FluentFiction - Welsh

著者: FluentFiction.org
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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
Copyright FluentFiction.org
  • Gwion's Snowy Market Adventure: A Lesson in Flexibility
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Gwion's Snowy Market Adventure: A Lesson in Flexibility Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-01-14-23-34-01-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Gwelodd Gwion eira'n syrthio'n araf ar y llawr wrth gerdded tuag at farchnad ffermwyr lleol.En: Gwion saw snow falling slowly on the ground as he walked towards the local farmers' market.Cy: Roedd y lle’n llawn bywyd, gyda'r sawl oedd yn cerfio'u siwrnai rhwng stondinau.En: The place was full of life, with people carving their journey between the stalls.Cy: Roedd adleisiau sŵn pobl eraill yn siarad, a'r aroglau tymhestlog o fwydydd yn llenwi'r aer oer.En: Echoes of others talking and the tempestuous aromas of foods filled the cold air.Cy: Roedd Gwion yn dal ei restr siopa yn dynn.En: Gwion held his shopping list tightly.Cy: "Carys," meddai, gan edrych ar ei henw ar ei restr, "mae angen i ni gael popeth yn union o'r rhestr.En: "Carys," he said, looking at her name on his list, "we need to get everything exactly from the list.Cy: Nid oes amser am ffwlbri.En: There's no time for nonsense."Cy: "Chwarddodd Carys yn ddigon tawel.En: Carys chuckled quietly.Cy: "Gwion, pam nad ymgeisiwn ni ffigyrau newydd?En: "Gwion, why don't we try some new things?Cy: Gallai rhai ohonynt fod yn well na'r rhai ar y rhestr.En: Some of them might be better than the ones on the list."Cy: "Dangosodd Gwion linellau sydd eisoes wedi'u llunio fel rhai sy'n rhaid iddynt gael eu cadw’n ddiogel.En: Gwion showed the lines already drawn as ones that must be kept safe.Cy: "Ond dyma'r plan.En: "But this is the plan.Cy: Plân yw'r prif beth.En: The plan is the main thing."Cy: "Fe wnaethant areithio rhwng stondinau’m rhagammadwain, a sylweddoli bod llawer o’r eitemau gwreiddiol ar y rhestr yn annhebyg i’w cael oherwydd yr eira.En: They walked between stalls without deviation, realizing that many of the original items on the list were unlikely to be found due to the snow.Cy: Roedd hyn yn peri pryder i Gwion.En: This caused concern for Gwion.Cy: Ond ni wnaeth Carys aros yn sefyll yn segur.En: But Carys did not stand idle.Cy: Cerddodd hi at stondin arall a dangosodd frasfarn bratwgaid i Gwion.En: She walked to another stall and showed Gwion a bundle of unfamiliar greens.Cy: "Dyma batwgaid newydd, sydd ddim ar y rhestr," meddai Carys gyda sglei yn ei llygaid.En: "Here's a new type of greens, which isn't on the list," Carys said with a sparkle in her eye.Cy: "Beth os ceisiwch hwn ar gyfer pryd cinio heno?En: "What if you try this for dinner tonight?"Cy: "Daliodd Gwion ei hunan yn poeni, ond roedd ei feddwl yn cymesurol yn derbyn y syniad.En: Gwion found himself worrying, but his mind slowly accepted the idea.Cy: "Efallai bod hynny’n bosib," a dywedodd, er iddo deimlo'n ychydig yn anesmwyth wrth agor ei ddwylo i'r anghyfarwydd.En: "Perhaps that's possible," he said, though he felt a little uneasy as he opened his hands to the unfamiliar.Cy: Ym mhen draw'r sioe, parhau ar y siwrnai, gweld pethau nad oedd o erioed erioed wedi eu profi o’r blaen fel y dail creision, lle découvre'r stondinaeth leol o'i hamgylch, a phenderfynodd fuddsoddi yn yr eiriau newydd amdanau a oedd yn denu ei foch.En: At the end of the show, continuing on the journey, seeing things he had never experienced before like the crispy leaves, he discovered the local stalls around him and decided to invest in the new words about them that attracted his cheeks.Cy: Pan gerddwyd, gyda basged bron yn llawn cynnyrch newydd oedd yn sefyll wrth sefydlogrwydd gwyrdd-fêl y farchnad, roedd y difrifoldeb yn ei gorff yn