
  • Homeschooling Adventures Insight from a 10 year old.

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    Flexible Schedule:** Freedom to learn at their own pace and take breaks as needed.From my perspective kids it is so unhealthy to have kids sitting down for so long periods, kids need to move they need to ask questions and the most important thing is that they need to be listen.

    - **Strong Family Bonding:** More time spent together can strengthen family relationships forming a strong foundation.

    - **Diverse Learning Environments:** Learning can take place outside traditional settings, like parks, museums, and at home.Traveling is so fun and they can visit different places all over the world meanwhile they do their school.

    - **Focus on Interests:** Ability to dive deeper into subjects the child is passionate about.

    - **Emotional Health:** Homeschooling can reduce anxiety and stress by providing a comfortable learning environment and allowing children to learn at their own pace.

    - **Learning Other Languages:** Opportunities to incorporate languages into daily life, whether through travel, online resources, or community interaction.

    - **Exposure to Different Cultures:** Through various educational resources, field trips, and community interactions, homeschooled children can learn about and appreciate diverse cultures.

    - **Socialization with Different Age Groups:** Homeschooled children often interact with peers of various ages, fostering better communication skills and relationships.

    1. "What do you enjoy most about being homeschooled?"I CAN BE WITH MY FAMILY

    2. "Can you tell us about a favorite subject or project you've worked on?"SCIENCE

    3. "How do you spend your day while homeschooling?"



    7. "Have you learned any new languages? If so, what do you think about learning languages?"YES I AM WORKING ON SPANISH

    8. "Can you share an experience where you learned about a different culture?"YES WITH MY MOMS FAMILY

    9. "How do you feel about making friends with people of different ages?"I LEARN SO MUCH FROM OLDER PEOPLE WHENVER I am around MY DADS CLIENTS OR MY MOMS.

    10. "What advice would you give to other kids thinking about homeschooling?"DO IT YOU SILL ENJOY MORE YOUR FAMILY YOU WILL KNOW MORE EACH OTHER AND WILL HAVE A STRONG FAMILY


    What path do you want to follow in life?I WANT TO A YOUTUBER

    How homeschooling is helping you approaching to this path?


    Kids really need space to be themselves is so important and is so important that they feel part of the family team work is especial. I think is so cool that we are creating a strong team.We encourage Enzo to take care of his emotional mental and physical health seriously this is the most important foundation for him he needs to have awareness of what’s going on with him.

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  • Embracing the unforgivable

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    Forgiveness is the key that can unlock that weight, allowing us to step into the light of healing. It starts with acknowledging our pain, giving ourselves permission to feel, to grieve, and to confront the emotions that arise. It’s about understanding that our pain is valid, and it deserves to be heard.But how do we forgive those who have committed acts we deem unforgivable? The truth is, it begins with empathy. It requires us to try to see the world through the eyes of the person who wronged us. What led them to that moment? What battles are they fighting? This does not excuse t heir actionsI will tell you a story there was a family, the mother was a narcissist and she was so hard with their daughters the daughters are adults now. The manipulation and control that she develop over the years became a very painful relationship between them until this day I don’t think she will admit that she is a narcissist I bring this example because I know the daughters and the youngest told me that the main memory that she has about the mom is that she was always so worried about the appearance and about how other people saw her.Until this day the mom has a big sense of grandiosity which the youngest daughter found out with the years that this was not normal at all.(I think that whenever we grow up with some kind of dynamic or patters is so hard to really see the impact that can have in our lives)and she realize that by being close to the mom she was allowing the mom to hurt her because the mom always toke everything so personal and she always made the daughters believe that they needed to respect just because she was their mother.It is important to bring awareness to ur lives and break patterns this phycological game that the mom always plays it can be dangerous because also the mom was so strict all their childhood and they felt that was whatever they did it was never good enough for her.With the years they thought this was going to change but sadly it didn’t present time the mom still plays the same victim game that the daughters need to treat her like if she was a queen. She still wants to give opinions on how they should live their lives how they should raise their kids.I want to share this story because enough is enough and we need to break cycles break patterns and sometimes it can be so hard to cut a relationship specially with the family but sometimes it is something that needs to be done for the emotional physical and mental health of the people that are involved.This is where a very hard example how do you forgive the unforgivable specially whenever you know that the other person will never admit her or his mistakes and keep acting the same way?And I know a lot of stories like this one that whenever we grow up and holidays come it is so stressful just to think about going back to see our parents siblings etc because most of the times some relatives stay with the image of how you were 10 years algo 20 years ago they don’t move on and realize that people grow people evolve and we need to treat them accordingly we need to give space to people to grow.So I invite you to create a new philosophy new traditions that Aline with your believes and whenever you go back and see relatives don’t follow this pattern and it is totally ok to decide to step out of the circle that makes you uncomfortable don’t let anyone make you fell bad because you toke this decision give yourself the chance yo allow other people that really value your time energy and presence I know sometimes we really want things to work between certain relationships specially with the people that we grew up but this is the perfect example to be better learn the lesson and don’t follow old patterns.Attachments to ideas can be so unhealthy

