Bible Talk Outline
Expect a Special Christmas Delivery
Lk. 1:67-80
God’s gift of Jesus the Messiah both delivers us from sin’s effects and delivers to us abundant life. Christmas brings…
◊ the delivery from uncertainty into INSIGHT, like Zechariah
experienced (v. 67)
◊ the delivery from slavery into FREEDOM, like Moses and
Israel experienced (v. 68)
◊ the delivery from worldly kingdoms into a DYNASTY, like
David experienced (vv. 69, 74-75)
◊ the delivery from threat into SECURITY, like the prophets
promised (vv. 70-71)
◊ the delivery from incomplete community into a FAITH-FAMILY,
like Abraham experienced (vv. 72-73)
◊ the delivery from spiritual darkness into SALVATION light, like
John the Baptizer proclaimed (vv. 76-80)
Dr. Jim R. Coleman