
  • #126: Confirmation Bias (Cognitive Biases Pt 2)

    You might be familiar with Confirmation Bias.

    But do you know how to use it to your advantage?

    What about a quick, easy way to make sure you're not being blinded by it?

    I've got you covered in this episode. 👍

    Listen now to feel instantly more in charge of your thinking and decisions!


    • What's your DECISION STYLE? Take the Quiz!
    • Need to say NO? Here's your 11-minute Crash Course on Saying NO Guilt-Free.
    • Ready to talk about getting clear, intentional & sure of your choices?
      • Book your free consultation
      • Join the Alignment and Accountability Club
      • Hire me for two weeks with the Make a Decision Package
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    9 分
  • #125: The Fluency Effect and Planning Fallacy (Cognitive Biases Pt 1)

    We all want to make smart, thoughtful, "rational" decisions, right?

    But how do we do that when we're working with a biased brain?

    Today's episode is pulled from a Workshop I did for a Decision Masters Coaching Group, where we explored different cognitive biases and tendencies that impact our decision-making daily.

    You'll learn:

    • How the Fluency Effect makes things seem easier than they are
    • Why the Planning Fallacy might be to blame for you not getting all 27 things done during that "90-minute time block"
    • And how to use the awareness of these biases to your advantage, so you can still remain a human (we don't "conquer" our own wiring!) but also make intentional choices and set yourself up for success


    • What's your DECISION STYLE? Take the Quiz!
    • Need to say NO? Here's your 11-minute Crash Course on Saying NO Guilt-Free.
    • Ready to talk about getting clear, intentional & sure of your choices?
      • Book your free consultation
      • Join the Alignment and Accountability Club
      • Hire me for two weeks with the Make a Decision Package
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    13 分
  • #124: This is an IshYOU, Not an IshME (aka: When an issue has nothing to do with you)

    Ok. So there's a problem.

    Maybe someone's saying it's your fault. Or they're implying it. Or you're just assuming it.

    What do you do? Well, if you're like a lot of folks, you go into Auto-Wrong Mode.

    • You question your right to have an opinion contrary to others...to implement a boundary...to say no to a request
    • You assume you're wrong, you've created the problem, and now it's your job to fix it
    • You lose sight of what you TRULY think, feel, want and need

    NOT ANYMORE, friend.

    I used to ask clients to consider another perspective ("What if this problem has 100% to do with them, and 0% to do with you?") but now - thanks to a brave, wise, empowered young woman - I have this gem of a question:

    What if this is an ish-YOU, not an ish-ME?

    Listen for how to free yourself from assuming you're in the wrong, and from taking responsibility for being "different" just so there isn't a problem anymore!


    • What's your DECISION STYLE? Take the Quiz!
    • Need to say NO? Here's your 11-minute Crash Course on Saying NO Guilt-Free.
    • Ready to talk about getting clear, intentional & sure of your choices? Book your free consultation for a no-strings conversation about your goals and if this coaching is right for you!
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    18 分
  • #123: How to Make a Decision an “Experiment”

    The idea of deciding something "as an experiment" is appealing because it implies lower stakes and easier commitment, right?

    But how do you "experiment" with big life choices that you can't just undo if you change your mind?

    In this episode, I explain how you'll benefit from adopting the "Experiment Mindset" more -- and the most effective way to do it!


    • What's your DECISION STYLE? Take the Quiz!
    • Need to say NO? Here's your 11-minute Crash Course on Saying NO Guilt-Free.
    • Ready to talk about getting clear, intentional & sure of your choices? Book your free consultation for a no-strings conversation about your goals and if this coaching is right for you!
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    17 分
  • #122: The Key to Succeeding at Your Plan (instead of Judging It)

    How often do you set a goal - or create a plan to deal with a circumstance - only for it not to work perfectly and for you to end up feeling like a failure who "should've planned better"?

    Whether you wanted to "get X done in Y time" or you thought you had a good strategy to deal with "Z situation" - if you don't end up with results you like, you might judge or resent your plan!

    It's easy to look at "failed plans" in hindsight through major Judgment Goggles.