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  • Saber Cuándo Persistir y Cuándo Renunciar

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    Hoy quiero hablar sobre un concepto que a menudo se malinterpreta y estigmatiza: renunciar. En un mundo que celebra la perseverancia y la tenacidad, a veces olvidamos que saber cuándo renunciar puede ser igual de importante, si no más, que la capacidad de enfrentar desafíos. Renunciar no es un signo de debilidad; es una decisión estratégica que puede llevar al crecimiento, la claridad y nuevas oportunidades. La clave del éxito no se trata solo de aferrarse con todas nuestras fuerzas; se trata de tomar decisiones informadas que se alineen con nuestros valores, metas y bienestar.Primero y ante todo, renunciar nos permite preservar nuestra salud mental y emocional. Cuando nos aferramos a metas o proyectos que ya no nos sirven, corremos el riesgo de agotarnos, frustrarnos y desilusionarnos. Reconocer cuándo dejar ir puede liberarnos de emociones negativas y abrir la puerta a nuevas posibilidades. Debemos preguntarnos: ¿Este esfuerzo realmente vale mi tiempo y energía? Si la respuesta es no, puede ser el momento de considerar un camino diferente.Es importante no confundir renunciar con fracasar. Vivimos en modo de supervivencia y el miedo a la incertidumbre puede ser desafiante. Renunciar puede ser un acto de valentía. Se necesita fuerza para reconocer que hemos superado una situación, que nuestras pasiones han cambiado, o que el camino en el que estamos ya no está alineado con nuestro verdadero ser. Abrazar la idea de renunciar nos empodera para tomar control de nuestras vidas. Nos invita a evaluar nuestras elecciones y a tomar decisiones que apoyen nuestro crecimiento y felicidad.

    No olvidemos el poder del costo de oportunidad. Cada momento dedicado a perseguir una meta que no resuena con nosotros es un momento que se aleja de algo que podría encender nuestra pasión y propósito. Al renunciar, creamos espacio para nuevas experiencias, proyectos y relaciones que pueden enriquecer nuestras vidas y llevarnos a una mayor realización.Aprender cuándo renunciar también fomenta la fortaleza de uno. Nos enseña que los contratiempos y los cambios de dirección son una parte natural de la vida. Está bien tropezar; está bien cambiar de rumbo. De hecho, estos momentos a menudo conducen a nuestro mayor aprendizaje y crecimiento. Cada vez que tomamos la decisión de renunciar a algo que ya no nos sirve, construimos nuestra capacidad para enfrentar futuros desafíos con una perspectiva más clara y energía renovada **Entendiendo la Tenacidad**Primero, definamos la tenacidad. La tenacidad se trata de pasión y perseverancia para alcanzar metas a largo plazo. Es la capacidad de mantener el compromiso, trabajar duro y mantener el enfoque a pesar de los desafíos. Las personas con tenacidad a menudo son vistas como resilientes, eligiendo superar las dificultades en lugar de rendirse. Pero, aunque la tenacidad es esencial para el éxito, es crucial reconocer que no cada situación merece un compromiso inquebrantable. La persistencia no siempre es una virtud."

