
  • We are ALL Deserving of Help with Laura Malcolm, founder/CEO of Give InKind

    Have you ever had to FIGHT somebody in order to help them?

    I’ll bet we all have that friend who meets you with resistance when you offer to show up for them. “It’s too much,” they tell you – even if it’s no trouble at all.

    Today, we continue our conversation about giving and receiving support with Laura Malcolm, the founder and CEO of Give InKind, a one-stop social support platform where you can organize all you might need to help somebody: meals, rides, GoFundMe updates, you name it.

    Laura shares her beautiful story about how she created Give InKind and how she sees people utilizing the service today. Some use it to organize care for a family going through pediatric cancer; others use it to plan whose turn it is to call Grandma.

    One of the most important things we cover is that we are ALL worthy of support, no matter our socioeconomic status, no matter how “not bad” we have it. Because honestly, it’s not always about the help itself – it’s also about the gesture, making us feel connected and cared for.

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    • Give InKind, a one-stop-shop for helping friends and family in hard situations, with places to organize meal trains, grocery store trips, pet sitting, wish lists, etc.
    • The idea for the service, which came about when Laura and her husband lost their first child to stillbirth and her coworkers set up a meal train for them
    • Ring Theory, the vulnerability it takes to give/receive support, plus, what people were asking for on Give InKind that threw Laura off guard
    • Why part of support is about connection and the act itself – no socioeconomic status is more or less deserving, and you don’t need to be in an emergency to receive care

    Resources & Links

    Want more on giving and receiving support? See Episode 112 and Episode 113. Be sure to check out Give InKind and the Ring Theory I mentioned in this episode.

    Like what you hear? Visit my website, leave me a voicemail, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok!

    Want to take this conversation a step further? Send this episode to a friend. Tell them you found it interesting and use what we just talked about as a conversation starter the next time you and your friend hang out!

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    58 分
  • The Hidden Costs of Being the “Strong Friend”

    I used to love being the “strong friend.” For awhile, it was a large part of my identity, and I’d brag about dropping anything to help a friend in need.

    In retrospect, it’s easy to see how being the “strong friend” came naturally to me. I had a complex, traumatic childhood, and as the eldest daughter, I became a caregiver at a very young age and dealt with a lot of unpredictable circumstances.

    At school, I put myself in leadership positions where at the end of the day, the buck stopped with me, from becoming class president to varsity coxswain on the rowing team. But over time, it became clear this title – the “strong friend” – came at a cost.

    That’s what today’s episode is about: the costs of being the “strong friend,” and how I eventually was able to remove myself from this role (which had its own costs). If you’ve ever played this role, I hope this episode gives you permission to make small shifts to lighten your load. I promise, those changes do add up over time.

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    • How being the “strong friend” actually denied other people in my life the chance to show up for me and for each other
    • The unsustainable patterns this dynamic created, going from one grand gesture to the next, and how this impacted school, work, and my partnership with Michael
    • Choosing gestures that are actually not disruptive – for us, it’s company – vs. disruptive, like taking time off work to stay with somebody
    • How I shifted some of these patterns, including learning to build bridges instead of boundaries

    Resources & Links

    Listen to Episode 85 about shifting people-pleasing patterns and to Episode 112 about breaking the ways we show up into phases.

    Like what you hear? Visit my website, leave me a voicemail, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok!

    Want to take this conversation a step further? Send this episode to a friend. Tell them you found it interesting and use what we just talked about as a conversation starter the next time you and your friend hang out!

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    31 分
  • Being Brave Enough to Show Up

    At the time this episode airs, there are devastating wildfires in Los Angeles – and yet, I’ve seen some beautiful levels of response. When something bad happens, whether to one person or an entire community, people want to help.

    Consequently, I’ve been thinking a lot about how people show up for one another. In a world where so many feel disconnected, helping someone else is a way to feel less alone.

    Today’s episode is about how to be there for people during a loss. These ideas are applicable to anybody experiencing a tragedy, from losing their home to losing a loved one.

    There is no perfect way to show up. Stop putting that pressure on yourself and be okay with the fact you’re probably going to make mistakes. If you’re in the middle of supporting someone now, know that you’re doing matters. Keep being brave enough to show up.

