FluentFiction - Welsh

著者: FluentFiction.org
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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
Copyright FluentFiction.org
  • Braving Eryri: Gwyneth’s Unforgettable Summit Triumph
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Braving Eryri: Gwyneth’s Unforgettable Summit Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-03-06-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Wrth i'r bws gwibio trwy goedwig gymylog tuag at Eryri, roedd Gwyneth yn syllu allan ohono, ei chalon yn curo'n gyflym.En: As the bus sped through the misty forest towards Eryri, Gwyneth stared out of it, her heart beating quickly.Cy: Roedd Aberystwyth High School yn golwg bell erbyn hyn, ond mae'r antur newydd yn ei charlamu ymlaen.En: Aberystwyth High School was a distant sight by now, but the new adventure was galloping her forward.Cy: Roedd hi wedi cynllunio am y taith hon ers wythnosau, wedi iddi benderfynu sicrhau llun perffaith o'r copa i'w gyflwyno mewn cystadleuaeth gelf ysgol.En: She had been planning this trip for weeks, after deciding to secure the perfect picture of the summit to present in a school art competition.Cy: "Bydd y tywydd yn her," meddai Emyr, ei athro bioleg, wrth gweddill y dosbarth.En: "The weather will be a challenge," said Emyr, her biology teacher, to the rest of the class.Cy: Roedd ei llais yn gryf a chadarn, hyd yn oed wrth iddo siarad am ymdrech dangos sefydlogrwydd.En: His voice was strong and steady, even as he spoke of an effort showing stability.Cy: "Mae'n dda cael eich atgoffa," meddai Anwen, eistedd ar ei heisteddle fel arfer, ei golwg amheus yn llygaid Gwyneth.En: "It’s good to be reminded," said Anwen, sitting in her usual seat, her skeptical look in Gwyneth's eyes.Cy: "Rhaid bod yn ofalus."En: "We must be careful."Cy: "Rhaid ceisio," meddai Gwyneth, ei brwdfrydedd heb ei guddio.En: "We must try," said Gwyneth, her enthusiasm on display.Cy: Roedd hi'n teimlo'r dynfa gref i gyffwrdd â thir uchel y mynyddoedd ac i cipio’r olygfa.En: She felt a strong urge to touch the high land of the mountains and capture the view.Cy: Wrth iddyn nhw ddechrau ddringo'r llwybr tuag at gopa'r Wyddfa, rhew y gwanwyn hwyr yn y gwynt yn eu rhedeg.En: As they began to climb the path towards the summit of Yr Wyddfa, the late spring frost in the wind swept past them.Cy: Roedd y cymylau'n llaes, yn cuddio'r copa fel mwg.En: The clouds were hanging low, hiding the summit like smoke.Cy: "Yn ddiogel," atgoffodd Anwen gydag ochenaid.En: "Safely," reminded Anwen with a sigh.Cy: "Mae'n bwysig."En: "It's important."Cy: Doedd Emyr ddim am gymryd risgiau di-angen.En: Emyr did not want to take unnecessary risks.Cy: "Rhaid i ni aros gyda'n gilydd," dywedodd wrth bawb, gan ddal ei ffon gerdded yn dyn.En: "We must stay together," he told everyone, holding his walking stick tightly.Cy: Ond roedd tân yng ngolwg Gwyneth.En: But there was fire in Gwyneth's eyes.Cy: "Dod ymlaen," anogodd, gan ddechrau symud; roedd ei phrif ffocws ar y llun hwnnw.En: "Come on," she encouraged, beginning to move; her main focus was on that picture.Cy: Roedd ar ei cholled.En: She was determined.Cy: Wrth iddynt ganolbwyntio, y cymylau'n suddo'n araf.En: As they focused, the clouds slowly descended.Cy: Ar y copa, goroesi enbyd a diddordeb, roedd golygfa arbennig yn aros.En: At the summit, surviving the adversity and curiosity, a remarkable view awaited.Cy: Daeth haul y dydd i ben i'r llinell orwel, yn glep o felyn a phorffor.En: The sun of the day reached the horizon line, in a burst of yellow and purple.Cy: Roedd eiliad hudolus yn eu taro i gyd mewn tawelwch.En: A magical moment struck them all into silence.Cy: “Rhaid gweld!” gwaeddodd Gwyneth, tynnu’r camera a chlicio.En: "Must see!" shouted Gwyneth, pulling out the camera and clicking.Cy: Wrth iddynt ddod yn ôl, siaradodd Gwyneth a