    El Caso por Renunciar**

    - "Ahora, hablemos de renunciar. Renunciar a menudo lleva una connotación negativa, pero también puede ser una decisión estratégica. A veces, aferrarse a una meta o proyecto puede obstruir el crecimiento personal o el bienestar. Reconocer cuándo renunciar puede llevar a nuevas oportunidades y a una mentalidad más saludable. Indicadores clave de que podría ser el momento de renunciar incluyen:

    - Descontento o insatisfacción persistente.

    - Falta de progreso o mejora a pesar del esfuerzo.

    - Recursos que se agotan sin un retorno viable.

    - Sentirse estancado o insatisfecho en la búsqueda de una meta.Realiza tu propio sistema de creencias; también puede ser renunciar a complacer a todos. Empieza a vivir tu vida, toma el volante

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  • Knowing When to Grit and When to Quit

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    Welcome to 'Grit vs. Quit,' the podcast that explores the fine line between perseverance and knowing when it’s time to let go. I’m Daniela Gatto, your host on this journey. In today’s episode, we’ll dive deep into understanding grit, recognizing the signs that it might be time to quit, and how to find the balance between the two."

    Today, I want to talk about a concept that is often misunderstood and stigmatized: quitting. In a world that celebrates perseverance and grit, we sometimes forget that knowing when to quit can be just as important, if not more so, than the ability to push through challenges.

    Quitting is not a sign of weakness; it is a strategic decision that can lead to growth, clarity, and new opportunities. The key to success is not just about holding on for dear life; it’s about making informed decisions that align with our values, goals, and well-beingQuitting can be an act of courage. It takes strength to acknowledge that we have outgrown a situation, that our passions have shifted, or that the journey we’re on is no longer aligned with our true selves. Embracing the idea of quitting empowers us to take control of our lives. It invites us to evaluate our choices and make decisions that support our growth and happiness.Let us not forget the power of opportunity cost. Every moment spent pursuing a goal that does not resonate with us is a moment taken away from something that could ignite our passion and purpose. By quitting, we create space for new experiences, ventures, and relationships that can enrich our lives and lead us to greater fulfillmen.Learning when to quit also fosters resilience. It teaches us that setbacks and changes in direction are a natural part of life. It’s okay to stumble; it’s okay to change course. In fact, these moments often lead to our greatest learning and growth. Each time we make the choice to quit something that no longer serves us, we build our capacity to face future challenges with a clearer perspective and renewed energy.Understanding Grit**First, let’s define grit. Grit is about passion and perseverance for long-term goals. It’s the ability to stay committed, work hard, and maintain focus despite challenges. People with grit are often seen as resilient, choosing to push through difficulties rather than giving up. But while grit is essential for success, it’s crucial to recognize that not every situation warrants unwavering commitment.”Persistence is not always a virtue.The Case for Quitting**- "Now, let’s discuss quitting. Quitting often carries a negative connotation, but it can also be a strategic decision. Sometimes, holding on to a goal or project may obstruct personal growth or well-being. Recognizing when to quit can lead to new opportunities and a healthier mindset. Key indicators that it might be time to quit include:

    - Persistent unhappiness or dissatisfaction.

    - A lack of progress or improvement despite effort.

    - Resources being drained without a viable return.

    - Feeling stuck or unfulfilled in the pursuit of a goal.It is important to have a plan to quit once to make the decision.It can be quitting a job quitting a habit a relationship quitting your believe system so many things. It is like a rebirth, it doesn’t matter your age I really invite you to give yourself that permission permission to evolve permission to be better forget about the expectations family expectations partners expectations society create your own standards create your own believe system it can be also quoting pleasing everyone start living your life take the staring wheel and start driving your life.The Grit-Quitting Spectrum- "So, how do we navigate the spectrum of grit and quitting? It’s about self-reflection and evaluation.