marweiddio.En: As they walked, with a basket nearly full of new produce that stood against the green-yellow stability of the market, the seriousness in his body dissipated.Cy: Edrychodd e i'r ochr a rhoi gwên i Garys.En: He looked aside and smiled at Carys.Cy: "Wel, falle nad yw popeth ar y daith i fod yn union fel yr oeddwn i’n ei ddisgwyl," meddai, "ond rwy’n teimlo bod rhywbeth newydd i ddysgu.En: "Well, maybe not everything on the trip is supposed to be exactly as I expected," he said, "but I feel there's something new to learn."Cy: "Roedd Carys yn chwerthin gyda llawenydd yn ei llygaid, gan deimlo bod y wyntoedd wedi newid.En: Carys laughed with joy in her eyes, feeling the winds had changed.Cy: Roedd Gwion, er arafu’r eira diweddar, gellir ei ddysgu sut i fwynhau symud yn rhydd yn ei drêf.En: Even though the snow was slowing him down, Gwion was learning how to enjoy moving freely in his town.Cy: Roedd yr eira wedi rhoi cynllun newydd iddynt, a nhw’n gadael y marchnad yn hapus, gan ddisgwyl blasu’r danteithion yr oeddynt wedi’u prynu gyda gwên ar eu hwynebau.En: The snow had given them a new plan, and they left the market happily, looking forward to tasting the treats they had bought with smiles on their faces. Vocabulary Words:falling: syrthiojourney: siwrnaitempestuous: tymhestlogaroma: aroglcarving: cerfioplan: plândeviation: ...
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  • A Twilight Lesson on Healing in Cardiff Bay
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: A Twilight Lesson on Healing in Cardiff Bay Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-01-14-08-38-19-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Mae'r haul yn disgyn ac yn creu golau euraidd dros Fae Caerdydd.En: The sun is setting and casting a golden light over Cardiff Bay.Cy: Mae Carys yn crwydro wrth ymyl y dŵr, yn mwynhau hwnnw o eiliad o dawelwch.En: Carys is wandering by the water, enjoying that moment of silence.Cy: Ond mae’r tawelwch yn cael ei dorri yn sydyn.En: But the silence is suddenly broken.Cy: Poen sydyn yn torri trwy ei chefn.En: A sharp pain pierces through her back.Cy: "Ai poen meddwl yw hwn?En: "Is this a phantom pain?"Cy: " meddai Carys wrthi ei hun, ond mae'r deimlad yn teimlo'n annisgwyl ac yn drwm.En: Carys says to herself, but the feeling is unexpected and heavy.Cy: Yn y pellter, mae Dylan yn dod ato hi, ei wên yr un mor llachar ag erioed.En: In the distance, Dylan is approaching her, his smile as bright as ever.Cy: "Carys, sut wyt ti?En: "Carys, how are you?"Cy: " gofynnodd, yn ymddangos yn hollol ddieindiawn.En: he asked, appearing completely unaware.Cy: "Rwy'n teimlo… anghyfforddus," dywedodd Carys, ei llais yn fach.En: "I feel... uncomfortable," said Carys, her voice small.Cy: Mae Dylan yn gallu gweld y poen yng nghanol ei lygaid.En: Dylan can see the pain in the middle of her eyes.Cy: "Rhaid i ti fynd i weld rhywun," mae Dylan yn datgan, yn gafael yn gadarn yn ei llaw.En: "You need to go see someone," Dylan declares, gripping her hand firmly.Cy: Ond mae Carys yn ansicr.En: But Carys is uncertain.Cy: Pe bai'n ddewr am y tro, efallai y byddai’r poen hwn yn diflannu.En: If she were brave for a moment, maybe this pain would disappear.Cy: Mae Eira, ei chyfnither, yn feddyg yn ymarferol.En: Eira, her cousin, is a practicing doctor.Cy: Eto, mae Eira mor brysur gyda’i hastudiaethau.En: Yet, Eira is so busy with her studies.Cy: Byddai Carys yn casáu tarfu arni.En: Carys would hate to disturb her.Cy: Mae’r gaeaf yn berlwyn, yr awyr yn ddibendraw ac mae’r tonnau’n curo mor ddistaw.En: The winter is pearl-white, the sky endless, and the waves beat so quietly.Cy: Ond mae’r poen yn dyfnhau, ac nid yw Carys yn gallu anwybyddu.En: But the pain deepens, and Carys can't ignore it.Cy: "Os wyt ti'n poeni am Eira, mae hi'n glinigol fan yma," meddai Dylan, yn cyfeirio at