• [Updated] The Easiest Source of New Consulting Clients

    Every consulting firm is looking for the easy way to fill their pipeline. Alas, there's no magic funnel-filler. On the other hand, there are three very reliable sources of new clients, all of which are explained in this podcast episode. Visit the original article at https://www.davidafields.com/updated-the-easiest-source-of-new-consulting-clients and leave your comments.

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  • Read This: The Secret to Content that Attracts Consulting Clients

    Your prospects are being flooded with content, much of it sorta good thanks to new AI engines. Therefore, you need to create content that stands above the standard fare and compels clients to contact you. You'll learn a trick to creating outstanding content in this podcast episode. Visit the original article at https://www.davidafields.com/read-this-the-secret-to-content-that-attracts-consulting-clients and leave your comments.

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  • How to Price Your Consulting Projects High… But Not TOO High

    Pricing may be the trickiest part of consulting. Higher fees are good for you and, because they give you room to pull out all the stops, they're good for your clients too. However, pricing too high can scare prospective clients away. Fortunately, an easy way to avoid overpricing is explained in this podcast episode. Visit the original article at https://www.davidafields.com/how-to-price-your-consulting-projects-high-but-not-too-high and leave your comments.

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  • The Best, First Goal for Your Consulting Firm in 2024

    Holy cow, it's already annual planning season! Whether or not you undertake a robust planning process for your firm each year, there's a very important number for you to achieve, which is thoroughly explained in this podcast episode. Visit the original article at https://www.davidafields.com/the-best-first-goal-for-your-consulting-firm-in-2024 and leave your comments.

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  • How to Win Clients Who Don't Know They Need Your Consulting Firm

    You rock. You deliver excellent results for your clients and, as a result, your clients love your consulting work. Everyone who needs your support would be wise to hire you. And yet, some folks out there aren't wise at all. Why don't they see the need to enlist you and what should you do about that? The answer to what to do about it is in this podcast episode! Visit the original article here: https://www.davidafields.com/how-to-win-clients-who-dont-know-they-need-your-consulting-firm, and leave your comments.

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  • Oh No! Is the Hidden DK Effect Hurting Your Consulting Firm?

    There's a very human foible that probably drives you nuts when it shows up in your consulting prospects. Interestingly, it likely shows up inside your consulting firm too. You'll become more aware of the challenge and also find the easy remedies in this podcast episode! Visit the original article and leave your comments. https://www.davidafields.com/oh-no-is-the-hidden-dk-effect-hurting-your-consulting-firm

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  • Competing for Projects: Consulting Firm Dos and Don'ts

    In the ideal world, every project is handed to you by clients who don't even realize other consulting firms exist. In the real world, clients do know other firms exist and occasionally clients even invite other firms to bid on your project. (Unconscionable, right?) Fortunately, when you're competing for a project, you can bust out the Dos and Don'ts in this podcast episode! Visit the original article and leave your comments. https://www.davidafields.com/competing-for-projects-consulting-firm-dos-and-donts

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  • 5 Notes to Ensure Your Consulting Firm's Recommendations Resonate

    You're doling out a steady diet of recommendations to your firm's clients. Are they listening? Are they eagerly lapping up your recommendations like your advice was hot fudge dripping down a vanilla cone? They will when you follow the advice in this podcast episode! Visit the original article and leave your comments. https://www.davidafields.com/5-notes-to-ensure-your-consulting-firms-recommendations-resonate/

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