
  • On-Schedule with God (Lk. 2:1-7)

    Bible Talk Outline

    On-Schedule with God

    Lk. 2:1-7

    The circumstances of Jesus’ birth remind us that God graciously (and sometimes sovereignly) guides us to be on-schedule with God’s will for our lives, just as…

    Caesar’s decree was on-schedule (vv. 1-2)

    The multitudes’ travel was on-schedule (v. 3)

    Micah’s prophecy was on-schedule (vv. 4-5a, Is. 11:1; Mi. 5:2)

    Mary’s delivery was on-schedule (vv. 5b-6)

    Jesus’ incarnation was on-schedule (v. 7)

    Dr. Jim R. Coleman

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    18 分
  • Expect a Special Christmas Delivery (Lk. 67-80)

    Bible Talk Outline

    Expect a Special Christmas Delivery

    Lk. 1:67-80

    God’s gift of Jesus the Messiah both delivers us from sin’s effects and delivers to us abundant life. Christmas brings…

    ◊ the delivery from uncertainty into INSIGHT, like Zechariah

    experienced (v. 67)

    ◊ the delivery from slavery into FREEDOM, like Moses and

    Israel experienced (v. 68)

    ◊ the delivery from worldly kingdoms into a DYNASTY, like

    David experienced (vv. 69, 74-75)

    ◊ the delivery from threat into SECURITY, like the prophets

    promised (vv. 70-71)

    ◊ the delivery from incomplete community into a FAITH-FAMILY,

    like Abraham experienced (vv. 72-73)

    ◊ the delivery from spiritual darkness into SALVATION light, like

    John the Baptizer proclaimed (vv. 76-80)

    Dr. Jim R. Coleman

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    20 分
  • Mary the Magnifier (Lk. 1:46-55)

    Mary the Magnifier

    Lk. 1:46-55

    God is…

    ◊ magnified through Mary’s praise of Him (vv. 46-47)

    ▪ Mary the humble worshipper (v. 46a)

    ▪ The Mighty Lord, worthy of worship and praise (v. 46b)

    ▪ Mary the humble sinner (v. 47a)

    ▪ God, the Mighty Savior (v. 47b)

    ◊ magnified through Mary’s blessings from Him (vv. 48-49)

    ▪ Mary, one humble servant, is blessed (v. 48a)

    ▪ Generations, many voices, call her blessed (v. 48b)

    ▪ God, the Mighty One, provides

    ◦ powerful blessings (“mighty,” v. 49a)

    ◦ pure blessings (“holy,” v. 49b)

    ◦ personal blessings (“for me,” v. 49c)

    ◊ magnified because inequity is reversed by Him (vv. 50-53)

    ▪ God’s inequity-reversing mercy (v. 50) to the…

    ◦ powerless (v. 51a)

    ◦ poor in spirit, humble (v. 52b)

    ◦ poor materially (v. 53a)

    ▪ God’s inequity-reversing might (v. 51) toward the…

    ◦ proud (v. 51b)

    ◦ privilege3d and powerful (v. 52a)

    ◦ prosperous (v. 53b)

    ◊ magnified by fulfilling Israel’s covenant with Him (vv. 54-55)

    ▪ Israel, God’s humble servant (v. 54a)

    ▪ God, Israel’s mighty and merciful Promiser (vv. 54b-55)

    Dr. Jim R. Coleman

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  • Be the Blessed Remnant (Jer. 42:1-43:7)

    Be the Blessed Remnant!

    Jer. 42:1-43:7


    As the true remnant—unlike Judah’s deceptive refugees—we must sincerely…

    ◊ respect the blessing of spiritual leaders (vv. 1-2a, 4; 43:6b)

    ◊ seek the blessings of God’s will (vv. 2b-9, 20), which…

    ▪ humbly asks for prayer (vv. 2b-3)

    ▪ courageously pledges obedience (vv. 5-6)

    ▪ waits patiently (v. 7)

    ▪ calls all (regardless of status) to faithfulness (vv. 8-9)

    ◊ trust the blessings of God’s preservation, which

    ◦ builds us up (v. 10a)

    ◦ plants us for growth (v. 10b)

    ◦ reveals God’s presence (v. (11a)

    ◦ removes our fear (v. 11b)

    ◦ displays God’s power (v. 12a)

    ◦ offers God’s mercy (v. 12b)

    ◦ fulfills our calling (vv. 13-18)

    ◦ accepts God’s discipline (vv. 19-20)

    ◦ obeys God’s Word (43 :1-7)

    Dr. Jim R. Coleman

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    21 分
  • The Joy Connection!

    Bible Talk Outline

    The Joy Connection!

    John 15:9-17

    STAY in the Father's and Son’s love (vv. 9-11)

    OBEY the Father's and Son’s commands (vv. 12, 17)

    LAY down our life (vv. 13-15)

    PRAY for the Father's will (v. 16)

    Dr. Jim R. Coleman

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    17 分
  • Obey Anyway (Gen. 37:1-17)

    Bible Talk Outline

    Obey Anyway

    Gen. 37:1-17

    Obedience means that…

    ◊ with a broken past, you’re willing to grasp the future anyway (v. 1)

    ◊ when others practice deception, you’re committed to truth-telling

    anyway (v. 2)

    ◊ when others are jealous and hateful, you value relationships

    anyway (vv. 3-4)

    ◊ when others challenge your God-given gifts, you humbly, excitedly offer

    those gifts anyway (vv. 5-10)

    ◊ when others doubt, you inspire belief in possibilities anyway (v. 11)

    ◊ when tasks ahead are unpleasant, you eagerly serve anyway (vv. 12-14)

    ◊ when circumstances are confusing, you persist in mission anyway (vv. 15-17)

    Dr. Jim R. Coleman

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    20 分
  • What Is A Christian?

    Bible Talk Outline

    What is a Christian?

    Col. 2:6-7

    A Christian has…

    received Christ as Lord through the Good News taught by the apostles—an instructed

    faith requiring spiritual humility (v. 6a, see Heb. 1:2-3 and 3:6)

    ◊ a relationship with Christ, a disciple daily shaped into Christ’s image (v. 6b)

    ▪ It’s a relationship rooted in Christ, an inwardly conformed faith ensuring spiritual

    stability (v. 7a).

    ▪ It’s a relationship built on Christ, an outwardly confirmed faith displaying spiritual

    strength (v. 7b).

    ▪ It’s a relationship growing in Christ, an onwardly affirmed faith producing spiritual

    maturity (v. 7c).

    ▪ It’s a relationship thankful in Christ, a joyfully displayed faith lifting spiritual

    gratitude (v. 7d).

    Dr. Jim R. Coleman

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    19 分
  • Making Spaces for God (Ez. 3:22-27)

    Bible Talk Outline

    Making Spaces for God

    Ez. 3:22-27

    ◊ A listening space to hear God’s instruction

    “…I will speak to you there” (vv. 22-23a)

    ◊ An expectant space to encounter God’s presence

    ◦ encountering God’s glory: “…I saw the glory of the Lord…” (v. 23b)

    ◦ responding in worship: “…I fell face down…” (v. 23b)

    ◊ A Spirit-space to receive God’s empowerment

    “…the Spirit came into me…” (v. 24a)

    ◊ A frustrating space to learn godly patience

    “…shut yourself in” (vv. 24b-26)

    ◊ A freeing space to fulfill your God-given purpose

    “…I will loosen your tongue…” (v. 27a)_

    ◊ A free-will space to allow for godly or ungodly choices

    “…those who choose…those who refuse” (v. 27b)

    Dr. Jim R. Coleman

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