
  • God Moves Slow

    God gave Perry and simple vision: To use radio and music to create awareness of just how much the Muslim world needs Jesus. He thought it’d take a year for that vision to be everything he hoped for. But 18 months in, with not much happening, he was ready to quit. It’s a conversation about not giving up on your God dreams.

    There are days when Shawna feels like a faith rockstar and there are days when shefeels like a faith nobody. Just before Jesus gave the Great Commission we’re told that some of the disciples doubted. But he still gave them authority to teach, baptize, & make disciples. Doubt doesn’t disqualify you from being a world changing disciple maker!

    Perry shares, “If the gospel is doing a deep work in me, the people who cross my path, and especially the people I do life with should never think: ‘Perry thinks he’s better than me.’ “

    Jesus is really good at helping you sort out your emotions. Shawna realized that when her emotions feel like a jumbled up knot she hesitates to go to Jesus. She feels like she has to figure out what she’s feeling first.

    As she was reading about Mary and Mary’s encounter with Jesus after he rose from the dead – how they were afraid and filled with joy – Shawna was encouraged to bring her knot of emotions to Jesus and let him help her untangle them.

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  • Moving Forward After Abortion

    Even though each woman’s story is different, the challenges that follow an abortion can be similar. She may be asking herself questions such as: “How can I find healing and renewal for where I am now? How do I process all these emotions (anger, grief, numbness), and will I ever stop feeling this way?”

    Camille Cates, author of Moving Forward After Abortion had some of those same questions following her own abortion. She discovered help, hope and healing in Christ.

    From letting go of your expectation that God is going to get you for what you did, and trusting that His plans for you are good, to what it means to accept forgiveness from God and forgive yourself this conversation with Camille will help you move forward after abortion.

    Donate to Moody Radio: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/morningshow/wgnb

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  • Expect to be Surprised

    When you’re on mission with Jesus, expect to be surprised by how he works through you. Like with Perry last Thursday at the fitness room as he had a super quick (45 seconds!), super cool, super satisfying chance to share Jesus. Expect to be surprised!

    For years Shawna believed she was insignificant. To be more specific she believed that the world would be better if she wasn’t in it. But God met her in that moment. And the more she spent time with Him the more she became convinced that her life matters. God loves you and He wants you to know the truth of who you are.

    Sin isn’t breaking the rules. Sin is wounding, tearing down, damaging someone created in the image of God. Perry reflects on how he wounded his bride one evening last year; and how failures like that make the gospel so beautiful to him.

    Shawna was there when her grandbaby was born. There’s nothing quite as pure and beautiful as a new life. In a conversation with Nicodemus Jesus said to experience the Kingdom of God you must be born again. How?! That’s a fair question. What does it mean to be born again?

    God told Perry to tell you something. What’s he up to now? Did somebody put something in his Kool-Aid??

    Donate to Moody Radio: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/morningshow/wgnb

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  • TikTok Theology

    “I live by the Golden Rule – Do to others whet they do to you. That’s in the Bible!” Jamie said as she pointed at me. Y’all, that is NOT in the Bible. The Bible says, “Do to others what you would have them do to you.”

    There are a lot of sound bites that may seem like they come from the Bible but they actually contradict the scriptures. If you and I are going to live our lives according to God’s Word we need to be in God’s Word so we know what it says.

    Shame can be a cruel taskmaster, telling you, “You’re unforgiveable.” Or shame can drive us to prove we’re not unforgiveable. Or shame can remind us how much we need Jesus. Perry has experienced all 3 and is slowing learning to live in the 3rd. How??

    In the movie Inside Out 2 Riley’s emotions take her experiences that cause her to feel deeply and release them into her core belief system. WE do this! The stories we tell ourselves become the stories we live out!

    Shawna stumbled across a belief she had about herself that directly opposes what God says. She shares how through the Word, God is speaking truth into her heart about who she really is.

    When God put’s dreams in your heart to bring life to your world, you’re going to face opposition. From the enemy, from your selfish motives, and from the temptation to impress the world. It’s a conversation on navigating this opposition and completing what God has called you to.

    Then Perry and Shawna are both navigating tough conversations with their adult children. Where they miss the mark of loving their kids well. It’s a conversation on being humble and teachable when your kids are brave enough to share how you miss it with them.

    Donate to Moody Radio: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/morningshow/wgnb

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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  • “Is There a God Who Loves Me Despite Everything I’ve Done?”

