Mary C. Findley

Mary C. Findley

Mary C. Findley I was born and lived until the age of 18 in Stamford, NY, in the United States, a tiny town with lots of woods and hills around to explore. My family was and mostly still is unsaved but a friend's family "adopted" me and took me to church even thought they had a family of six children like my own and it made for a crowd in the station wagon, plus I got carsick almost every week on the nearly 30 mile trip to a good church. The three older daughters and I hiked, camped out, and rode bikes all over the area. One of my favorite things was climbing a giant pine tree and drawing or writing and I always wanted to write and illustrate my own books. Michael grew up in Phoenix, AZ, spending some summers with his grandparents in IL while his single mother worked. We met at and graduated from Bob Jones University. Michael is co-author of Antidisestablishmentarianism and wrote the Space Empire Saga, both available here on Amazon. We lived in South Carolina, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Missouri, and back again to Pennsylvania while raising 3 children, Mark, age 28, Victoria, age 25, and Jonathan, age 20. Michael has a Masters Degree in Church History and is incredibly knowledgeable about History, Science and Math. I am the literary, artistic and Pop Culture part of the team. I also love drama, costume design and making puppets. I have done puppet plays in churches for many years and designed and sewn animal and people costumes for school plays including Patch the Pirate Goes to the Jungle (The ostriches and elephant were a challenge!). I wrote a play version of Anne of Green Gables for a Christian High School and revised Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice with a mostly female cast, to be performed in just about 1 hour with cast as stage crew. You can see a teaser for the Merchant of Venice Video on YouTube, FFVp5657 channel. The whole video will be up soon and there are teasers for the books as well. As Findley Family Video, we have made Cable TV commercials, teaching videos and public service programs. Check out for more about our books and videos and what we're all about. If you do buy one of our books, please take time to write a review. We need the feedback! Thank you!
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