ganolfan feddygol y drws nesaf.En: "If you're worried about Eira, she's right here at the clinic," said Dylan, referring to the medical center next door.Cy: Mae popeth yn digwydd yn sydyn, fel pe bai cyfarfod destiny.En: Everything happens suddenly, as if meeting destiny.Cy: "Dewch ymlaen, mi fydd Eira eisiau helpu.En: "Come on, Eira will want to help."Cy: "Dim amser i feddwl, dim ond gweithredu.En: No time to think, just to act.Cy: Mae'r poen yn gwaethygu.En: The pain worsens.Cy: Nid yw bywyd yn aros.En: Life doesn’t wait.Cy: Carys, yn y pen draw, yn cyrraedd drws y clinig, ddwylo Dylan yn dal ei phen ar y llwybr.En: Carys, in the end, reaches the clinic door, Dylan's hands holding her head on the path.Cy: Wrth gamle fel cysgodi mewn partneriaeth, mae' Carys a Dylan yn dod i fewn.En: Moving as if in a shadow partnership, Carys and Dylan enter.Cy: Mae Eira wrthynt o fewn munud, yn edrych yn bried pan maen nhw'n esbonio'r sefyllfa.En: Eira is with them within minutes, looking concerned as they explain the situation.Cy: “Carys, ti jyst wedi gweithio'n ormodol,” Eire yn esbonio, yn cynnig gwên braf.En: "Carys, you've just been overworking yourself," Eira explains, offering a warm smile.Cy: “Ond symud ymlaen, mae'n hanfodol i warchod dy iechyd.En: "But moving forward, it's essential to protect your health."Cy: ”Cysur yn ei dyngu.En: Comfort soothes her.Cy: Ar ôl i Eira eu harchwilio’n drwyadl, mae yna beidio, ond ddim pryderu am newidiadau mawr.En: After Eira examines them thoroughly, there's reassurance, but no need to worry about major changes.Cy: “Rhaid i fi ddysgu fi i ofalu am fy hun," meddai Carys yn ddiolchgar, yn ymrwymo i newid ei phatrwm.En: "I must learn to take care of myself," Carys says gratefully, committing to changing her pattern.Cy: Dylan yn rhoi curiad hoffus ar ei chefn.En: Dylan gives a supportive pat on her back.Cy: “Rhywun yn rhoi pryderon ymarferol,” meddai o ddilyn.En: “Someone offering practical concerns,” he follows up.Cy: Yn cerdded allan o’r clinig hwnnw, does dim byd wedi newid o ran system Caerdydd, ond mae newid yng nghalon Carys.En: Walking out of that clinic, nothing has changed about Cardiff's system, but there's a change in Carys' heart.Cy: Yma yng nghalon y dinas, mae hi'n dysgu gwerth y foment, y pŵer o roi gwell sylw i'r galon sydd ganddi.En: Here in the heart of the city, she learns the value of the moment, the power of paying better attention to the heart she has.Cy: Fel daw'r noson, mae'r tonnau'n parhau i chwythu'n dawel wrth y lan.En: As evening comes, the waves continue to blow quietly...
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  • Surviving the Beacons: A Journey of Fear and Friendship
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Surviving the Beacons: A Journey of Fear and Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-01-13-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Yn yr eira trwm a'r gwynt oer, roedd Rhys, Eira ac Iwan yn sefyll ar ddechrau'r llwybr.En: In the heavy snow and cold wind, Rhys, Eira, and Iwan stood at the start of the trail.Cy: Roedd y Brecon Beacons yn hardd, llawn dirgelwch o dan y snowscaped.En: The Brecon Beacons were beautiful, filled with mystery beneath the snow-covered landscape.Cy: Roedd Rhys yn teimlo cyffro yn ei fynwes, ond hefyd ofn bach.En: Rhys felt excitement in his chest, but also a little fear.Cy: Roedd yn awyddus i orffen y llwybr heriol hwn i anwybyddu’i ofnau ei hun.En: He was eager to finish this challenging path to ignore his own fears.Cy: "Yn barod?En: "Ready?"Cy: " gofynnodd Eira, yn gwenu'n heriol.En: asked Eira, smiling challengingly.Cy: Roedd hi dros ben llestri â'r hyn a oedd yn eu disgwyl o'u blaenau.En: She was over the moon with what awaited them ahead.Cy: “Mae’n edrych fel ein bod am ddarganfod cyfrinachau’r mynyddoedd heddiw!En: "It looks like we're about to