So if you haven't listened to AJ Discovers Girlie Loving - that is when I discovered my bisexual side. I've had some feedback/email conversations where people did not realize it was a true accounting. I consider myself pansexual more than anything.... it's about the person, the experience, not the gender.
I'm dedicating this to 4 very lovely women from Lit - you know who you are... your fingers... your spanks.... your stealth moves.... you ability to absolutely melt me... you epitomize female sexuality to me. I <3 you!
This is a fantasy - one I'd love to make come true but I do have this problem with being a wee bit vocal. I threw in the idea of someone watching by security camera but it doesn't end up playing a role in the story. I do so like the idea of being watched though!!!
Thank you so much for listening... you truly make my day with your comments, your feedback, you emails.... you keep coming back and I'll keep cumming!
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