• Weathering Change: Teamwork in Eryri’s Fragile Ecosystem

  • 2025/03/05
  • 再生時間: 15 分
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Weathering Change: Teamwork in Eryri’s Fragile Ecosystem

  • サマリー

  • Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Weathering Change: Teamwork in Eryri’s Fragile Ecosystem Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-03-05-23-34-01-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Yn nghanol y Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri, roedd Gareth, Carys, a Rhiannon yn dechrau ar eu gwaith ymchwil amgylcheddol.En: In the heart of Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri (Snowdonia National Park), Gareth, Carys, and Rhiannon were beginning their environmental research work.Cy: Roedd aer y gwanwyn yn oeri yn y bore, a chŵl melfed y bryniau yn ennyn bywyd newydd.En: The spring air was chilly in the morning, and the velvet slopes of the hills were sparking new life.Cy: Eithr, roedd y tywydd yn ansefydlog, gyda chymylau duon yn groes i'r gwellhad cynnar.En: However, the weather was unstable, with dark clouds against the early improvement.Cy: Gareth, gwyddonydd amgylcheddol gyda breuddwydion mawr, trodd ei olygon tuag at y mynyddoedd.En: Gareth, an environmental scientist with big dreams, turned his gaze toward the mountains.Cy: Ei nod oedd cwblhau astudiaeth hollbwysig i wella arferion cynaliadwy yng Nghymru.En: His goal was to complete a crucial study to improve sustainable practices in Wales.Cy: Roedd yr arhosfa hon yn golygu cynnig newydd i'w gymrodorion academaidd.En: This endeavor meant a new proposal for his academic colleagues.Cy: Carys, ei gynorthwyydd maes, roedd yn gyffrous ond hefyd yn ofalus.En: Carys, his field assistant, was excited but also cautious.Cy: Carai hi'r gymuned naturiol; roedd ei hynod o ofal dros gadwraeth y parc.En: She loved the natural community; her particular care for the park's conservation was noteworthy.Cy: "Dylwn ni fynd ati i beidio gor-bwysleisio ar gyfrifiadau Gareth," meddai Carys.En: "We should avoid over-emphasizing on calculations, Gareth," said Carys.Cy: Rhiannon, gyda'i deithiau a'i profiad eu hymddiriedolaethau gyda bywyd gwyllt lleol, edrychodd y ddau, gan ddweud, "Mae'r ecosystem yma'n fregus, does neb yn deall hynny fel fi."En: Rhiannon, with her journeys and her experience in local wildlife trusts, looked at the two and said, "This ecosystem is fragile, no one understands that like I do."Cy: Roedd dadlau rhwng Gareth, sy'n gwrthod derbyn bod yr holl welliannau a wnaeth i'w borwr dethol aneffeithiol ac yn peryglu'r dirwedd.En: There was a disagreement between Gareth, who refused to accept that all the improvements he made to his selected grazing model were ineffective and threatening the landscape.Cy: "Rhaid i ni fwrw ymlaen. Mae amser yn fyr!" meddai.En: "We must push on. Time is short!" he said.Cy: Ond roedd braw am un hanfod unrhyw wrthg doen.En: But there was fear of an impending storm.Cy: "Pa mor barod ydych chi am storm fel hyn?"En: "How prepared are you for a storm like this?"Cy: Ar Ddydd Gŵyl Dewi, yn sydyn, rhuthrodd storm drawodd yr Eryri i gyd.En: On St. David's Day, suddenly, a storm swept across the whole of Eryri.Cy: Dechreuodd y tîm gasglu eu hoffer mewn pryd pan sylweddolodd Gareth bod e ddim yn ddigon parod.En: The team began to gather their equipment just in time when Gareth realized he wasn't adequately prepared.Cy: Gostyngodd ei dynfa yn sydyn wrth wylio'r gymuned naturiol