uncover the secrets of the mountains today!"Cy: ”Roedd Iwan yn ateb gyda chynllun: “Ni allwn fynd ymlaen os bydd y tywydd yn gwaethygu.En: Iwan replied with a plan: "We can't go on if the weather worsens.Cy: Dylem gadw ein llygaid ar arwyddion y tywydd.En: We should keep our eyes on the weather signs."Cy: ”Fe wnaethon nhw ddechrau ar hyd y llwybr, gyda'r eira'n sgrechian o dan eu traed trymion.En: They started along the path, with the snow crunching under their heavy feet.Cy: Wrth i'r dydd fynd yn ei flaen, dechreuodd ffloch o eira ddilyn, nes yn fuan roedd yr ysgubol wedi troi'n storm beryglus.En: As the day went on, a flurry of snow began to follow, soon turning into a dangerous storm.Cy: Roedd y gwynt yn chwythu'n llym, yn taro yn erbyn eu hwynebau.En: The wind blew harshly, striking against their faces.Cy: Roedd Rhys yn edrych ar ei ffrindiau, teimlo’r pwysau ar ei ysgwyddau.En: Rhys looked at his friends, feeling the weight on his shoulders.Cy: Roedd wedi arwain nhw i'r eira, a nawr roedd angen iddo wneud penderfyniad.En: He had led them into the snow, and now he needed to make a decision.Cy: “Beth am gymryd llwybr arall?En: "How about taking another path?"Cy: ” cynigiodd Rhys.En: Rhys suggested.Cy: “Gallai’n dod ni’n nes at gysgod.En: "It might bring us closer to shelter."Cy: ”Roedd Eira yn crynu, ond cadwodd wên ar ei hwyneb.En: Eira was shivering, but kept a smile on her face.Cy: “Ti’n gwybod, Rhys, ni all yr eira ei hun stopio ni.En: "You know, Rhys, the snow itself can't stop us.Cy: Ond beth am i ni chwarae’n ddiogel?En: But how about we play it safe?"Cy: ”Gydag Iwan yn edrych o amgylch, fe wnaeth Rhys ddechrau ar y llwybr newydd.En: With Iwan looking around, Rhys started on the new path.Cy: Roedd llai o draffig ar y llwybr hwn, yn llai cyfarwydd.En: This path had less traffic, was less familiar.Cy: Ond roedd yn dangos gobeithion anghyfarwydd, yn llinell drwchus ynddo'i hun.En: But it showed unfamiliar hopes, a thick line in itself.Cy: Yr oeddynt o fewn eu pocedi wrth iddynt aros gydag iddo, cymryd eu camau'n ofalus, pob un gyda'i bryderau am yr eira'n cryfhau o gwmpas.En: They stayed close, taking cautious steps, each worried about the strengthening snow around them.Cy: Yn sydyn, darganfyddasant eu hunain yn sefyll ar ymyl clogwyn.En: Suddenly, they found themselves standing on the edge of a cliff.Cy: Roedd Rhys yn edrych dros ben ei ffordd â braw.En: Rhys looked over in fright.Cy: Roedd y storm wedi eu dal mewn cragen, y tirlun yn anhrefn murmur o wynedd o'u cwmpas.En: The storm had trapped them in a shell, the landscape a chaotic murmur of whiteness around them.Cy: "Mae'n rhaid i ni stopio fan hyn," dywedodd Iwan yn gadarn.En: "We have to stop here," Iwan said firmly.Cy: "Nid yw diogelwch i'w chwarae yma.En: "Safety isn't something to play with here."Cy: "Yn y funud honno, sylweddolodd Rhys ei fod yn unrhyw faint neu'n allu allweddol.En: In that moment, Rhys realized he was neither indispensable nor key.Cy: Yn hytrach na phrofi pwynt, roedd yn rhaid iddynt oroesi.En: Rather than proving a point, they had to survive.Cy: "Mae'n iawn," atebodd Rhys yn bwyllog, "Gadewch i ni ddod o hyd i gysgod.En: "That's right," Rhys responded calmly, "Let's find shelter."Cy: "Wedi'i blino ond yn benderfynol, roedd y grŵp yn symud tua chwilio man cysgodi, achubyn traethodol ar eu cylchedd fflat.En: Tired but determined, the group moved towards finding a sheltered spot, a safe haven on their flat surroundings.Cy: Wedi’u gwthio gan y gwynt, roedd y pena’r clwstwr yn dywyll, ond hefyd yn ddiogel, pryd rhedodd Rhys eiliad o ddiolch.En: Pushed by the wind, the cluster's head was dark, but also safe, where Rhys took a moment of gratitude.Cy: Ar ôl i’r storm grynhoi, roedd y tri yn gadael eu lloches.En: After the ...
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FluentFiction - Welshに寄せられたリスナーの声
