
  • 013. Podmas Day 2 Immune Boosting Foods for Winter

    Join me for day 2 of Podmas! Winter’s chill brings cozy moments, but it also brings a higher chance of catching a cold or flu. The good news? Your kitchen can be your best ally when it comes to staying healthy. By adding immune-boosting foods to your diet, you can help your body fend off seasonal bugs and stay healthy all winter long. Let’s explore some delicious, nutrient-packed options that are as good for your taste buds as they are for your health.

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    14 分
  • 012. Day 1 of Podmas 2024

    This Christmas I will be posting a new blog post and podcast every day! Today for Day 1 of Podmas we will be discussing a few of my favorite ways to stay well & healthy during the winter.

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    19 分
  • 011: Eating Right For Your Heart

    Join Coach Cece & me as we kick off Black History Month and Heart Health Month on the podcast! Let's chat about how our diet impacts our heart health.

    Please don't forget to share, rate, & subscribe!

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    1 時間 2 分
  • 010: 6 Ways to Support your Mental Health Naturally

    Welcome back to the podcast! We are kicking off season 2 with a new co-host, Coach Cece Fortune! Join us

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    49 分
  • 009. Key Nutrients to Help Manage Burnout

    The mental, emotional and physical effects of work stress can be crippling for many of us who are juggling lots of different responsibilities. Fortunately, there are many key nutrients that may help you cope with work-related stress and its effects on your health.

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    7 分
  • 008. Signs of Estrogen Dominance

    As a naturopathic doctor I see a lot of women who want to “balance their hormones” but don’t know what that entails and quickly become overwhelmed with the process so I decided to dedicate a few episodes to hormone balancing. Over the next few episodes I’ll be talking about hormones like estrogen, progesterone, & testosterone, signs that you have too much (or too little) of them & ways to address this imbalance. Today we are starting with estrogen

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    22 分
  • 007. How to Manage Your Stress Holistically + Bonus Breathwork Session

    Today we are going to be chatting about stress, its purpose in our bodies, how our body uses stress to keep us safe, but also chronic stress and how it negatively impacts our health. Dr. Sarah will also share 5 ways to improve your stress resilience and better manage your stress. Enjoy a quick bonus breathwork session at the end to help balance your nervous system.

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    17 分
  • 006. Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Your Poop

    Today we have a pretty interesting topic. It's one that most of us do not enjoy talking about. But it is very important to our health and is actually a really big indicator of how well or unwell we are. And that is our poop. Yes. Today we're talking about your poop. how often you should be going, my "poop red flags", and things you can do to have a better bowel movement.

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    17 分