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  • Cleaning the attic

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    Cleaning the Attic, Clearing the Mind"
    Welcome to the happy with Dany show Today's episode is all about the parallels between cleaning out your attic and decluttering your mind.

    Let’s talk about the similarities of attics in homes and their symbolic representation of our memories and thoughts. I want to invite you to make a good cleaning in your physical spaces, as well to clean mental clutter.
    The Importance of Physical spaces

    - let’s talk about the reasons why attics often become storage spaces for items we no longer use.

    It has a similarity with the emotional attachments we have to certain items. Discuss the benefits of a clean attic, including increased space, organization, and the ability to rediscover forgotten treasures.

    Let’s talk about The Mental Clutter

    what it is and how it accumulates over time.

    sources of mental clutter it can be stress, worries, unresolved issues, and distractions.

    This can have a big impact in our emotional health physical health and mental health

    Now let’s talk about the Steps to Clean the Attic clean the mind

    1. **Self-Reflection**: Take time to identify thoughts and worries that weigh you down.

    2. **Journaling**: Write down thoughts to process feelings and gain clarity.

    3. **Mindfulness and Meditation**: Practice techniques to focus on the present moment and reduce anxiety.

    4. **Setting Boundaries**: Learn to say no to commitments that add unnecessary stress.

    5. **Seek Support**: Encourage listeners to talk to friends, family, or professionals about their mental clutter. - Discuss the emotional benefits of a clear mind—improved focus, reduced stress, and enhanced creativity.
    The emotional benefits of a clear mind are profound. With less clutter, we can experience improved focus, reduced stress, and enhanced creativity.CANALIZE THAT GOOD ENERGY

    Create projects create create positive things.**

    As we wrap up, let’s summarize what we’ve discussed today. I encourage you to take action—dedicate a weekend to decluttering an area of your home, and spend just 10 minutes each day on mental decluttering practices.

    **[Outro Music Fades In]**

    Take care of both your physical and mental spaces. Until next time, stay happy!

    **[Outro Music Fades Out]**


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  • Dejar ir los complejos

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    Dejar ir los complejos

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  • Protect your energy;It's the Key to personal empowerment

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    Your energy is SO POWERFUL one of the most precious things you possess. It fuels your thoughts, drives your actions, and shapes your emotions. This is why it's so important to be present in your life and take control of it.LETS TALK ABOUT The Importance of Being Present:**Being present is not just a trendy concept; it's a necessity for a healthy nervous system and a balanced life. When we allow ourselves to be distracted or pulled into the past, we give away our power. We must recognize that our thoughts, emotions, and actions are interconnected, and they all contribute to our energy levels. Each time we dwell on past frustrations or insecurities, we drain our energy.WE NEED TO Break Free from the Past:**Many individuals find themselves stuck in the past, carrying emotional baggage that weighs them down. This baggage can take the form of unresolved frustrations, insecurities, and regrets. Often, we unconsciously seek ways to release this energy, but instead of finding healthy outlets, we may project these feelings onto others or into our current situations. It’s crucial to acknowledge this pattern and take proactive steps toward breaking free from it. It is also important to be aware whenever other people try to pass their frustrations onto you. I invite you to pay attention to arrogant individuals because, most of the time, they act as if you must do everything for them just because they are your elders. I don’t agree with this. True, honest respect is earned. It’s important not to confuse being grateful with being manipulated or used to get what others want, making you feel as if you owe them something or that you need to always be there for them simply because it’s a societal concept.AND THIS OFTEN HAPPENS WITH IN FAMILIES.it is important to respect our parents for sure but a healthy relationship will grow together meaning from my perspective your parents need to respect you are not a child anymore and they need to understand you also have your life and your expectations.Staying Focused on Your Goals:**Today, I invite you to shift your focus back to your goals. Set clear standards for yourself and your life. These standards are not just guidelines; they are your commitments to yourself. Reevaluate them as often as needed, and most importantly, respect them. Don’t allow anything or anyone to cross those boundaries. Because once you allow it, just once, it will keep coming back to test your resolve.The Highway Analogy:**Imagine for a moment that you are driving on a vast highway. You know your final destination, but suddenly, you encounter three exits. Each exit represents a different distraction or temptation. This is how life works. The universe often presents us with choices decisions that test our commitment to ourselves. It’s a way of ensuring that we are truly dedicated to our journey.Discipline as a Tool for Protection:**To protect your energy, you must be disciplined. This discipline is how you safeguard your focus and ensure that you are heading toward your goals. It requires intention and commitment. Just like a driver who knows their destination, you must resist the urge to take those exits that lead you away from your path.Conclusion:**In closing, remember that your energy is a powerful force. By being present, taking control of your life, and setting clear standards, you can protect your energy and empower yourself. Life will undoubtedly present challenges and distractions, but with discipline and commitment, you can navigate through them. Are you protecting your energy? Are you focused on your goals? The answers to these questions will guide you toward a more fulfilling and empowered life.

