
  • MB 305.2 - 305.7 - Animals on Shabbat: Leashes, Saddles, and Garments

    In this episode, we continue our discussion on animals and Shabbat laws, focusing on what they can wear or carry. We examine different types of restraints, saddles, and protective coverings, determining what is considered a burden versus a necessary safeguard. Can a donkey wear a saddle for warmth? What about a leash for dogs? We break down the practical implications and halachic reasoning behind these rulings. Tune in for an insightful exploration of these Shabbat laws!

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    18 分
  • MB 305.1 - Animals and Rest: What Animals Can Carry on Shabbat

    In this episode, we begin a new section discussing the laws of animals on Shabbat—specifically, what they may wear or carry without violating the prohibition of work. We explore the difference between necessary guarding items and excessive burdens, examining various animals and their needs. Join us as we dive into the details of these laws and their practical applications.

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    17 分
  • MB 304.1b - 304.3 - Slavery & Shabbat Working

    In this episode, we explore the halachic discussion on the status of a non-Jewish servant owned by a Jew and their obligations regarding Shabbat observance. While these laws are not practical today, we examine the principles behind them and their relevance to broader halachic concepts. Join us as we conclude this section and prepare to delve into the laws of animals on Shabbat next time. Don't forget to subscribe for more in-depth Torah learning!

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    30 分
  • MB 304.1a - The Halachic Status of Servants and Shabbat Obligations

    In this episode, we begin a new section discussing the laws regarding non-Jewish servants in Jewish households. We explore three categories of such servants and their varying obligations, particularly in relation to Shabbat observance. We also examine the responsibilities of Jewish masters in ensuring their servants' compliance with these laws. Join us as we delve into these complex halachic distinctions and their implications. Don't forget to subscribe for more in-depth discussions!

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    29 分
  • MB 303.25 - 303.27 - Makeup & Haircare on Shabbat: Halachic Insights

    In this episode, we wrap up our discussion on jewelry and ornaments on Shabbat and shift focus to makeup and hair care. We explore the halachic perspectives on applying makeup, including rouge, eye paint, and powders, as well as the use of nail polish. We also discuss the prohibition of braiding and unbraiding hair, the nuances of parting and combing, and the concerns around hair removal. Tune in for an in-depth look at these important Shabbat laws, and don’t forget to subscribe for more!

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    26 分
  • MB 303.20 - 303.24 - Carrying on Shabbat: Pierced Ears, Coloured Threads, and Fastening Clothing

    In this episode, we continue our discussion on carrying on Shabbos, focusing on specific cases related to clothing, jewelry, and accessories. We explore whether a girl can go out with a placeholder in a pierced ear, the permissibility of using colored threads, and how historical methods of fastening clothing relate to the laws of carrying. We also touch on the use of certain stones believed to prevent miscarriage and the conditions under which they may be worn. Tune in for a deep dive into these fascinating halachic details!

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    25 分
  • MB 303.18 - 303.19 - Wearing Jewellery on Shabbos: Halachic Opinions & Practical Guidelines

    In this episode, we continue exploring the laws of carrying on Shabbos, focusing on whether women may wear jewelry in areas without an eruv. We examine three halachic opinions on this issue and their practical implications today. The discussion covers historical and contemporary perspectives on wigs, jewelry, and head coverings, considering both modesty and practicality. Join us as we navigate this complex topic and its relevance in modern times.

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    27 分
  • MB 303.15b - 303.17 -

    In this episode, we continue exploring the laws of carrying on Shabbos, focusing on what items are considered clothing or jewellery and what may not be worn in the public domain. We discuss specific cases, such as carrying small items in the mouth, wearing leggings with ties, and concerns about carrying keys attached to a belt. Join us as we delve into the details and interpretations of these halachos. Don't forget to subscribe to stay updated on our journey through Hilchos Shabbos!

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    19 分