
  • Embrace ALL of Who You Are & Create a "Hell, YES!" transformation
    It's hard to believe this is the finale of my 13-week Make Magic Happen series. What a ride it's been. But wait, there's more. I'll be making a shift from live radio to a podcast. All the replays of my previous and new podcast episodes will be accessible from my Voice America home page. The latest stats show that over 3,000 live or on-demand episodes have been listened to over these past 12 weeks. Wow! I'm so grateful for your support along the way. It's been a transformational journey for me, and I also hope for you. I will be closing out this series by looking at how embracing ALL of who you are will help you say, Hell, YES! to a transformational shift. I hope you know by now… it's where the magic happens! My special guest is Catt Z. Catt, and I have been friends for over 40 years. She's experienced most of the stories I've shared these past 12 episodes… up close and personal. So, it's only fitting that she shares the finale of this series with me. Like me, Catt has made many significant shifts throughout her life. I wish you could have seen the look on Catt's face when, back in May, I asked her to be my guest and that we would be focusing on embracing all of who you are to create a Hell, YES! transformation. Little did I know that, yet again, Catt was in the middle of doing just that! And she wasn't really sure where she would be on that journey in a few months. I said, Perfect! Now, here we are a couple of months later. It's time to get the truth about where it's taking Catt. She will be joining us live from a campsite somewhere in Colorado, having just left Montana, where she joined other amazing women, some 80+ years young, for a welding experience. Say what!?! It's just one of many ways Catt is exploring what else is possible in her life. You won't want to miss this conversation!
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  • Live Your Life with More Happiness & Joy – It’s a Choice!
    Have you ever wondered what truly makes you happy? Or perhaps, what brings you lasting joy? Happiness and Joy are often lumped together, yet they provide very different experiences. You can be happy without experiencing true joy AND it’s possible to know joy or even feel joyful despite grief or uncertainty. Knowing the difference between the two can help you prioritize what’s most important and appreciate life in a deeper more meaningful way. Did you know that happiness is linked to lower heart rate and blood pressure and that research shows that happiness and joy boost our immune system, fight stress and pain, and improve our chance of living a longer life. I say, it’s time to create more happiness and joy in our life! I can think of no better person to help us experience more of both than my special guest, Sandy Joy Weston, M.ED. emphasis on JOY! She is a keynote speaker, TEDx speaker, international podcaster, and 3x published author. She is also an entrepreneur who has owned and operated health and wellness companies for over 30 years. Are you ready to experience more happiness and joy in your life? Sandy Joy will share how in just 1-3 minutes a day you can create more of both. Think I’m being a bit dramatic? Well, yes, because it can transform your thoughts, your feelings, and the way you take on the day. Join us as we unpack these powerful emotions and uncover how they shape our lives . . . and have FUN doing it!
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  • Advocacy: The Key to Transforming Your Healthcare Journey
    Are you ready to take charge of your health and become your own best advocate in a complex healthcare system that seriously needs transformation? Becoming an effective advocate is essential to transforming your healthcare journey. Research reveals that self-advocates are more likely to receive better care and get their healthcare questions addressed. Whether you are currently navigating a healthcare challenge or not, you will likely need to be an advocate in the future—no time like the present to build your confidence in advocating for your healthcare needs. Learn vital tips and strategies that will equip you to become an effective advocate. Get insight into common challenges and ways to work through them in the doctor’s office or the hospital. Learn how to prepare for medical appointments to ensure you get the best possible care, including communication strategies to help you articulate your needs and concerns and how to stay in touch with your doctor between appointments. My special guest, Jennifer Thietz, is a passionate advocate and expert in navigating the healthcare system. We will share empowering stories, practical tips, and essential strategies. From understanding your rights to effectively communicating with healthcare professionals, we will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the healthcare system easily. Join us and start advocating for a healthier, more informed you today!
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  • 7 Deadly Myths About Self-Care, Especially For Caregivers
    If you think this episode might not be relevant, think again. According to a new report from AARP and the National Alliance for Caregiving, more than 1 in 5 adults – a total of 53 million Americans are now unpaid family caregivers. And let's face it: if we're not caregivers now, we will likely be one at some point. And being a caregiver is not just a financial stress; it also creates emotional, mental, and physical stress with alarming consequences. Did you know that 30% of caregivers die before the people they care for do? And that rate goes up to 70% for caregivers over 70. Those are shocking statistics. Even more startling is that when it comes to those who are caring 24/7 for a loved one with Alzheimer's, 63% die during the time they are providing care, an average of two years before their loved one. Given that five million people live with Alzheimer's, this is only going to get worse. If you're wondering why caregivers die before their loved ones at such an alarming rate, it's simple. They are neglecting their own health and well-being. For many, self-care isn't even on their radar. While self-care is essential for each of us, these statistics reveal that the consequences for caregivers are life and death. It's time to take this issue head-on. That's why this episode will explore the seven deadly myths about self-care, especially as they relate to caregivers and the truth behind them. We will also provide specific solutions to help you prioritize self-care, whether you are a caregiver now or not. Join us to learn what you can do to ensure that self-care is on YOUR radar.