    But what's the alternative?

    This episode breaks down the KEY STEP to executing plans successfully: Assessment

    I show you the big mistake people make when they miss a target deadline, or get stuck in a plan for several more months than intended.

    And how to avoid it!


    • What's your DECISION STYLE? Take the Quiz!
    • Need to say NO? Here's your 11-minute Crash Course on Saying NO Guilt-Free.
    • Ready to talk about getting clear, intentional & sure of your choices? Book your free consultation for a no-strings conversation about your goals and if this coaching is right for you!
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    22 分
  • #121: Time to Update Your Core Values

    Whether you're going through a big life change or you've simply experienced an internal "season shift," now is a great time to check in and update your Core Values.

    The best questions I can offer to make this easy are:

    • What do I want influencing my choices right now?
    • Three months from now, what will I be happy having done / tended do / avoided?

    In this episode, I walk you through my own conversation with myself (on a dog walk) during which I updated my Core Values — since I have a big move coming up and our family's starting a new chapter soon (with Kenny working out of town most of the year and me taking care of our 3 dogs and my business here!).

    I remind you of the guidelines of crafting your Core Values, and let you know how to get the most out of them.

    So you can make the best, most aligned, trustworthy choices going forward, and create the life you really want!


    • What's your DECISION STYLE? Take the Quiz!
    • Need to say NO? Here's your 11-minute Crash Course on Saying NO Guilt-Free.
    • Ready to talk about getting clear, intentional & sure of your choices? Book your free consultation for a no-strings conversation about your goals and if this coaching is right for you!
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    27 分
  • #120: Committing to a Plan When Everything Isn't Perfect

    Is that a problem? Or is it, in fact, the plan?

    This question sparked a huge aha for a client recently, and that's not the first time!

    When we'd LOVE everything to get done with perfection, it's difficult to fully commit to a plan that leaves things undone or only allows for things to be "good enough."

    So how do you fully commit to a plan, and execute it to success, when you don't totally love it?

    When you can't plan on getting everything done, exactly how you want, it's vital to be able to commit to what you CAN do. Otherwise, you risk second-guessing and judging yourself daily — which both limits and discounts your progress.

    Today's episode will help you get behind your plan — even if it includes putting something off 'til later, not spending as much time as you want to on something, and doing things "imperfectly"!


    • What's your DECISION STYLE? Take the Quiz!
    • Need to say NO? Here's your 11-minute Crash Course on Saying NO Guilt-Free.
    • Ready to talk about getting clear, intentional & sure of your choices? Book your free consultation for a no-strings conversation about your goals and if this coaching is right for you!
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    15 分
  • #119: How to Make Big Decisions Quickly (Real-time Tips!)

    Sometimes, you get to map everything out, take all the time you want and still create big, beautiful change.

    Other times — not so much.

    Life surprises you, and all of a sudden, you're facing multiple opportunities to make BIG DECISIONS.

    But how do you keep a clear head and trust your choices when things are moving fast, or you didn't plan for any of this!?

    Well, speaking from real-time experience right now...(in about 72 hours, Kenny and I made big moves including the decision that he'd go do a show for 5 months two states away and I'd move our 3 dogs and whole household elsewhere in L.A...and all of this is meant to happen within about a week!)...

    I'm sharing 6 tips that I'm employing:

    1. Tune into your feelings (hint: emotions drive decisions!)
    2. Clarify the decisions to be made
    3. Allow yourself to make one decision (and "solve one problem") at a time
    4. Ask for input strategically
    5. Do not obligate yourself to keep in touch, get back to people quickly or keep all the plans you made before big decision time
    6. Compartmentalize your schedule

    Ready to make big decisions to create BIG CHANGE quickly?

    Without excess guilt, stress or overwhelm?

    Let's do this!


    • What's your DECISION STYLE? Take the Quiz!
    • Need to say NO? Here's your 11-minute Crash Course on Saying NO Guilt-Free.
    • Ready to talk about getting clear, intentional & sure of your choices? Book your free consultation for a no-strings conversation about your goals and if this coaching is right for you!
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    21 分