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    • Being okay with discomfort and the fact that you can’t fix what’s happening to somebody – but you can provide support for them
    • Looking at immediate needs first: do they have physical shelter, food, water, or clothing? Do they need a place to sleep for the night?
    • My own personal experience receiving help after losing my mom at age 13 – plus, the realities of freeze state
    • The value of specific offers, doing what you’re naturally good at, and coordinating with others via existing networks
    • Dos and don’ts when it comes to supporting people going through hard times (for example, DON’T try to force silver linings; DO validate their feelings)

    Resources & Links

    Like what you hear? Visit my website, leave me a voicemail, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok!

    Want to take this conversation a step further? Send this episode to a friend. Tell them you found it interesting and use what we just talked about as a conversation starter the next time you and your friend hang out!

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    36 分
  • Permission to Host Imperfectly (and Consequently Host More Often)

    Think of a space you feel completely comfortable in that’s not your own home.

    For me, it’s my grandparents’ house. I can easily picture their front porch, where my grandmother waited for us; the table we played cards at; and the garden, where I spent hours talking to them while picking green beans.

    We’ve been trained by the internet to believe superficial details – like a perfectly styled coffee table or matching throw pillows – are what people remember about our homes. Consequently, many have anxiety hosting because their homes don’t look Instagram-ready

    But the houses we see online are designed to be in magazines. They’re not real. Most people’s homes are messy and imperfect, which in a way makes them friendlier places to be. It’s not the aesthetic that makes them comfortable; it’s the memories made there with people.

    So consider this your permission to host imperfectly, and to focus not curating space, but instead, on being present and holding space.

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    • The bizarre age we live in, where we are inundated with perfect images of home from the internet, which is skewing our perception of what guests are looking for
    • The comfort of imperfection – sometimes it’s nice to know it’s not just you whose living room is cluttered or whose freezer contains mangoes instead of ice!
    • Rewiring our brains to focus on holding space vs. curating space (and why sometimes holding space is actually harder)
    • What people are actually craving in a gathering: real connection, and to feel safe, comfortable, seen, and loved

    Resources & Links

    Listen to Episode 6 about hosting and see some of my other free resources. Listen to Episode 38 and Episode 39 about third places and Episode 27 and Episode 69 about the loneliness epidemic.

    Like what you hear? Visit my website, leave me a voicemail, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok!

    Want to take this conversation a step further? Send this episode to a friend. Tell them you found it interesting and use what we just talked about as a conversation starter the next time you and your friend hang out!

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    35 分
  • You Say You Want a Village … But do you?

    Your village is out there, waiting for you. It might even be knocking on your door, and you haven’t realized.

    People often think they need to make enormous shifts to find community; they need to move to a tiny village on the other side of the world or into a compound in the woods. But that’s not true. Here’s what you actually need: subtle shifts and a willingness to be uncomfortable.

    So many people talk about how they want a village, and yet, I see them rejecting the small changes they need to make to let their villages in. They won’t accept help – a ride to the airport, a babysitter, a pre-cooked meal – because they don’t want to put a person out or let go of control.

    I can offer to pick up your groceries or watch your children over and over again. I am choosing that; I want to be in community with you. But at the end of the day, you have to want that, too. We need to co-create this relationship and support system together.

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    • Community, which is cited as the answer for societal issues like childcare/elder care shortages, mental health issues, etc. – but rarely is there advice on how to find it
    • The idea of “hiring” a village – a message families often hear – for grocery pick-ups, babysitting, Uber rides, etc.
    • Rejecting help when you need it because you feel like you can’t accept unpaid help or are unwilling to let go of control
    • The level of internal required to step off the hamster wheel and be willing to feel discomfort in either asking for help or offering it

    Resources & Links

    Listen to Episode 8 with my friend Adrienne about building a friendship community for her family.

    Like what you hear? Visit my website, leave me a voicemail, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok!

    Want to take this conversation a step further? Send this episode to a friend. Tell them you found it interesting and use what we just talked about as a conversation starter the next time you and your friend hang out!

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    37 分
  • A Recap of 2024: My Illness, Podcast Growth, and What’s Ahead in 2025

    The year 2024 feels like an absolute whirlwind. Where did the time go?

    Today’s episode was inspired by one of my podcast producers, Alison, who told me she loves episodes this time of year that take you behind the scenes, which feels good to me; I want to catch you up on what’s been going on.

    As you may know, I’ve been struggling with health issues this year, so much of what you’ve been listening to was pre-recorded. But finally, in early November, I got diagnosed with a trio of chronic illnesses: Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and Dysautonomia.