Anwen â’i gilydd, calonau wedi'u llenwi â balchder ac agwedd newydd.En: As they returned, Gwyneth and Anwen talked to each other, hearts filled with pride and a new perspective.Cy: "Rwy'n falch inni fentro," dywedodd Anwen, ei holl strach wedi llacio'n ysgafnach erbyn heddiw.En: "I'm glad we dared," said Anwen, all her tension now lightened.Cy: Yn Aberystwyth High School, gyflwynodd Gwyneth ei llun.En: Back at Aberystwyth High School, Gwyneth presented her picture.Cy: Gyda'r llun hwnnw, roedd Gwyneth wedi darganfod mwy nag y gall y natur cynnig, ond hefyd ei chorfforaeth bersonol.En: With that picture, Gwyneth had discovered more than nature can offer, but also her own personal growth.Cy: Roedd y dyfarniad yn glir.En: The judgment was clear.Cy: Enillodd hi'r gystadleuaeth.En: She won the competition.Cy: Roedd ei thadau yn brolio ei llun, wrth iddi gynyddu mewn hyder a gwybodaeth newydd.En: Her parents boasted about her picture, as she grew in confidence and new knowledge.Cy: Roedd ei chyfoedion wedi dysgu ein bod ni'n cyrraedd ein nodau dim ond trwy ddal ati.En: Her peers had learned that we only reach our goals by persevering.Cy: Gwers Gwyneth oedd am byth—gallu mentyro gyda chymorth y rhai o'ch cwmpas.En: Gwyneth's lifelong lesson—having the courage to venture with the support of those around you.Cy: Roedd yr hyn a...
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  • Weathering Change: Teamwork in Eryri’s Fragile Ecosystem
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Weathering Change: Teamwork in Eryri’s Fragile Ecosystem Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-03-05-23-34-01-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Yn nghanol y Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri, roedd Gareth, Carys, a Rhiannon yn dechrau ar eu gwaith ymchwil amgylcheddol.En: In the heart of Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri (Snowdonia National Park), Gareth, Carys, and Rhiannon were beginning their environmental research work.Cy: Roedd aer y gwanwyn yn oeri yn y bore, a chŵl melfed y bryniau yn ennyn bywyd newydd.En: The spring air was chilly in the morning, and the velvet slopes of the hills were sparking new life.Cy: Eithr, roedd y tywydd yn ansefydlog, gyda chymylau duon yn groes i'r gwellhad cynnar.En: However, the weather was unstable, with dark clouds against the early improvement.Cy: Gareth, gwyddonydd amgylcheddol gyda breuddwydion mawr, trodd ei olygon tuag at y mynyddoedd.En: Gareth, an environmental scientist with big dreams, turned his gaze toward the mountains.Cy: Ei nod oedd cwblhau astudiaeth hollbwysig i wella arferion cynaliadwy yng Nghymru.En: His goal was to complete a crucial study to improve sustainable practices in Wales.Cy: Roedd yr arhosfa hon yn golygu cynnig newydd i'w gymrodorion academaidd.En: This endeavor meant a new proposal for his academic colleagues.Cy: Carys, ei gynorthwyydd maes, roedd yn gyffrous ond hefyd yn ofalus.En: Carys, his field assistant, was excited but also cautious.Cy: Carai hi'r gymuned naturiol; roedd ei hynod o ofal dros gadwraeth y parc.En: She loved the natural community; her particular care for the park's conservation was noteworthy.Cy: "Dylwn ni fynd ati i beidio gor-bwysleisio ar gyfrifiadau Gareth," meddai Carys.En: "We should avoid over-emphasizing on calculations, Gareth," said Carys.Cy: Rhiannon, gyda'i deithiau a'i profiad eu hymddiriedolaethau gyda bywyd gwyllt lleol, edrychodd y ddau, gan ddweud, "Mae'r ecosystem yma'n fregus, does neb yn deall hynny fel fi."En: Rhiannon, with her journeys and her experience in local wildlife trusts, looked at the two and said, "This ecosystem is fragile, no one understands that like I do."Cy: Roedd dadlau rhwng Gareth, sy'n gwrthod derbyn bod yr holl welliannau a wnaeth i'w borwr dethol aneffeithiol ac yn peryglu'r dirwedd.En: There was a disagreement