yn brwydro'r tywydd.En: His enthusiasm suddenly dropped as he watched the natural community battle the weather.Cy: Ymddiheurodd Gareth wrth Rhiannon a Carys.En: Gareth apologized to Rhiannon and Carys.Cy: "Mae'n amlwg bod cynnwys eich pryderon yn hanfodol. Heb hynny, byddai'r effaith yn andwyol," cyfaddefodd Gareth.En: "It's clear that including your concerns is essential. Without it, the impact would be detrimental," admitted Gareth.Cy: Cydweithiodd y tîm i ailstrwythuro'r dull, gyda phwyslais newydd ar geisio'r dynfa lawn o Rhiannon fel arweinydd y tîm ochr amgylcheddol.En: The team collaborated to restructure the approach, with a new emphasis on seeking the full guidance of Rhiannon as the environmental side team leader.Cy: Parchai Gareth, yn awr, yr un cydbwysedd rhwng datblygiad gwyddonol a chadwraeth byd natur.En: Gareth now respected the balance between scientific development and nature conservation.Cy: A ninnau'n ffwrdd yn y parc, gyda fortuno Gareth bellach wedi'i osod ar waranted a deall gwreiddiol.En: And so, they went on in the park, with Gareth's endeavors now grounded in understanding and appreciation.Cy: Roedd sŵn canu'r adar a phlantfferm y gwanwyn newydd, wrth arddangos fel rhai addawol, yn arddyweddyd eu llwyddiant newydd.En: The sound of birds singing and the promise of the new spring, exhibiting as portents of success, underscored their new achievement. Vocabulary Words:chilly: oerivelvet: melfedunstable: ansefydlogendeavor: arhosfanoteworthy: hynodfragile: bregusdisagreement: dadleuineffective: aneffeithiolimpending: hanfoddetrimental: andwyolcollaborated: cydweithioddrestructure: ailstrwythuroemphasis: pwyslaisguidance: dynfaappreciation: deallportents: addawolslopes: bryniaucrucial: hollbwysigsustainable: cynaliadwycalculation: ...
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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Weathering Change: Teamwork in Eryri’s Fragile Ecosystem Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-03-05-23-34-01-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Yn nghanol y Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri, roedd Gareth, Carys, a Rhiannon yn dechrau ar eu gwaith ymchwil amgylcheddol.En: In the heart of Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri (Snowdonia National Park), Gareth, Carys, and Rhiannon were beginning their environmental research work.Cy: Roedd aer y gwanwyn yn oeri yn y bore, a chŵl melfed y bryniau yn ennyn bywyd newydd.En: The spring air was chilly in the morning, and the velvet slopes of the hills were sparking new life.Cy: Eithr, roedd y tywydd yn ansefydlog, gyda chymylau duon yn groes i'r gwellhad cynnar.En: However, the weather was unstable, with dark clouds against the early improvement.Cy: Gareth, gwyddonydd amgylcheddol gyda breuddwydion mawr, trodd ei olygon tuag at y mynyddoedd.En: Gareth, an environmental scientist with big dreams, turned his gaze toward the mountains.Cy: Ei nod oedd cwblhau astudiaeth hollbwysig i wella arferion cynaliadwy yng Nghymru.En: His goal was to complete a crucial study to improve sustainable practices in Wales.Cy: Roedd yr arhosfa hon yn golygu cynnig newydd i'w gymrodorion academaidd.En: This endeavor meant a new proposal for his academic colleagues.Cy: Carys, ei gynorthwyydd maes, roedd yn gyffrous ond hefyd yn ofalus.En: Carys, his field assistant, was excited but also cautious.Cy: Carai hi'r gymuned naturiol; roedd ei hynod o ofal dros gadwraeth y parc.En: