
  • Doctor's Privilege and Patient Communication

    Listen on how to improve patient communication with patients with disabilities, veteran patients, and those with lifelong or severe medical conditions. I talk about how to bring awareness to attitudes and perceptions through real life story experiences as a deafblind person with complex health issues. I even touch on representation of accommodations in Electronic Health Records (EHR or EMR).

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    13 分
  • 013 How are you training and developing?

    Hello, and welcome to another episode of the unLibrarian. Today we’re talking about how to go about training oneself to do the work that must be done, especially as your own business. Last episode talked about organization: how you're organized, your processes, your documentation, your information and resilience. Today, we're going to focus on training. Training can sometimes be free, it can sometimes be expensive, it can sometimes be life teaching you something, or learning from a mentor or from a friend. Education and learning happen all the time, and it's beautiful when that is maximized. There are different types of training, and many transferable skills that can be taught and taken with you from profession to profession. Want to know more about these skills and how to trian them? Click play and tune in to this week’s episode!

    In This Episode:

    [0:19] How do you train yourself to do the work that must be done?

    [2:49] What are some of the different kinds of training one should consider looking into?

    [6:58] How can finding the right person or training help you avoid information overwhelm?

    [10:52] What training do you need?

    [12:15] Self training versus external training: which is better?

    [14:07] The importance of continuous learning, and how it benefits your life and business.

    Wondering from which training you could benefit? Hire The unLibrarian to do a Working Habits Review https://www.theunlibrarian.com/service-page/working-habits-review

    For more information, visit the website


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    20 分
  • 012 How are you organized?

    Hello, and welcome to another episode of The unLibrarian. In this episode, the unLibrarian is talking us through why it’s important to be organized, and how it can impact our life in ways we may not have originally considered. Imagine how many frustrating moments could be avoided if you just take some time to get organized before the moment arrives! We also learn about the value of understanding different styles of organization, and why getting started really is the best way to figure out what you need and how to accomplish it! If you’re someone who struggles with getting organized, or you know you need to but would like to have a partner along for the journey, click play and tune in!

    In This Episode:

    [0:54] How are your resources organized and why does it matter?

    [1:54] What does charging your phone or computer have to do with being organized?

    [2:24] Can being organized help to reduce the level of frustration you experience?

    [8:23] How do you figure out what you need to get organized? Get started!

    [12:51] Understanding each other’s organization style.

    [15:05] The importance and impact of being organized in your life and business.

    If you'd like a partner along the way, check out my "Working Habits Review" service. Oh, and no worries, I have Pomodoro style followups available afterwards to assist with long term maintenance.

    Podcast can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and others.

    Work with the unLibrarian: Click Here!

    For more information, visit the website


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    20 分
  • 011 How does one... Build Resilience?

    Hello, and welcome to another episode of The unLibrarian. In this episode, The unLibrarian is getting into the 3 pillars of resilience, and how to implement them into your life and business so that you can weather whatever life decides to throw at you! Whether you have systems in place to serve you or not, this episode is a great look into what you need, and what may be a good idea to add if you haven’t. Is your business heavy on faith but lacking in organization? Does your company take care of the data, but put less priority on training? These are some of the things being discussed in today’s episode!

    In This Episode:

    [1:00] What are the 3 pillars of resilience?

    [3:38] Why is organization the structural backbone of your business and how do you best support it?

    [4:21] Why is professional development important to building resilience?

    [5:30] Where does belief factor into the resilience equation?

    [7:12] How do you move from the intellectualized concept of resilience and put it into actual practice?

    [11:35] The Christian and The Witch!

    [16:45] The impact of heart and soul.

    For more information, visit the website


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    18 分
  • 010 What is... Deafblindness

    Hello, and welcome to another episode of The unLibrarian. In this episode, The unLibrarian s taking us deep into the realm of deafblindness. What is it by definition? Why can it be challenging to identify if a person has an impairment? How can you as an educator or librarian create a naturally inclusive environment to include deafblind folks? These are just a few of the insightful, thought-provoking and impactful questions examined in this episode!

