Episode 16 | August 2022 | Week 1:
Dance Like MarionaettesThe intricately interlaced and sophisticated systems of our great modern civilization require a certain degree of compatibility and cooperation in order for them to function. Just consider what might happen on a four-lane freeway if even one person ignored the “rules of the road” and didn’t let those little bumps glued on top of the painted lines stop them from steering their vehicle into a lane of oncoming traffic. We tend to take our participation in these systems for granted and overlook the mountain of trust that we’ve collectively placed in them.
As long as everyone is on the same page and operating within the same agreed-upon parameters, which are often codified as some sort of law of conduct, the system seems to keep working as intended and the hamster wheel goes round and round. The immobile axis upon which these wheels of interconnected systems are predicated is perhaps best illustrated by the concept of Field Theory, as proposed in the 1940s by Gestalt psychologist Kurt Lewin. This theory suggests that our Behavior (B) is a function of our Life Space (LS) and that our Life Space (LS) is created through the interaction of us as a Person (P) with our Environment (E).
Is it possible that there exists a secret roundtable think tank of billionaire elitists who are purposely exploiting these factors in order to manipulate the unsuspecting people of Earth? Is this authoritarian trend toward a centralized one-world government system really the solution to our collapsing society, or is it the cause? If Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted for sex trafficking of children, why haven’t the names of her paying clients that were written in her little black book been released - or even investigated?
We’ll answer these questions and more in this episode of Rock Stone Report LIVE.
Buy this guy a coffee ...and ROCK ON \m/