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  • Get out of the box

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    The happy with Dany show episode #6

    #get out of the box#Welcome to the Happy with Dany show! Today, I am excited to share with you powerful insights on how to achieve what you truly want in life. The journey to success begins with a shift in mindset and a willingness to embrace change.
    Get Out of the Box!** The first step is to break free from the confines of conventional thinking. Start thinking bigger! Challenge the boundaries that you or society have set for you. Change the lens through which you view the world. We are entering a new era where everything is possible, and it’s time to tap into that potential. Trust your wings Set your standards know your valueBe Creative and Unlearn:Creativity is not just for artists; it is a vital skill for everyone. Allow yourself to be creative use your imagination and innovative reinvent yourself.Learn to unlearn things that may be holding you back. Old habits and beliefs can create mental barriers, preventing you from seeing new opportunities. Embrace a mindset of exploration and curiosity—there's so much to discover in this abundant worldIf your goal is to make more money or reach new heights in your career, you need to think outside the box. It’s not just about working harder; it’s about finding new ways to approach your goals. Aspire for more in life, and watch as opportunities begin to flow into your path. When you elevate your energy and raise your vibration, you start attracting different people and experiences that align with your aspirations.I am my own comodity I am my brandAge don’t define anything surround your self with smart people Now we all have the same opportunities social media open the doors to everyoneThe Power of Imagination:** A priceless gift we all possess is our imagination. It allows us to envision a brighter future and to dream big. Let go of old beliefs that limit your potential. Reinvent yourself by embracing change and pursuing your dreams with passion. Fear is a natural human response, designed for preservation. While it’s wise to be cautious, you must not allow fear to paralyze you. Instead, use it as a tool to make smart decisions.Set a Plan of Action:**

    Mind Your Thoughts:** Every thought has a resonance and can shape your reality. Therefore, be mindful of your inner dialogue. Stop comparing yourself to others or nurturing envy. Instead, focus your energy on your own goals and aspirations. Ask yourself: What are your expectations in life? What do you truly want? Align your actions with your desires, and take steps to make them a reality.

    Think Big:**If you believe you can’t be a millionaire or achieve greatness, you won’t be. It’s essential to cultivate a mindset that embraces abundance and possibilities. Start thinking big, and watch how your actions will shift accordingly. Surround yourself with those who inspire you to reach new heights.Build a Strong Team:** Having a strong support system is invaluable. If needed, surround yourself with individuals who have a solid foundation and can offer guidance and encouragement. Break standards and dismantle patterns that no longer serve you. There is so much potential in this world waiting to be tapped into, but if you only focus on the negative or the small stuff, you will remain stagnant. Take control.

    Closing Thoughts:*As I conclude, I want to remind you that it’s perfectly okay to pursue your goals and dreams, even if others around you may not understand or support your journey. Do not feel guilty for wanting more for yourself. The world is full of potential, and it’s yours to explore. Embrace it, and let your journey begin!

    Living life on your terms without being influenced by others is truly a success.

    Thanks for listening.See you next time u

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