 10 分
  • Symphony of Destruction

    Episode 16 | August 2022 | Week 1:

    Dance Like Marionaettes

    The intricately interlaced and sophisticated systems of our great modern civilization require a certain degree of compatibility and cooperation in order for them to function. Just consider what might happen on a four-lane freeway if even one person ignored the “rules of the road” and didn’t let those little bumps glued on top of the painted lines stop them from steering their vehicle into a lane of oncoming traffic. We tend to take our participation in these systems for granted and overlook the mountain of trust that we’ve collectively placed in them.

    As long as everyone is on the same page and operating within the same agreed-upon parameters, which are often codified as some sort of law of conduct, the system seems to keep working as intended and the hamster wheel goes round and round. The immobile axis upon which these wheels of interconnected systems are predicated is perhaps best illustrated by the concept of Field Theory, as proposed in the 1940s by Gestalt psychologist Kurt Lewin. This theory suggests that our Behavior (B) is a function of our Life Space (LS) and that our Life Space (LS) is created through the interaction of us as a Person (P) with our Environment (E).

    Is it possible that there exists a secret roundtable think tank of billionaire elitists who are purposely exploiting these factors in order to manipulate the unsuspecting people of Earth? Is this authoritarian trend toward a centralized one-world government system really the solution to our collapsing society, or is it the cause? If Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted for sex trafficking of children, why haven’t the names of her paying clients that were written in her little black book been released - or even investigated?

    We’ll answer these questions and more in this episode of Rock Stone Report LIVE.

    Buy this guy a coffee ...and ROCK ON \m/


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    59 分
  • Rock Stone Report LIVE [Series Preview]

    Rock Stone Report LIVE | Series Preview

    Mike Rock Stone here, and I'm inviting you to join me for these weekly reports where I attempt to connect the dots of the past and present with apolitical news commentary put into historical context, breaking the dream spell of the New World Order.

    The Rock Stone Report audience is wide awake, pissed-off, and sick of the media gaslighting. They do their own research. They question authority. They question the science. They question everything.

    Rock Stone Report LIVE is a 1-hour show, once per week. The first half of the show is dedicated to apolitical news commentary on the top stories for that week. During the second half, I read aloud my current article on mrockstone.substack.com.

    Time is running out. Agenda 2030 is accelerating. Tell your friends and family it's time to wake up ...and ROCK ON \m/


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    10 分
  • Buddha Bunny Daisy
    Buddha Bunny Daisy (Trance Dance)
    M. ROCK STONE | 2022

    The little brown bird heard the word
    About Buddha Bunny Daisy
    He told the hound about what he’d found
    He said was truly amazing

    The tortoise and the hare and the fox were there
    Singing holding hands and dancing
    And all the while Buddha Bunny smiled
    Swaying and sweetly glancing, she sang…

    Om, Om
    Buddha Bunny Daisy trance dance
    Singing, Om
    Buddha Bunny Daisy, transcendental rabbit
    Buddha Bunny Daisy trance dance

    Before too soon, ol’ Rocky Raccoon
    Told the cat that he had the notion
    To go tell the bear and take him up there
    And see what was all this commotion

    The billy goat cleared his throat
    And asked the pig if he knew what’s happening
    He said go ask the horse, he’ll know of course

    Buy this guy a coffee ...and ROCK ON \m/


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    3 分
  • Land of Confusion

    Episode 15 | July 2022 | Week 4:

    Is This The World We Live In?

    Years ago, when I was innocently involved in a long-term relationship with a malignant covert narcissistic female, I often found myself in an emotionally painful state of confusion. Confusion is such a distressing state for one to be caught in because it is usually accompanied by other compounding emotions like fear and anger. Part of the problem is that confusion carries with it an inherent feeling of powerlessness since if we can’t understand the nature of the problem or how to solve it, we’re helplessly left to suffer within it.

    However, someone with a narcissistic personality disorder can’t resist their natural urge to be an agent of chaos and confusion in the world around them. In the same way that feeling confused can make you feel powerless in a world that’s out of your control, being the one who deliberately creates a state of confusion in another person gives you a sense of being in control. So, on the surface, it may seem confusing as to why our so-called health agencies are continuing to push forward with coerced injections for every living human being from babies to seniors while at the same time ignoring the evidence that they are causing more harm than good, it is nothing more than a pathological desire to control and manipulate the minds of the masses.

    Could the entire global health establishment be involved in collusion with the pharmaceutical corporations in order to murder 90% of the population? Was the entire vaccine and virology industry invented for the sole purpose of population control by spreading disease? How is it that the New World Order goals of the UN Agenda 2030 and Hitler’s long-promised New Order appear to be the same?

    We’ll answer these questions and more in this episode of Rock Stone Report LIVE.

    Buy this guy a coffee ...and ROCK ON \m/


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    1 時間 1 分