between Gareth, who refused to accept that all the improvements he made to his selected grazing model were ineffective and threatening the landscape.Cy: "Rhaid i ni fwrw ymlaen. Mae amser yn fyr!" meddai.En: "We must push on. Time is short!" he said.Cy: Ond roedd braw am un hanfod unrhyw wrthg doen.En: But there was fear of an impending storm.Cy: "Pa mor barod ydych chi am storm fel hyn?"En: "How prepared are you for a storm like this?"Cy: Ar Ddydd Gŵyl Dewi, yn sydyn, rhuthrodd storm drawodd yr Eryri i gyd.En: On St. David's Day, suddenly, a storm swept across the whole of Eryri.Cy: Dechreuodd y tîm gasglu eu hoffer mewn pryd pan sylweddolodd Gareth bod e ddim yn ddigon parod.En: The team began to gather their equipment just in time when Gareth realized he wasn't adequately prepared.Cy: Gostyngodd ei dynfa yn sydyn wrth wylio'r gymuned naturiol yn brwydro'r tywydd.En: His enthusiasm suddenly dropped as he watched the natural community battle the weather.Cy: Ymddiheurodd Gareth wrth Rhiannon a Carys.En: Gareth apologized to Rhiannon and Carys.Cy: "Mae'n amlwg bod cynnwys eich pryderon yn hanfodol. Heb hynny, byddai'r effaith yn andwyol," cyfaddefodd Gareth.En: "It's clear that including your concerns is essential. Without it, the impact would be detrimental," admitted Gareth.Cy: Cydweithiodd y tîm i ailstrwythuro'r dull, gyda phwyslais newydd ar geisio'r dynfa lawn o Rhiannon fel arweinydd y tîm ochr amgylcheddol.En: The team collaborated to restructure the approach, with a new emphasis on seeking the full guidance of Rhiannon as the environmental side team leader.Cy: Parchai Gareth, yn awr, yr un cydbwysedd rhwng datblygiad gwyddonol a chadwraeth byd natur.En: Gareth now respected the balance between scientific development and nature conservation.Cy: A ninnau'n ffwrdd yn y parc, gyda fortuno Gareth bellach wedi'i osod ar waranted a deall gwreiddiol.En: And so, they went on in the park, with Gareth's endeavors now grounded in understanding and appreciation.Cy: Roedd sŵn canu'r adar a phlantfferm y gwanwyn newydd, wrth arddangos fel rhai addawol, yn arddyweddyd eu llwyddiant newydd.En: The sound of birds singing and the promise of the new spring, exhibiting as portents of success, underscored their new achievement. Vocabulary Words:chilly: oerivelvet: melfedunstable: ansefydlogendeavor: arhosfanoteworthy: hynodfragile: bregusdisagreement: dadleuineffective: aneffeithiolimpending: hanfoddetrimental: andwyolcollaborated: cydweithioddrestructure: ailstrwythuroemphasis: pwyslaisguidance: dynfaappreciation: deallportents: addawolslopes: bryniaucrucial: hollbwysigsustainable: cynaliadwycalculation: ...
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  • Finding Friendship: New Beginnings in Caerdydd's Tea Haven
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Finding Friendship: New Beginnings in Caerdydd's Tea Haven Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-03-04-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Mae'r haul yn disgleirio'n dyner drwy ffenestri siop de gyffyrddus yng Nghaerdydd.En: The sun shines gently through the windows of a cozy tea shop in Caerdydd.Cy: Y tu mewn, mae'r ddaear wedi dechrau deffro o gysgu'r gaeaf.En: Inside, the earth has begun to wake from its winter slumber.Cy: Prynhawn gynnar o wanwyn yw e, a'r siop yn llawn cysur, gyda sŵn cain cwpanaid yn taro eu tannau cerddorol.En: It's an early spring afternoon, and the shop is full of comfort, with the delicate sound of cups striking their musical notes.Cy: Mae Eleri yn cerdded i mewn, ei llygaid yn crwydro'r ystafell fechan a chynnes.En: Eleri walks in, her eyes wandering around the small, warm room.Cy: Mae hi newydd ddod i fyw yng Nghaerdydd. Wedi gadael ei chartref yng nghefn gwlad, mae hi'n teimlo ar goll ac ar ei phen ei hun mewn dinas fawr.En: She has just moved to Caerdydd, having left her home in