Episode 19 | September 2022 | Week 1:
There Must Be Some Kind of Way Out of HereImagine that you are spending a lovely Saturday at home with your family, perhaps even grilling up some tasty feature for an early supper, while the children are playing on their swingset and music can be heard softly playing from the kitchen window. Then, right in the middle of “Hotel California”, just as Glen Frye really turns up the juice on his sweet rock and roll guitar solo, the crack of gunfire and the rat-a-tat-tat of fully automatic machine guns ring out across the neighborhood. You hear shouting, it turns to screams. You look from your frightened children to your beloved, who has just emerged with a spiked baseball bat and a 9MM. What are you going to do?
If it were me, my first thought would be for the safety of my children. I’d want to know what the hell was going on in this neighborhood and try to figure out a plan to GTFO with my loved ones before the bullets started heading in our direction. But, just imagine, that within the few seconds it took to process those thoughts, it was already too late. The men with machine guns, wearing patches of American flags, were already in your backyard with their knees in your children’s backs and the muzzle of an M-14 pressed against your forehead. Dinner’s ready!
Could we be looking at a new era of “Manifest Destiny”, where one group believes they have the divine right of kings to claim not just an entire continent as before but, instead, the entire planet? Will we be saved from the impending collapse of society and the following descent into tyranny by another manipulated electoral contest between elephants and asses? Where have all the missing children who we know were swallowed up in a sick worldwide network of human trafficking gone? Does anybody care anymore?
We’ll answer these questions and more in this episode of Rock Stone Report LIVE.
Buy this guy a coffee ...and ROCK ON \m/