
  • Healing the Incurable: Ofer Niv and Dawson Church in Conversation
    Ofer Niv is a transformational healer, mentor, and guide who specializes in shamanic energy work. He was born and raised on a kibbutz in Israel, Ofer served as a Commander in the Israeli army and studied philosophy and math before moving to the US. He studied computer science at UCLA and then worked for more than 35 years as in IT at Wells Fargo. A personal health crisis motivated him to search for healing beyond conventional medicine, and he now guides others in their healing journeys. Here he and Dawson discuss:
    • Ofer's background
    • The question to ponder: What in your body seems like something you can't change?
    • Finding the source of problems; the seed might be in a previous lifetime
    • Could your condition have a spiritual and energetic origin?
    • High-frequency light
    • Divine light oneness
    • Scalar waves
    • How our individual mediation sessions radiate out to the world
    • In meditation, see your light radiating out
    For more about Ofer Niv's work: https://alchemicalflame.com/ Find Dawson's work at: http://dawsongift.com/ And to preorder Dawson's next book, Spiritual Intelligence: https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Intelligence-Activating-Circuits-Awakened/dp/160415294X/ #mindtomatter #blissbrain #spiritualintelligence #eft #meditation #highenergyhealth #healing #shamanicenergy
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    46 分
  • Releasing Chronic Pain: Rick Olderman and Dawson Church in Conversation
    Rick Olderman is a sports and orthopedic physical therapist, and the author of Pain Patterns and several other books. He has 30 years of clinical experience with chronic pain patients. Here Rick and Dawson discuss:
    • The definition of acute versus chronic pain
    • The 3 problems that cause almost all back pain
    • Exercise: identifying chronic back pain by lying down, legs bent vs flat
    • Why the posture with knees bent feels better?
    • Fascial myofibroblasts have 6x the flexibility of regular fascia
    • Old injuries
    • What to do if you’re walking poorly and triggering pain?
    • Tension in lower back
    • Unlocking your knees
    Rick has so much wisdom to share; you can find him at: https://rickolderman.com/ View Dawson's work at: http://dawsongift.com/ And to preorder Dawson's next book, Spiritual Intelligence: https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Intelligence-Activating-Circuits-Awakened/dp/160415294X/ #mindtomatter #blissbrain #spiritualintelligence #eft #meditation #highenergyhealth #painpatterns #sportstherapy #orthopedic #chronicpain
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    45 分
  • Natural Supplementation for Transformation: Leah Linder and Pam Conboy with Dawson Church in Conversation
    Leah Linder is a naturopathic physician with a focus on botanicals and nutrition, and expertise in natural supplement formulation and manufacture. She is also a Master Gardener. Pam Conboy is a doctoral student in naturopathic medicine. She has spent her professional years educating practitioners about nutritional supplementation. Both are ordained ministers and shamanic practitioners. Here they and Dawson discuss:
    • Research on psilocybin for PTSD and addictions
    • Microdosing
    • Plant medicine for profound understanding of something beyond self
    • Lifestyle management
    • Serotonin receptors which synthesizes other neurotransmitters
    • Transcendence of self
    • Dopamine and oxytocin
    • Failure to seek social support
    • The many layers of trauma
    For more information about Leah and Pam: https://www.setasseminary.org/ View Dawson's work at: http://dawsongift.com/ And to preorder Dawson's next book, Spiritual Intelligence: https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Intelligence-Activating-Circuits-Awakened/dp/160415294X/ #mindtomatter #blissbrain #spiritualintelligence #eft #meditation #highenergyhealth #naturalsupplementation #trauma #psilocybin
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    47 分
  • Terrible Events as a Source of Meaning: Jennifer McLean and Dawson Church in Conversation
    Jennifer McLean is the author of 5 books and has appeared on FOX, ABC, CBS and other media. She created the first online summit in the personal development space, Healing With The Masters, which reached millions over 17 seasons. She is the creator of the Spontaneous Transformation Technique (STT) which helps release unconscious and unresolved trauma from the body. Jennifer and Dawson have been friends for many years, and here they share about:
    • Jennifer's background
    • Soul intention
    • How dissonance creates a yearning for harmony
    • The reason why the body doesn’t know the difference between reality and a story
    • Deep compassion and trust
    • Fact: One thought of compassion is more powerful than evil
    • Using the moment of your reaction to heal the part of you that’s ready to heal
    • The importance of spending 3 minutes just feeling your feelings
    • Exercise: Say “I feel X” without telling the story behind the feeling
    Jennifer can be found at: www.spontaneoustransformationcertification.com/horoscope-stts

    View Dawson's work at: http://dawsongift.com/

    And to preorder Dawson's next book, Spiritual Intelligence: https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Intelligence-Activating-Circuits-Awakened/dp/160415294X/ #mindtomatter #blissbrain #spiritualintelligence #eft #meditation #highenergyhealth #spontaneoustransformationtechnique #compassion #trauma
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    43 分
  • Spiritual Aging: Carol Orsborn and Dawson Church in Conversation
