FluentFiction - Indonesian

著者: FluentFiction.org
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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?

    Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?

Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
Copyright FluentFiction.org
  • Rain, Ruckus, and a Remarkably Perfect Gift
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Rain, Ruckus, and a Remarkably Perfect Gift Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2025-01-14-23-34-01-id Story Transcript:Id: Pasar Cerah di Surabaya sedang ramai seperti biasa.En: The Pasar Cerah in Surabaya was bustling as usual.Id: Rina melangkah cepat di antara tenda-tenda yang berwarna-warni.En: Rina walked quickly among the colorful tents.Id: Hari ini, ia punya misi khusus.En: Today, she had a special mission.Id: Ia ingin menemukan hadiah ulang tahun yang sempurna untuk Sari, sahabat terbaiknya.En: She wanted to find the perfect birthday gift for Sari, her best friend.Id: Sayangnya, hujan deras mulai turun, mengubah jalan pasar menjadi sungai kecil.En: Unfortunately, heavy rain began to fall, turning the market paths into small rivers.Id: "Ini dia tantangan baru," pikir Rina sambil melipat bajunya, mencoba menghindari cipratan air dari kakinya sendiri.En: "Here's a new challenge," thought Rina, as she rolled up her sleeves, trying to avoid splashes from her own feet.Id: Budi, adik Rina yang lucu dan kadang-kadang menjengkelkan, mengikuti di belakang dengan payung besar biru yang hampir menutupi seluruh jalan.En: Budi, Rina's funny and occasionally annoying younger brother, followed behind with a big blue umbrella that nearly covered the entire street.Id: "Kak, aku sudah bilang, kita bisa pakai mobil saja," keluh Budi sambil mencoba menyeimbang payung yang lebih besar darinya.En: "Sis, I told you, we could have taken the car," Budi complained while trying to balance the umbrella that was bigger than him.Id: "Ini lebih seru, Budi!En: "This is more fun, Budi!"Id: " sahut Rina.En: Rina replied.Id: Mereka menyusuri barisan kios yang menjual segala sesuatu mulai dari buah segar, kain batik, hingga perhiasan buatan tangan.En: They walked past rows of stalls selling everything from fresh fruit, batik fabric, to handmade jewelry.Id: Rina berhenti di sebuah kios yang menjual kerajinan tangan.En: Rina stopped at a stall selling handicrafts.Id: "Kak, kenapa tidak coba beli gelang yang ini?En: "Sis, why don't you try buying this bracelet?"Id: " Budi menunjuk gelang kayu yang dicat dengan warna-warna cerah.En: Budi pointed at a wooden bracelet painted in bright colors.Id: "Hum, belum cocok," jawab Rina, meski sebenarnya cukup tertarik.En: "Hmm, not quite right," Rina replied, although she was actually quite interested.Id: Hujan semakin deras.En: The rain got heavier.Id: Langit seperti tidak menunjukkan ampun.En: The sky seemed unforgiving.Id: Payung yang dipegang Budi akhirnya menyerah dan terbalik tertiup angin.En: The umbrella Budi was holding finally surrendered and turned inside out, blown by the wind.Id: Budi tertawa, dan malah menari-nari di bawah hujan sambil memegang payung yang rusak.En: Budi laughed and started dancing in the rain, holding the broken umbrella.Id: Beberapa orang di pasar ikut tertawa menonton tingkah aneh Budi.En: Some people in the market laughed as they watched Budi's strange antics.Id: "Budi, ayo cari tempat berteduh sebentar," ajak Rina sambil menarik lengan adiknya.En: "Budi, let's find some shelter for a bit," said Rina, pulling her brother's arm.Id: Mereka berlindung di bawah sebuah tenda kios kelontong yang menyediakan demo kerajinan tangan.En: They took refuge under the tent of a grocery stall where a craft demo was being held.Id: Penjual sedang menunjukkan cara membuat gelang rajut.En: The vendor was showing how to make woven bracelets.Id: Budi memperhatikan dengan seksama.En: Budi watched attentively.Id: