Dr. Harmony

Dr. Harmony

“I found my greatest breakthrough on the other side of my greatest resistance!” – Dr. Harmony MY JOURNEY THUS FAR... I AM a twin-flame ascension expert and I AM on a personal quest to fulfill my own twin-flame mission by sharing my message and spreading a new world order –heaven on earth. I hope to enlighten the globe by giving back “The Gift” of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that I received from my own twin flame, which has fueled my beacon for other twin flames to follow. My background is in holistic chiropractic, vibrational medicine and energy healing. For nearly 20 years, I have helped people remove energetic blocks that had kept them stuck in life. Combined with my expertise, personal experiences, extensive research and my Divinely-guided messages, I help other twin flames around the world FACE FEARS - FIND FREEDOM & GLOW FORWARD ON FIRE… so they can return home – a place of inner peace and happiness! Over an eighteen-month period, I moved from a house I had lived in for seventeen years, sold 95% of everything I owned, ended a relationship and we sold a business that we jointly owned. This was followed by a notice that the landlord of my chiropractic office would not be renewing my lease. I not only downsized my life, but I was Divinely shifted in order to align with my souls “Ultimate Calling.” I FACED MY FEARS in search of PERSONAL FREEDOM… but it didn’t stop there! Officially bankrupt in every area of my life, I raced to the finish line to implement what I thought was my soul’s purpose only to be diagnosed with uterine cancer. Through all of this, I learned how to shift out of the pitfalls of hell becoming the brightest beacon for others to follow. It took the mirror image of my twin flame to teach me how to survive my shift and then develop a ‘Reboot Your Twin-Soul Blueprint’ that facilitates soul transformation by building a bridge from the “dark night of the soul” through the Ascension process, and connecting to one’s higher self. As a spiritual advisor, transformational coach and remote-energy healer, I help twin flames around the globe release their past, raise their vibration, reclaim their life, so they can experience the ultimate relationship of oneness with self and reunite with their twin flame. Sharing the Shine, Dr. Harmony https://www.twinflameexpert.com Let's Get "SOUL"-cial: FB @: Twin Flame Expert YouTube@: Twin Flame Expert IG @: Twin Flame Expert
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