    The thought “If you knew what I’ve done you wouldn’t love me” has entered Shawna’s mind a time or two. It drives her to believe she has to keep her sins hidden. But, what if being vulnerable about our worst moments allows us to be loved beyond our wildest dreams?

    Jessie Minassian, blogger, speaker and author of Your Brightest Life, welcomes you, and especially the teenage young woman in your life to be honest and vulnerable with God and others.

    Jessie says that the teenage girls in our lives are asking the same question. “Is there a God who will love me despite what I’ve done?”

    They also are looking for answers to questions about boys, friends, health, mindset and more.

    Jessie joins Perry and Shawna to share wisdom for the teenage girl in your life: Integrating faith into every area of life. What that deep sense that we were created for more points to. And how we can be a safe person a teenage young woman will open up to.

    Also, in this episode, reading your Bible on the daily may not feel like it’s making much of a difference upfront, but over the long haul meeting with God as we read His Word shapes how we think and live.

    Donate to Moody Radio: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/morningshow/wgnb

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  • People are Searching and They Don’t Even Know What They’re Searching For

    Franklin Graham, President of Samaritan’s Purse, a global Christian humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to the world’s greatest problems, shares how when all seems lost and all your left with is disaster, that’s when people start searching, even if they don’t know what they’re looking for.

    Norm Cruthers volunteers to work with Samaritan’s Purse, helping to do the work that needs to be done and praying with the people they serve.

    On one visit to evaluate damage, Norm couldn’t help but share about Jesus with the homeowner. He later found out that right after he left she accepted Jesus as her savior.

    To join the work Samaritan’s Purse is doing click here. Whether it’s prayer, a financial donation, or rolling up your sleeves and serving on site you can be a part of bringing the love of Christ to those whose lives have been devastated.

    Also in this episode:

    Shawna watched as the peace of Christ fell on a woman deeply grieving the loss of her husband. God wants to give you His perfect peace too.

    Dodd shares how pouring himself into helping his kids with their new homes became a reminder of the importance of tending to your own home(spiritually speaking).

    Lastly, Shawna shares how she couldn’t stop thinking about her husband when they first met. Love will do that to you. How do we keep our love for God aflame so that we want to meditate on his words day and night?

    Donate to Moody Radio: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/morningshow/wgnb

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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  • “You Said Your God Would Protect You and He Did!”

    It’s an amazing story of a missionary couple in Libya who stayed there when civil war broke out. They told their Muslim neighbors that Jesus would protect them.

    And when they finally did leave these Muslim neighbors praised Jesus for doing exactly what their American friends had told them Jesus would do. The story in today’s podcast!

    Maybe there are people in your life who are going hard after Jesus. We’re inspired by that kind of faith.

    Todd Nettleton of VOM & author of When Faith Is Forbidden shares stories of incredible faith from around the world.

    The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) serves persecuted Christians in the world’s most difficult and dangerous places to follow Christ.

    These are real people with real stories of courage for Christ. Stories like the daughter whose father severely beat her and married her off to an Islamic Extremist to get her to renounce her faith.

    And the couple who went to Libya to set up a gospel lighthouse and desperately needed flour to feed their baby and God provided for them in the most unexpected and generous way. And so many more stories!

    The 2025 VOM Global Prayer Guide gives you specific information about each country where Christians routinely face persecution and is a powerful tool to help us pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters.

    It’s 100+ pages, full color, and perfect to set beside your Bible or in your prayer room to refer to throughout the year. And VOM is making it FREE for you!

    Donate to Moody Radio: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/morningshow/wgnb

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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  • No Fear on Judgment Day

    Judgment Day isn’t top of mind for most post-moderns. But there really is a day that God will call us to account for everything we’ve ever done, thought, or said. In the face of that sobering reality we really can live with no fear!

    When the storms of life hit we can ask God for wisdom. As Shawna was driving home from work yesterday during a winter snow storm she was praying - asking God for wisdom in navigating the storm. We don’t have to navigate the storms of life on our own.

    Perry and his buddies were talking with Coach K after basketball practice in high school. And Greg said “Coach, who are the best players you’ve ever coached?” Keep in mind Perry and his buddies were in the process of building a no win season. And what Coach K said in that moment from his heart deeply formed Perry’s identity.

    When Shawna was a preschooler a visit from her friends took an unexpected turn that led her to believe, “friends will turn on you.” A story she wrote over her heart & over her life. The stories we tell ourselves are the stories we live out so it’s important to ask, “Do the stories I tell myself line up with what God says?”

    Donate to Moody Radio: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/morningshow/wgnb

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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