    Dr. Carol Orsborn is the best-selling author of over 35 books including Spiritual Aging: Weekly Reflections for Embracing Life. Her earlier books include The Making of an Old Soul: Aging as the Fulfillment of Life’s Promise and Older, Wiser, Fiercer. She has appeared on Oprah, NBC Nightly News and on The Today Show among many others. She has helped brands such as Ford, AARP, Prudential and Humana communicate with Baby Boomers. Carol and Dawson discuss:
    • Why aging in the best of times is difficult
    • Searching for meaning and purpose
    • Exploring aging as a spiritual experience
    • Carol's story
    • How to age positively
    • What to do when you feel powerless and alone
    • Unprecedented joy and fulfillment
    • Learning to love aging is a new skill
    • The reasons why older you get, the freer you get
    • Living passionately and fully at any age
    Discover more about Carol's work at: https://carolorsborn.com/ View Dawson's work at: http://dawsongift.com/ And to preorder Dawson's next book, Spiritual Intelligence: https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Intelligence-Activating-Circuits-Awakened/dp/160415294X/ #mindtomatter #blissbrain #spiritualintelligence #eft #meditation #highenergyhealth #aging #spiritualaging #embracinglife
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    41 分
  • Dreaming Your Future: Theresa Cheung and Dawson Church in Conversation
    Theresa Cheung has been researching and writing about spirituality, dreams and the paranormal for the past twenty-five years. Her books, including The Premonition Code and Dreaming of Your Future have been translated into over 40 languages. She has appeared on many media outlets including the BBC, Coast to Coast, and ITV, and has her own popular spiritual podcast called White Shores. She works closely with scientists studying consciousness. Here she and Dawson discuss:
    • Theresa's background
    • Why where your attention goes during the day appears in your dreams
    • Dream journaling
    • Avoiding screens an hour before sleep
    • Allowing the first half of your day to be quiet time just for you
    • How dreams can alert you to medical conditions you might not know you have
    • How the dreaming mind knows that your real wealth is your soul
    • Ways dreams can show you your unconscious mindsets; things you aren’t admitting to yourself
    • Looking beneath the surface for meaning
    • The practice of seeing your waking day as a dream
    For more about Theresa's work: https://www.theresacheung.com/ For more about Dawson and his work: https://dawsonchurch.com/ And to preorder Dawson's next book, Spiritual Intelligence: https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Intelligence-Activating-Circuits-Awakened/dp/160415294X/ #mindtomatter #blissbrain #spiritualintelligence #eft #meditation #highenergyhealth #dreams #consciousness
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    47 分
  • Inner Stillness: Jiulio Consiglio and Dawson Church in Conversation
    Jiulio Consiglio is a spiritual teacher and the author of Your Inner Healer, Open Your Third Eye, and The Healing Frequency. He focuses on the transformative power of inner stillness, the mind-body-spirit connection and the development of psychic abilities. His message is that there is life beyond fear and incessant thinking, and it is found in the dimension of inner stillness. Here he and Dawson discuss:
    • Jiulio's story
    • When you allow negative thoughts to remain unchallenged
    • In the Inner Stillness, the mind is silence
    • Surrender, trust, faith, no inner conflict
    • Living moment by moment
    • How attachment to outcomes is the source of our suffering, not desire
    • Fearlessness, empowerment discernment unconditional love
    • From the inner stillness you’re observing the outer world
    • Becoming aware of the thinking mind and then the space between thoughts
    • Enlightenment is awareness of inner stillness
    • Why we never change when we’re uncomfortable
    • In the enlightenment state you’re observing the outside world
    • The key is to choose love and stillness consistently
    For more information about Jiulio: https://www.jiulioconsiglio.com/ For more about Dawson: https://dawsonchurch.com/ And to preorder Dawson's next book, Spiritual Intelligence: https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Intelligence-Activating-Circuits-Awakened/dp/160415294X/ #mindtomatter #blissbrain #spiritualintelligence #eft #meditation #highenergyhealth #innerstillness #healingfrequency
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    45 分
  • Subtle Energy and Your Nervous System: C.J. Llewelyn and Dawson Church in Conversation
    C.J. Llewelyn, MEd, is a licensed professional counselor in private practice. She works with clients struggling with trauma and addiction. C.J. is a trained Internal Family Systems therapist and certified in EMDR. She uses polyvagal theory as a foundation for her work. She is a Reiki Master and curious observer of the human condition. Her book Chakras and the Vagus Nerve reveals the psychological dimensions each of your chakras holds and explains how your body experiences the pain of trauma. Here she and Dawson discuss:
    • Vagus patterns in the chakras
    • Filtering and attuning to reading energies
    • Feeling safe in our bodies allows us to connect with our spiritual experiences
    • Compassionate connection with self and others
    • The vagus nerve is bilateral, so as we use bilateral eye movements or tapping we no longer respond somatically to triggering stimuli
    • When the trauma is cleared, you feel different in your body
    • Exercise: Be curious about the energy in your body
    To learn more about C.J.'s books and work: https://cjllewelyn.com/ Dawson can be found at: https://dawsonchurch.com/ And to preorder Dawson's next book, Spiritual Intelligence: https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Intelligence-Activating-Circuits-Awakened/dp/160415294X/ #highenergyhealth #eft #meditation #chakras #vagusnerve #blissbrain #mindtomatter #spiritualintelligence
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