the countryside, and feels lost and alone in the big city.Cy: Ar gyfer heddiw, mae hi’n penderfynu rhoi tro ar y siop de yma, i ddianc rhag ei meddyliau.En: For today, she decides to give this tea shop a try, to escape her thoughts.Cy: Mae'r arogl te diweddar yn atgoffa hi o gartref, ac yn lleddfu ei phryder.En: The aroma of fresh tea reminds her of home and eases her anxiety.Cy: Mae hi'n dewis eistedd wrth fwrdd bychan â llythrennau wedi'u paentio ar ddarnau pren hen.En: She chooses to sit at a small table with letters painted on old wooden pieces.Cy: Yn union ar yr eiliad honno, mae Gareth yn cerdded i mewn.En: At that very moment, Gareth walks in.Cy: Mae'n wybren yr adran hon, yn mwynhau darganfod caffis newydd dros y penwythnosau.En: He is a regular in this area, enjoying discovering new cafes over the weekends.Cy: Mae ei wyneb yn gyfeillgar, a'i osgo yn llawn bywiogrwydd.En: His face is friendly, and his demeanor full of vigor.Cy: Mae'n gweld Eleri yn edrych ar ei teapot newydd gyda chwilfrydedd a phryder ysgafn.En: He sees Eleri looking at her new teapot with curiosity and light anxiety.Cy: "Ti’n hoffi'r math yna o de hefyd, 'te?" meddai Gareth, gan gwenu yn gynnes.En: "You like that kind of tea too, then?" says Gareth, warmly smiling.Cy: Mae Eleri yn syfrdano, ond yn ymateb gydag ychydig o wên.En: Eleri is taken aback but responds with a small smile.Cy: "Ia, dw i'n ei ffeindio'n hynod ddiddorol," ateb hi, yn falch o gael cwmni annisgwyl.En: "Yes, I find it quite interesting," she replies, glad to have unexpected company.Cy: Mae'r ddau yn dechrau sgwrsio, ac mae'r drafodaeth yn llifo'n naturiol.En: The two start chatting, and the conversation flows naturally.Cy: Maent yn trafod eu hoff fathau o de, llefydd i ymweld yng Nghaerdydd, a'r her o ddechrau bywyd newydd mewn dinas mawr.En: They discuss their favorite types of tea, places to visit in Caerdydd, and the challenge of starting a new life in a big city.Cy: O'r sgwrs hon, mae Eleri yn dechrau teimlo'n gysylltiedig â'r dinas am y tro cyntaf.En: From this conversation, Eleri begins to feel connected to the city for the first time.Cy: Wrth i'r haul symud yn araf heibio'r ffenestri, mae Eleri a Gareth yn cytuno i gwrdd eto.En: As the sun slowly moves past the windows, Eleri and Gareth agree to meet again.Cy: Mae'r cysylltiad newydd rhyngddyn nhw'n llawn posibiliadau newydd.En: The new connection between them is full of new possibilities.Cy: Efallai nad yw bywyd yng Nghaerdydd mor unig â'r hyn roedd Eleri yn ei ofni.En: Perhaps life in Caerdydd isn’t as lonely as Eleri had feared.Cy: Wrth iddynt fynd heibio i de, mae Eleri yn teimlo’n fwy hyderus ac agored i ffurfio cyfeillgarwch newydd.En: As they finish their tea, Eleri feels more confident and open to forming new friendships.Cy: Mae’r te poeth a’r sgwrs braf wedi ei chysuro, ac mae hi’n edrych ymlaen at ddyfnderoedd newydd mewn perthynas newydd hon.En: The hot tea and the pleasant conversation have comforted her, and she looks forward to new depths in this new relationship.Cy: Mae’r arwyddion cyntaf o wanwyn yn awgrymu dechrau newydd i Eleri, yn awr gyda Gareth ochr yn ochr â hi.En: The first signs of spring suggest a new beginning for Eleri, now with Gareth by her side. Vocabulary Words:gently: yn dynercozy: cyffyrdduswake: deffroslumber: cysguaroma: arogleases: lleddfuanxiety: prydercuriosity: chwilfrydedddemeanor: osgovigor: bywiogrwyddunexpected: annisgwylconversation: sgwrsconnected: gysylltiedigpossibilities: posibiliadaulonely: unigconfidence: hyderusfriendships: cyfeillgarwchdepths: dyfnderoeddbeginning: dechraudelicate: cainstriking: taropainted: paentiopieces: darnauregular: wybrendiscovering: darganfodchatting: sgwrsionaturally: yn naturiolchallenge: herfirst signs: arwyddion cyntafsuggest: awgrymu
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FluentFiction - Welshに寄せられたリスナーの声
