
  • The End of Chevron: What It Means for Health and the Environment

    Host Lisa Patel talks with John Walke, senior advocate at the NRDC, about the Supreme Court's elimination of Chevron deference—a move that shifts interpretation of regulations from agency experts to judges. At a time when the Trump administration is making broad, deregulatory moves, understanding the loss of Chevron Deference is all the more crucial.

    Walke delves into the history, politics, and potential fallout, including the implications for environmental and public health protections, and shares how health professionals can speak up.

    Referenced this episode

    From NRDC: The Supreme Court Ends Chevron Deference—What Now? https://www.nrdc.org/stories/what-happens-if-supreme-court-ends-chevron-deference

    From SCOTUS Blog: City of Arlington vs FCC


    From Evergreen Action: How the Climate Movement Can Use the End of Chevron to Close Pollution Loopholes


    You can support our work and become a member of the Consortium by visiting http://bit.ly/member-mscch

    Healthy Climate America is produced by Lucy Walker. Our podcast interns are Isaias Segui and Mathilda Tataw. Savannah Martincic is our manager of communication, and Riya Gohtra is our communication intern. Adam Carl supported the editing process. Original music by James Harp.

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    23 分
  • Building Momentum, Building a Movement: Advocacy Within Medical Societies

    How do you inspire a major medical society to take on climate action? Dr. Jerry Abraham has some powerful insights. Join him and host Lisa Patel as they explore his path into climate advocacy, his dedication to climate justice and racial equity, and the strategic moves he's using to elevate climate change within his medical society.

    Referenced this episode:

    AMA’s declaration of climate change as a public health crisis: https://www.ama-assn.org/press-center/press-releases/ama-adopts-new-policy-declaring-climate-change-public-health-crisis

    Climate and Health Organizing Fellowship:


    The American Academy of Pediatrics: Climate Change and Children’s Health:


    Support our work and become a member of the Consortium by visiting http://bit.ly/member-mscch

    Healthy Climate America is produced by Lucy Walker. Our podcast interns are Isaias Segui and Mathilda Tataw. Savannah Martincic is our manager of communication, and Riya Gohtra is our communication intern. Adam Carl supported the editing process. Original music by James Harp.

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    19 分
  • The False Promise of Natural Gas: Exploring LNG Advocacy

    At just 12 years old, Dr. Laalitha Surapaneni's life was forever changed by a devastating explosion at a liquefied natural gas plant in her hometown. Now, as a leading advocate against LNG production, transportation, and infrastructure, Laalitha works to protect communities like hers from the dangers of fossil fuels. Join her and host Lisa Patel as they tackle the inequitable health impacts of LNG, dispel industry myths, and share effective advocacy strategies for health professionals.

    You can submit your comment on the health harms of LNG to DOE here: https://www.votervoice.net/HP4C/Campaigns/119909/Respond

    Read the Consortium's blog post about the tour of Port Arthur Texas, hosted by the Port Arthur Community Action Network: https://medsocietiesforclimatehealth.org/latest-news/in-the-belly-of-the-beast-health-justice-and-resilience-in-port-arthur/

    Referenced this episode:

    Biden Administration Pause on LNG: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/01/26/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-announces-temporary-pause-on-pending-approvals-of-liquefied-natural-gas-exports/

    Sierra Club US LNG Export Tracker: https://www.sierraclub.org/dirty-fuels/us-lng-export-tracker

    Colorado Study on Health Risks of Proximity to LNG: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.est.7b05983

    Greenpeace and Sierra Club Report, Permit to Kill: https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/reports/permit-to-kill/

    Energy Innovation Project 2025 Report: https://energyinnovation.org/publication/the-second-half-of-the-decisive-decade-potential-u-s-pathways-on-climate-jobs-and-health/

    UCSF Fossil Fuel Industry Documents Library: https://www.industrydocuments.ucsf.edu/fossilfuel/

    Fossil Free for Health: https://www.fossilfree4health.org/

    Support our work and become a member of the Consortium by visiting http://bit.ly/member-mscch

    Healthy Climate America is produced by Lucy Walker. Our podcast interns are Isaias Segui and Mathilda Tataw. Savannah Martincic is our manager of communication, and Riya Gohtra is our communication intern. Adam Carl supported the editing process. Original music by James Harp.

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    24 分
  • Gas Stoves & Indoor Air: The Health Risks We Need to Talk About

    In this episode of Healthy Climate America, host Lisa Patel discusses the hidden health hazard of indoor air pollution with guest Brady Seals, lead author of a groundbreaking study linking gas stoves to increased pediatric asthma cases. Together, they break down the surprising role of gas stoves in indoor pollution, the political and social waves sparked by the study, and the practical steps we can all take to protect our health at home. Seals shares her unique journey from global work on clean cook stoves to advocating for electric and induction alternatives, highlighting the need for robust policies and infrastructure that prioritize public health—especially for vulnerable and low-income communities. Tune in to explore the complex landscape of indoor air regulation and the powerful changes within reach.