    In This Episode:

    [0:27] What is Deafblindness?

    [3:07] Why is it difficult to identify people who have partial impairments?

    [5:52] What does a person need to be able to use in order to be functional within society?

    [12:50] Where does reading factor into the deafblindness equation?

    [16:00] How does the “Person first, disability second” mentality fit into disability awareness training?

    [17:03] Can you do your job blindfolded?

    To schedule a consult to discuss how to navigate teaching and managing those with disabilities:


    For more information, visit the website:


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    18 分
  • 009 Comment... s’engager éthiquement dans la recherche humaine en tant que participant, chercheur et lecteur

    Bonjour, et bienvenue à un épisode avec The unLibrarian. Avez-vous déjà participé à un sondage? Avez-vous profité de l’occasion pour participer à une étude de recherche ou à un groupe de discussion? Cette semaine, nous plongeons dans les détails en matière de recherche éthique avec les êtres humains. Comment vos renseignements seront-ils utilisés? Qui est responsable de la sécurité de vos données? Comment votre vie privée sera-t-elle respectée? Qu’est-ce qui est censé figurer sur une lettre de consentement? Ce ne sont là que quelques-unes des questions que The unLibrarian essaie de clarifier dans cette itération courte mais douce du podcast.

    Dans cet épisode :

    [0:56] Quelles sont les quatre pierres angulaires des les éthiques de la recherche avec les êtres humains?

    [1:25] Avez-vous déjà participé à la recherche?

    [2:19] Quel est l’objectif de la recherche éthique?

    [4:00] Quelles sont les considérations éthiques?

    [7:48] Qu’est-ce qui sont les enjeux pour s’engager dans une nouvelle demande?

    [10:25] Qui est responsable de quoi en termes d’information, de confidentialité, de sécurité et d’où vos informations sont utilisées?

    [16:33] Que devriez-vous écrire dans une lettre de consentement?

    Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez le site Web :


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    29 分
  • 008 How to... ethically engage in human research as a participant, researcher, and reader?

    Hello, and welcome to an episode of The unLibrarian. Have you ever participated in a survey? Have you taken the opportunity to sit in on a research study or focus group? This week we’re diving into the details where ethical research is concerned. How will your information be used? Who is responsible for keeping your data safe? How is your privacy going to be respected? What is supposed to be found on a consent letter? These are just a few of the questions that the unLibrarian is clearing up in this short but sweet iteration of the podcast.

    In This Episode:

    [0:56] What are the four cornerstones of human rights?

    [1:25] Have you ever been a participant in research?

    [2:19] What is the objective of ethical research?

    [4:00] What are ethical considerations?

    [7:48] What goes into making a new request?

    [10:25] Who is responsible for what in terms of information, privacy, security, and where your information is used?

    [16:33] What should you look for in a consent letter?

    For more information, visit the website:


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    20 分
  • 007 How to ... Live well with Disabilities

    Hello, and welcome to an episode of The unLibrarian. This episode talks about earning any sort of living with disabilities. While many episodes of The unLibrarian podcast will be breaking down complex topics and making them simple, some episodes need to be for change. Some episodes need to be recorded from the heart and real life experience in order to capture the truth behind what we do every day, because it takes some doing. You have to want to work in order to get it done. You have to see that working is better than doing nothing. Sometimes that can be hard to see when pain or obstacles are stacking up, but getting to the other side of it is so important to living a fulfilled life. If you’re someone who struggles with the day to day undertakings surrounding your job, family and life in general because you live with a disability, this episode may be worth a listen. You aren’t alone.

    In This Episode:

    [1:20] Earning a living with disabilities can be quite an undertaking.

    [2:50] If you’re learning, you have an open mind.

    [4:26] We have forgotten how to be a village.

    [6:20] Human beings are not black and white, they are a spectrum.

    [10:33] The identity of disability.

    [13:50] You’re never in trouble, we’re always learning together.

    [15:37] Every disability has an advantage.

    For more information, or to inquire about our advisory serives, please click here:

    For more information, visit the website:


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