    I had hoped to get more done in 2024, but getting closure on some long-standing issues has been a very good thing. And, even though I didn’t have capacity to work on the podcast very much, it has grown, with listeners from 138 countries and almost 4,000 cities.

    There’s much in store for 2025, but I need your help. Please take my two-minute survey. Do you like solo episodes? Interviews? Grouped topics? Let me know so I can provide the content you crave. I hope the end of your year is filled with ease. See you in 2025.

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    • What this last year has looked like: being ill and finally getting diagnoses; moving; wonderful friendship moments
    • My goals 2025: health stability, more investment in my community, and more connection to listeners via social media/internet
    • Things to get out into the world in 2025: Freebies! Printed guides! Audio guides! And also, the book I keep talking about!
    • Stats about the podcast (which has grown without any traditional marketing techniques!) and what I’d like to focus on in the coming year

    Resources & Links

    Please complete my survey so I can provide the kind of content you’re looking for in 2025.

    Check out YearCompass, which helps you reflect on the past year and set goals for the next. Listen also to Episode 101 and Episode 108.

    Like what you hear? Visit my website, leave me a voicemail, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok!

    Want to take this conversation a step further? Send this episode to a friend. Tell them you found it interesting and use what we just talked about as a conversation starter the next time you and your friend hang out!

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    22 分
  • How to Talk to Friends About Celebrating Holidays Together

    I sobbed in the car about the holidays this week – but not for reasons you might think.

    Here’s what made me emotional: I am so grateful and excited for the ways we are celebrating our holidays this year. It could not be further from the reasons I’ve car sobbed in years past.

    Some of you are already excited about the holidays, and I love that for you. But that is not everyone’s experience, and for years, it was not mine. There was a period in my 20s when my partner Michael literally called me the Grinch. Holidays are often reserved for families – so where does that leave those of us who don’t have strong familial ties or want something different?

    This episode is about how to create holiday traditions with your friends that feel GOOD, with practical advice on how to initiate these conversations and get the ball moving, with the hope that you too will dream up and work toward your own ideal celebrations, too.

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    • My personal relationship and evolution with the holiday season, from being the Grinch to crying in the car out of happiness for my holiday plans
    • What I was looking for in my holidays, including togetherness, connection, and splitting the burden of the magic making
    • The societal normals that often limit holiday options to family gatherings or solitude, and the third option I’m proposing: holidays with friends
    • Initiating conversations with friends about getting together for the holidays – which often involves a little vulnerability
    • The importance of patience and openness in creating new holiday traditions with friends

    Resources & Links

    Like what you hear? Visit my website, leave me a voicemail, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok!

    Want to take this conversation a step further? Send this episode to a friend. Tell them you found it interesting and use what we just talked about as a conversation starter the next time you and your friend hang out!

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    31 分
  • Creating Traditions that Stick (Hint: Sustainability is Key!)

    Traditions are incessant. They HAVE to keep happening. That’s what makes them traditions!

    So how do you create traditions that stick around month after month, year after year? In my opinion, it’s all about sustainability. Traditions have to be something you can maintain on some level as life changes. Otherwise they fizzle out and aren’t traditions anymore.

    In this episode, I offer tips on how to create traditions that are sustainable for all the people in your life, from your formal communities to your historic and present friends.

    Traditions matter. They offer safety and security in our relationships by creating consistency and frequency with which we see each other. They don’t need to be elaborate or expensive or energy intensive; they just need to be meaningful and maintainable.

    So start small. Be consistent. And let things evolve naturally over time.

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    • What traditions look like for formal communities, defined/historic/present friends, etc.
    • Different options for touchpoints: in-person gatherings, text threads, virtual chats, neighborhood walks, porch parties, restaurant outings, etc.
    • My own Thursday morning ritual with my business friends that has morphed into a Monday morning paddleboard meet-up
    • Questions to ask when trying to decide if a tradition is sustainable – plus, let’s change the energy behind being the initiator!
    • Questions to ask if you’re starting new traditions, including: what connections do you want to deepen? What’s already happening naturally that could be more intentional?

    Resources & Links

    Listen to Episode 100 about the Wheel of Connection and Episode 52 about pulling off simple neighborhood gatherings.

    Like what you hear? Visit my website, leave me a voicemail, and follow me on Instagram and TikTok!

    Want to take this conversation a step further? Send this episode to a friend. Tell them you found it interesting and use what we just talked about as a conversation starter the next time you and your friend hang out!

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