    Referenced this episode:

    You can read RMI’s research on gas stoves here: https://rmi.org/insight/gas-stoves-pollution-health/

    Support our work and become a member of the Consortium by visiting http://bit.ly/member-mscch

    Healthy Climate America is produced by Lucy Walker. Our podcast interns are Isaias Segui and Mathilda Tataw. Savannah Martincic is our manager of communication, and Riya Gohtra is our communication intern. Adam Carl supported the editing process. Original music by James Harp.

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    21 分
  • From Anxiety to Action: Protecting Mental Health in a Changing Climate

    In this episode of Healthy Climate America, host Lisa Patel speaks with Dr. Elizabeth Pinsky, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and pediatrician at Massachusetts General Hospital. They discuss the significant mental health toll climate change is having on children, including increased anxiety, post-traumatic stress, and depression. Dr. Pinsky shares her personal journey into climate work, strategies for managing climate distress in clinical practice, and ways to build resilience for sustained climate advocacy. The conversation also emphasizes collective action, community support, and broader climate activism as essential elements for both personal and professional well-being.

    Referenced this episode

    You can read Lisa and Elizabeth’s piece on school reopening below:


    North Carolina Town Sues Duke Energy Over Climate Change: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/04/business/energy-environment/duke-energy-climate-change-lawsuit.html

    Impact of Climate Change on Vaccine Responses and Inequity: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-024-02192-y

    Climate Change, Floods, and Human Health:


    You can support our work and become a member of the Consortium by visiting http://bit.ly/member-mscch

    Healthy Climate America is produced by Lucy Walker. Our podcast interns are Isaias Segui and Mathilda Tataw. Savannah Martincic is our manager of communication, and Riya Gohtra is our communication intern. Adam Carl supported the editing process. Original music by James Harp

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    25 分
  • Local Voices, Big Impact: Building Healthy Communities

    In the years ahead, we can expect that climate and clean energy work on a federal level will be severely curtailed, if not entirely eliminated.

    On a state level, climate change also faces political headwinds in states like Florida, where Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation to erase mention of climate change from state law.

    Join us as host Lisa Patel and Dr. Cheryl Holder, executive director of Florida Clinicians for Climate Action, discuss the challenges health professionals and climate advocates can face at the local level, the links between climate change and health inequities, and how health professionals can use social media for effective advocacy. Dr. Holder shares what inspired her climate work, her advocacy outside the clinic walls, and what motivates her to keep up the local fight.

    Referenced this episode:

    National Medical Association: https://members.nmanet.org/

    Dr. Holder’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drcherylholder/

    Dr. Holder’s TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drcherylholder

    Dr.Holder’s Ted Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/cheryl_holder_the_link_between_climate_change_health_and_poverty?subtitle=en

    You can support our work and become a member of the Consortium by visiting http://bit.ly/member-mscch

    Healthy Climate America is produced by Lucy Walker. Our podcast interns are Isaias Segui and Mathilda Tataw. Savannah Martincic is our manager of communication, and Riya Gohtra is our communication intern. Adam Carl supported the editing process. Original music by James Harp

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    20 分
  • Burning Up: Extreme Heat, Worker Health, and the New OSHA Rule

    Interested in taking action on the OSHA standard? See the links below.

    Join us as we dive into OSHA's groundbreaking proposal to safeguard indoor and outdoor workers from the rising dangers of extreme heat. Guest expert Juanita Constible from the Natural Resources Defense Council unpacks the history behind this rule, breaks down the key elements of the new protections, and shares powerful advocacy strategies to push it forward. Discover why this rule is essential, how state-level actions are shaping worker protections, and the pivotal role health professionals can play in driving change for safer, healthier workplaces.


    You can access the Consortium’s heat toolkit, organizational sign on letter, and action alert at this link: https://medsocietiesforclimatehealth.org/advocacy-resources/osha-heat-action-toolkit/

    You can read the OSHA proposal here:


    Support our work and become a member of the Consortium by visiting http://bit.ly/member-mscch

    Healthy Climate America is produced by Lucy Walker. Our podcast interns are Isaias Segui and Mathilda Tataw. Savannah Martincic is our manager of communication, and Riya Gohtra is our communication intern. Adam Carl supported the editing process. Original music by James Harp.

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    25 分
  • Communicating Climate Change for Impact with Dr. Ed Maibach

    In our inaugural episode, Dr. Ed Maibach, Director of the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, shares his journey in climate and health advocacy, his epiphany moment on climate change as the world's biggest public health challenge, and his efforts in founding the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health.

    He and host Dr. Lisa Patel discuss the importance of effective communication, trusted messengers, and actionable guidance to enhance public and political engagement on climate change.

    Join us as Dr. Maibach provides valuable insights, optimism, and a call to action for health professionals to join the climate advocacy movement.

    Referenced this episode:

    2017 IPCC Report: https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/

    Center for Climate Change Communication: https://www.climatechangecommunication.org/

    Climate Matters Program: https://www.climatecentral.org/climate-matters

    You can support our work and become a member of the Consortium by visiting http://bit.ly/member-mscch

    Healthy Climate America is produced by Lucy Walker. Our podcast interns are Isaias Segui and Mathilda Tataw. Savannah Martincic is our manager of communication, and Riya Gohtra is our communication intern. Adam Carl supported the editing process. Original music by James Harp.

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    23 分