Ah that wonderful time of the year, when we Old Gits can let 'our hair down' (be kind please), and of course show our true acting abilities, whilst we pitch up with our annual offering of thespian beauty.
This year, it is probably a pantomime you aren't familiar with, It's 'So Tight and the Seven Frauds', but hey don't let that stop you from enjoying and revelling in the story, delivery and execution of the plot. (Mind you some have said execution is better suited to the 3 of us after our previous pantos)
We are never ones to pre-judge your reactions or thoughts so in the best of pantomime traditions. Slap your thighs, sit down get your funny bones ready and here we go.
PS...(if you aren't in the UK and unfamiliar with the pantomime tradition look it up first) it will make it much easier for you. (possibly)