She loved the natural community; her particular care for the park's conservation was noteworthy.Cy: "Dylwn ni fynd ati i beidio gor-bwysleisio ar gyfrifiadau Gareth," meddai Carys.En: "We should avoid over-emphasizing on calculations, Gareth," said Carys.Cy: Rhiannon, gyda'i deithiau a'i profiad eu hymddiriedolaethau gyda bywyd gwyllt lleol, edrychodd y ddau, gan ddweud, "Mae'r ecosystem yma'n fregus, does neb yn deall hynny fel fi."En: Rhiannon, with her journeys and her experience in local wildlife trusts, looked at the two and said, "This ecosystem is fragile, no one understands that like I do."Cy: Roedd dadlau rhwng Gareth, sy'n gwrthod derbyn bod yr holl welliannau a wnaeth i'w borwr dethol aneffeithiol ac yn peryglu'r dirwedd.En: There was a disagreement between Gareth, who refused to accept that all the improvements he made to his selected grazing model were ineffective and threatening the landscape.Cy: "Rhaid i ni fwrw ymlaen. Mae amser yn fyr!" meddai.En: "We must push on. Time is short!" he said.Cy: Ond roedd braw am un hanfod unrhyw wrthg doen.En: But there was fear of an impending storm.Cy: "Pa mor barod ydych chi am storm fel hyn?"En: "How prepared are you for a storm like this?"Cy: Ar Ddydd Gŵyl Dewi, yn sydyn, rhuthrodd storm drawodd yr Eryri i gyd.En: On St. David's Day, suddenly, a storm swept across the whole of Eryri.Cy: Dechreuodd y tîm gasglu eu hoffer mewn pryd pan sylweddolodd Gareth bod e ddim yn ddigon parod.En: The team began to gather their equipment just in time when Gareth realized he wasn't adequately prepared.Cy: Gostyngodd ei dynfa yn sydyn wrth wylio'r gymuned naturiol yn brwydro'r tywydd.En: His enthusiasm suddenly dropped as he watched the natural community battle the weather.Cy: Ymddiheurodd Gareth wrth Rhiannon a Carys.En: Gareth apologized to Rhiannon and Carys.Cy: "Mae'n amlwg bod cynnwys eich pryderon yn hanfodol. Heb hynny, byddai'r effaith yn andwyol," cyfaddefodd Gareth.En: "It's clear that including your concerns is essential. Without it, the impact would be detrimental," admitted Gareth.Cy: Cydweithiodd y tîm i ailstrwythuro'r dull, gyda phwyslais newydd ar geisio'r dynfa lawn o Rhiannon fel arweinydd y tîm ochr amgylcheddol.En: The team collaborated to restructure the approach, with a new emphasis on seeking the full guidance of Rhiannon as the environmental side team leader.Cy: Parchai Gareth, yn awr, yr un cydbwysedd rhwng datblygiad gwyddonol a chadwraeth byd natur.En: Gareth now respected the balance between scientific development and nature conservation.Cy: A ninnau'n ffwrdd yn y parc, gyda fortuno Gareth bellach wedi'i osod ar waranted a deall gwreiddiol.En: And so, they went on in the park, with Gareth's endeavors now grounded in understanding and appreciation.Cy: Roedd sŵn canu'r adar a phlantfferm y gwanwyn newydd, wrth arddangos fel rhai addawol, yn arddyweddyd eu llwyddiant newydd.En: The sound of birds singing and the promise of the new spring, exhibiting as portents of success, underscored their new achievement. Vocabulary Words:chilly: oerivelvet: melfedunstable: ansefydlogendeavor: arhosfanoteworthy: hynodfragile: bregusdisagreement: dadleuineffective: aneffeithiolimpending: hanfoddetrimental: andwyolcollaborated: cydweithioddrestructure: ailstrwythuroemphasis: pwyslaisguidance: dynfaappreciation: deallportents: addawolslopes: bryniaucrucial: hollbwysigsustainable: cynaliadwycalculation: ...

Weathering Change: Teamwork in Eryri’s Fragile Ecosystemに寄せられたリスナーの声