Tiba-tiba, dia mengambil benang dan mulai mencoba membuat gelang sendiri.En: Suddenly, he grabbed some thread and started trying to make his own bracelet.Id: Dengan pantang menyerah, dia duduk di tengah hujan dan kerumunan pasar.En: Undeterred, he sat amidst the rain and market crowd.Id: Rina melihat hasil pekerjaan Budi.En: Rina looked at Budi's handiwork.Id: Gelang yang dibuat adiknya indah dan unik.En: The bracelet her brother made was beautiful and unique.Id: "Aku tidak tahu kalau kamu bisa membuat sesuatu yang seperti ini," ucap Rina kagum.En: "I didn’t know you could make something like this," Rina said, amazed.Id: "Setidaknya aku bisa berguna, bukan?En: "At least I can be useful, right?"Id: " saut Budi sambil tersenyum lebar.En: Budi replied with a wide grin.Id: Rina menyadari inilah hadiah sempurna untuk Sari.En: Rina realized this was the perfect gift for Sari.Id: Dengan hati-hati, dia menyelesaikan gelang itu bersama Budi.En: Carefully, she finished the bracelet with Budi.Id: Pada hari ulang tahun Sari, Rina memberikan gelang buatan tangan itu.En: On Sari's birthday, Rina gave her the handmade bracelet.Id: Sari memasangnya di pergelangan tangannya dan berseri-seri.En: Sari put it on her wrist and beamed.Id: "Ini indah sekali, Rina.En: "This is so beautiful, Rina.Id: Terima kasih!En: Thank you!"Id: "Hari itu, Rina belajar bahwa kadang-kadang rencana yang tidak terduga bisa membawa ...
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  • Ayu's Clever Escape: Outwitting College Rules With Creativity
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Ayu's Clever Escape: Outwitting College Rules With Creativity Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2025-01-13-23-34-02-id Story Transcript:Id: Di sudut sebuah kamar asrama yang sempit namun hangat, poster-poster berwarna cerah terpajang di dinding.En: In the corner of a cramped yet warm dorm room, brightly colored posters decorated the walls.Id: Sebuah jendela setengah terbuka membiarkan angin musim panas menyelinap masuk, membuat tirai berkibar lembut.En: A half-open window allowed the summer breeze to sneak in, gently billowing the curtains.Id: Ayu duduk di atas tempat tidurnya, mata tertuju pada kandang kecil di pojok meja.En: Ayu sat on her bed, her eyes fixed on a small cage in the corner of the desk.Id: Di dalamnya, seekor hamster gemuk menggeliat, berdansa riang di antara serutan kayu.En: Inside, a plump hamster wriggled, dancing merrily among the wood shavings.Id: Budi, teman sekamar Ayu, tengah berbaring di tempat tidurnya, menutup mata dan mendengurkan musik dari ponsel.En: Budi, Ayu's roommate, lay on his bed, eyes closed, listening to music from his phone.Id: Sepintas, semuanya tampak damai, sampai suara ketukan keras mengganggu ketenangan itu.En: At a glance, everything seemed peaceful until a loud knock disrupted the calm.Id: "Ayu, Budi.En: "Ayu, Budi.Id: Ini Dewi.En: It's Dewi.Id: Inspeksi mendadak!En: Surprise inspection!"Id: " panggil suara tegas dari luar pintu.En: called a firm voice from outside the door.Id: Ayu tersentak, merasa hatinya berdegup kencang.En: Ayu jolted, feeling her heart race.Id: Dia tahu bahwa Dewi, pengawas asrama yang terkenal ketat, tidak mentolerir adanya binatang peliharaan.En: She knew that Dewi, the notoriously strict dorm supervisor, did not tolerate pets.Id: Dalam hitungan detik, Ayu sudah bergerak ke arah kandang.En: Within seconds, Ayu was already moving towards the cage.Id: Dengan hati-hati, dia mengangkat hamster kecilnya dan memasukkannya ke dalam ransel.En: Carefully, she picked up her little hamster and slipped it into her backpack.Id: "Budi!En: "Budi!Id: Bantu aku!En: Help me!"Id: " bisik Ayu panik.En: Ayu whispered in panic.Id: Namun, Budi hanya membuka satu mata malas, menatap Ayu dengan kebingungan.En: However, Budi merely opened one lazy eye, looking at Ayu in confusion.Id: "Santai saja, Ayu.En: "Just relax, Ayu.Id: Kalau ketahuan, ya sudah," jawabnya acuh.En: If we get caught, so be it," he replied indifferently.Id: Ayu menghela napas.En: Ayu sighed.Id: Tak ada waktu untuk berdiskusi.En: There was no time for discussion.Id: Dia harus bertindak sekarang.En: She had to act now.Id: Dewi sudah hampir membuka pintu.En: Dewi was almost at the door.Id: Ayu memutuskan untuk menyelinap keluar, berpura-pura ingin membuang sampah.En: Ayu decided to sneak out, pretending to take out the trash.Id: Dia mengayunkan ransel ke bahunya dan mendekati pintu.En: She swung her backpack onto her shoulder and approached the door.Id: Namun, selangkah sebelum keluar, Dewi menatapnya dengan curiga.En: But, a step before going out, Dewi looked at her suspiciously.Id: "Apa itu suara gaduh dari ranselmu?En: "What's that noise coming from your backpack?"Id: " tuntut Dewi.En: demanded Dewi.Id: Jantung Ayu berpacu.En: Ayu's heart raced.Id: Dalam kepanikan, secepat kilat Ayu meraih ponselnya.En: In a panic, Ayu quickly grabbed her phone.Id: "Ah, itu suara dari ponselku, Bu Dewi!En: "Ah, that's the sound from my phone, Mrs. Dewi!Id: Saya suka sekali suara hamster untuk bantu tidur," kata Ayu, seraya memutar klip suara hamster yang disimpannya.En: I really like the sound of a hamster to help me sleep," Ayu said, playing a hamster sound clip she had saved.Id: Dewi memiringkan kepalanya, mendengarkan dengan seksama, sebelum akhirnya tersenyum dan berkata, "Kamu memang aneh, Ayu.En: Dewi tilted her head, listening intently, before finally smiling and saying, "You indeed are strange, Ayu.Id: Tapi baiklah.En: But alright.Id: Silakan.En: Go ahead."Id: " Dewi melambaikan tangan, mengisyaratkan Ayu untuk pergi.En: Dewi waved her hand, signaling Ayu to leave.Id: Ayu segera melangkah keluar dengan napas lega.En: Ayu immediately stepped out, breathing a sigh of relief.Id: Seusai pemeriksaan, di tempat yang aman, Ayu menatap hamster kecilnya sambil tersenyum.En: After the inspection, in a safe place, Ayu looked at her little hamster with a smile.Id: Dia tahu, lain kali dia harus lebih siap menghadapi situasi tak terduga.En: She knew next time she needed to be better prepared for unexpected situations.Id: Pengalaman ini memberikan pelajaran berharga tentang pentingnya kecepatan berpikir dan kreativitas dalam menyelesaikan masalah.En: This experience offered a valuable lesson on the importance of quick thinking and creativity in solving problems.Id: Di bawah terik sinar matahari musim panas, Ayu melangkah kembali ke kamar, bersyukur bahwa hari itu, dia dan teman kecilnya lolos dari masalah.En: Under the ...
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  • Rainy Revelations: Friendship and Culture at Bali's Tanah Lot
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Rainy Revelations: Friendship and Culture at Bali's Tanah Lot Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2025-01-13-08-38-19-id Story Transcript:Id: Pada hari yang cerah di Bali, meski musim hujan, Rina, Adi, dan Sinta mengunjungi Pura Tanah Lot.En: On a bright day in Bali, despite it being the rainy season, Rina, Adi, and Sinta visited Pura Tanah Lot.Id: Mereka datang untuk merayakan Galungan, hari raya besar di Bali yang merayakan kemenangan dharma (kebaikan) atas adharma (kejahatan).En: They came to celebrate Galungan, a major festival in Bali that celebrates the victory of dharma (good) over adharma (evil).Id: Tanah Lot terkenal dengan pemandangannya yang menakjubkan, terutama pura yang berdiri kokoh di tengah laut.En: Tanah Lot is famous for its stunning views, especially the temple that stands firmly in the middle of the sea.Id: Hari itu, udara lembap, berbau tanah basah bercampur aroma dupa.En: That day, the air was humid, scented with the smell of wet earth mixed with incense aroma.Id: Adi, yang asli Bali, sangat bersemangat menjelaskan setiap aspek budaya kepada teman-temannya.En: Adi, who is a native of Bali, was very excited to explain every cultural aspect to his friends.Id: "Rina, lihat itu penjor," kata Adi sambil menunjuk bambu tinggi yang menghadap ke jalan dengan hiasan gantung yang elok.En: "Rina, look at that penjor," said Adi, pointing to a tall bamboo pole facing the road with elegant hanging decorations.Id: "Itu simbol kemenangan dharma.En: "That's a symbol of the victory of dharma."Id: "Rina terpesona, sementara Sinta tetap skeptis.En: Rina was fascinated, while Sinta remained skeptical.Id: "Aku lebih suka melihat-lihat," gumam Sinta dengan senyum tipis.En: "I prefer to just look around," muttered Sinta with a faint smile.Id: Cuaca seketika berubah.En: The weather suddenly changed.Id: Awan tebal berkumpul, dan hujan turun deras.En: Thick clouds gathered, and heavy rain fell.Id: Mereka mencari perlindungan di bawah balai kuno dekat pura.En: They sought refuge under an ancient pavilion near the temple.Id: "Hujan ini memperparah pengalaman gelap," keluh Sinta sambil memandang keluar.En: "This rain just worsens the dark experience," lamented Sinta while looking out.Id: Adi tidak menyerah.En: Adi did not give up.Id: "Jangan khawatir, kita masih bisa menikmati festival dari sini.En: "Don't worry, we can still enjoy the festival from here."Id: "Di tengah derasnya hujan, suara gamelan terdengar.En: Amidst the heavy rain, the sound of gamelan could be heard.Id: Penari tradisional muncul di balai, melakukan tarian kecak yang penuh semangat.En: Traditional dancers appeared in the pavilion, performing the spirited kecak dance.Id: Setiap gerakan mereka menggambarkan cerita, membuat Rina dan Sinta terpesona.En: Each of their movements narrated a story, mesmerizing Rina and Sinta.Id: Saat tarian berlangsung, hujan mulai mereda.En: As the dance continued, the rain began to subside.Id: Sinta, yang awalnya ragu, kini sepenuhnya terlibat dalam pesona budaya Bali.En: Sinta, who was initially doubtful, was now fully engaged in the charm of Balinese culture.Id: Sikap skeptisnya luruh, digantikan kekaguman yang tulus.En: Her skepticism melted away, replaced by genuine admiration.Id: Semangat persahabatan dan pemahaman mengisi udara.En: The spirit of friendship and understanding filled the air.Id: Setelah tarian berakhir, langit cerah memancarkan senja yang indah.En: After the dance ended, the sky cleared, presenting a beautiful dusk.Id: Mereka bertiga berjalan ke tepi pantai, menyaksikan matahari terbenam di balik laut yang tenang.En: The three of them walked to the beachside, watching the sunset over the calm sea.Id: Dalam hening yang damai, Rina merasakan jalinan persahabatan dan budaya yang lebih kuat.En: In peaceful silence, Rina felt a stronger bond of friendship and culture.Id: "Aku belajar banyak hari ini," katanya lembut pada Adi dan Sinta.En: "I learned a lot today," she said softly to Adi and Sinta.Id: Senyum Sinta kini penuh kehangatan.En: Sinta's smile was now full of warmth.Id: "Aku juga," tambahnya.En: "So did I," she added.Id: Ketiganya berdiri di sana, di bawah langit cerah Bali, saling berbagi rasa nyaman dan kebahagiaan.En: The three of them stood there, under the clear Bali sky, sharing a sense of comfort and happiness.Id: Festival Galungan ini, meski dimulai dengan hujan, ternyata tidak bisa dipadamkan oleh badai.En: This Galungan festival, though it began with rain, could not be extinguished by the storm.Id: Sebaliknya, membawa warna baru bagi persahabatan mereka.En: Instead, it brought new colors to their friendship. Vocabulary Words:bright: cerahdespite: meskicelebrate: merayakanvictory: kemenanganfestival: hari rayastunning: menakjubkanhumid: lembapincense: dupanative: asliaspect: aspeksymbol: simbolscented: berbaudecorations: hiasanskeptical: skeptismuttered: gumamsuddenly: seketikathick: tebalrefuge: ...
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FluentFiction - Indonesianに寄せられたリスナーの声