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  • How to live out “Be the change you want to see in the world”
    Most of us didn’t wake up this morning thinking… today I’m gonna change the world. However, what if we could? Do you see yourself as a changemaker? When was the last time you pondered how you could make a difference in the world? Does that thought feel a bit intimidating? If so, you’re not alone. What if changing the world starts with each of us changing ourselves and the world around us? Now that feels a bit more doable. Perhaps the way to start is by thinking about something you have control over and something you’re passionate about changing. What if the ripple effects of you creating a change could inspire others to do the same? You’ve probably heard the saying, if not now, when; if not me who? Let’s face it, now more than ever we need people who are bold enough to think they can change the world. In this episode, we’ll be challenging assumptions and shifting perspectives about just that and sharing ways you can make a difference. I’ll be sharing what influenced me to be a lifelong changemaker, aka disruptor at the tender age of 14 AND how it’s helped me create meaningful and lasting change that has transformed people’s lives in ways I could never have imagined. I have my ways of effecting change. However, there are many ways to invest in positive change, ways you might not even be aware of YET. If you’ve ever wondered how you, as just one person can make impactful change, you’ll want to stay tuned. I’m excited for you to meet my guest, Marcia Dawood. In her new book, “Do Good While Doing Well” Marcia shares there’s a way to invest for change, reap financial rewards, and increase your happiness. I know I want to learn more about how to make that happen. No time like the present to ponder new possibilities… to be the change we want to see in the world.
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  • What if impossible is just a story we tell ourselves?
    What if “Impossible” is just a story we tell ourselves… when we can’t see a solution YET, we’re too fearful to consider what else is possible, or others tell us it’s impossible? Have you ever thought something was impossible, only to find out it’s not? It’s amazing what happens when we shift our mindset to one of possibility whether other people “get it” or not. If you’re facing something that seems impossible, you’ll want to tune it to this week’s show. A life-altering health challenge can feel overwhelming and can often be an “against all odds” experience that requires a strong WHY to do whatever it takes to recover. My special guest, Rachael Austin will be sharing her experience in the wake of a life-altering stroke 11 years ago. Rachael and I will explore the various stages she experienced and how she moved from one stage to the next. It started with “It feels impossible” or at least it did for others in her life. She will share how that impacted her choices going forward and the courage it took to consider “What if recovery IS possible?” Next, it was about getting clarity around what that could look like and why it was so important, which helped her stay the course. That clarity led her to explore how she could leverage her strengths – mind, body, and spirit to build the new capacity she would need to make recovery a reality. And, once she brought that new possibility to life, she will share how it has created more and more opportunities, better than she could have imagined. It’s given her the confidence to ponder what else is possible in this next chapter of her life. She’ll share a bit about that as well. Rachael’s story is so inspiring you won’t want to miss it. Be thinking about what feels daunting for you now. Join us for a lively conversation that could help you turn the seemingly impossible into the possible. RachaelAustin68@gmail.com
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  • Merge Your Passions and Dream Big: It Could Transform Lives
    What are you passionate about? How could you bring more of that into everything you do? That’s what we will be exploring in Merge Your Passions and Dream Big: It Could Transform Lives! I can’t wait for you to meet Dr. Jen Mott. She is living that out in everything she does. Dr. Jen is an educator, entertainer, and motivator extraordinaire. And when I say entertainer, I mean juggler, stilt walker, balloon artist, and fire performer with the Cincinnati Circus since 2006, yes, for the past 18 years. During that time, she graduated with her undergraduate degree in Secondary Education and completed her Master’s program in Curriculum & Instruction from the University of Cincinnati. In 2020, Jen earned her doctorate in Leadership Studies at Xavier University and serves as an Instructor there for the Educational Administration program . . . AND wait for it, she is also an administrator in a middle school. I wonder what it’s like to be sent to the principal’s office at her school! Who would’ve thought Dr. Jen could merge her passion for entertaining, with her career in education, as well as an author and keynote speaker? In this episode, you’ll discover they all have more in common than you might think. Here are some challenges and opportunities Dr. Jen and I are gonna explore . . . How you can merge what you’re passionate . . . what you love to do with what you do professionally, even if it’s never occurred to you. How figuring that out could result in more FUN and add more depth to what you’re already doing. Also, how what you’re passionate about could spark new possibilities that would shift the way you’re thinking about what else is possible in your life . . . and how it could be lifechanging for others on your path. We’ll share some examples of how you can take what you’re passionate about and turn it into a metaphor that would turn what seems unlikely or impossible into the possible. We’ll take a look at what tends to get in the way and how to get past it, so you don’t find yourself looking back wondering what else would have been possible if you had gone for it. I hope you’ll join us for a lively conversation.
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  • Innovating against all odds: It’s all about the WHY!
    In last week’s episode, KC Campbell and I focused on the reality that there is no Courage without Fear and Vulnerability. It’s the perfect segue for this week’s focus on innovating against all odds and the importance of a strong WHY. The innovating “against all odds” only happens when we don’t allow our fear to dissuade us, and we are willing to be vulnerable enough to share what we want to bring to life… unapologetically and then make it happen. And, yes, that takes Courage! Oh and here’s another reality check… there is no Courage unless there is something more important than the fear you are feeling, therein your WHY… that thing that you’re passionate about. Is there something you’re passionate about that you haven’t acted on YET? This episode is about how to tap into the power of WHY to turn that YET into a “Hell, YES!” Perhaps your passion is all about innovating a new product or service that would transform people’s lives or disrupting the status quo in a way that would create life-changing new possibilities that would otherwise not exist. I share how being labelled a “bomb baby” fueled my passion to challenge people to let go of toxic labels. If you haven’t heard my “bomb baby” story, listen to the replay of last week’s episode. In this episode, I share my experience dispelling the label “at-risk youth” and how creating an innovative model transformed people’s perspectives and created new possibilities for these youth, beyond our wildest imagination. My guest, Stacy Fritz will share her inspirational story and how her WHY helped her overcome everything she didn’t know about innovating a new product… one that she believes will transform people’s lives. It could even transform your life.
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