I did it! I used the run-walk method to run my fastest marathon - 2:37:49. I'm seriously struggling to wrap my head around how I walked for 6 minutes and still got a PB.
How Much Faster Without Walking?
After the race, the most common question/comment was, “Imagine how fast you would’ve run if you didn’t walk!”.
I've put a lot of thought into how much faster I could have run in this alternative universe where I didn't walk. Unfortunately, the answer is more complex than 3:52 min. Which is the amount of time I "lost" to running.
The thing is, I’m not losing time by walking. I’m conserving energy. Time is constant. You can’t save time or lose time. Time is never in your control. However, energy is controllable. You can store it, spend it, or transfer it. When running a marathon, the critical variable you have to control is your energy output.
Suppose energy output rather than time (or pace) is the critical variable in marathon performance. In that case, we should look at the maximal potential energy output across the 42.2 km rather than the maximal sustainable pace, which is a product of your energy usage.
Run-walk Training Bundle. Six Training Plans and a Webinar for just $49nzd!! - https://link.drwillo.com/run-walk-bundle
Performance Advantage Podcast Run-walk episode - https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/hEhn9sE59yb
Run-walk calculator - https://www.drwilloconnor.com/run-walk-marathon-calculator
My Run-walk marathon Strava file - https://www.strava.com/activities/8897451650
Read the full blog - https://www.drwilloconnor.com/blog
Follow me on Instagram (DMs welcome) - https://www.instagram.com/drwilloconnor
Stalk my training on Strava - https://link.drwillo.com/strava-profile
Links and resources to help your running.
1. Steal my formula for smashing mind-blowing running PBs FOR FREE! https://link.drwillo.com/stealmyformula
2. Buy one of my $59 DONE-FOR-YOU Training Plans. https://link.drwillo.com/leadtrainingplans