Fiction Favours the Facts

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Fiction Favours the Facts あらすじ・解説

A first book of Bible-based micro-tales

“Fiction Favours the Facts” is a collection of the first 22 micro-tales from the Bible Tales Newsletter.

Micro-tales? What are they? Short stories about Bible characters or events.

Bible-based fiction – the facts of the Bible rounded out with imaginative detail to help us recognise the lives and feelings of real people.

Some are about Bible characters you have never heard of, while others concentrate on an incident in the life of one of the more famous Bible characters.

Cain and Abel, Noah and his family, Moses and Aaron, Daniel, Ebed-Melech, Mark, Peter, Paul and Silas and Judas Iscariot share their experiences with us. Lives from long ago are made real so that we can share their difficulties, triumphs and failures – and expand our own understanding of what makes our life worthwhile to God.

In “Fiction Favours the Facts” Old Testament heroes interact with ordinary people and we learn their lessons of hospitality and faith.

Even the life of the most famous traitor—Judas Iscariot—is opened for us to look at in a possible reconstruction of how he became a traitor.

A wide variety of Biblical characters are within and each micro-tale gives us something to think about. Lives presented by the Bible in just a few words are thoughtfully expanded, tinted with colour and life—but without straying from God’s word.

Old Testament:

Cain’s confessions

A Blissful Silence

An afternoon at the well

The Golden Calf

Confessions of a Dancer-Snatcher

Achish – What might have been…

Another three today

The widow of Zarephath

185,000 times 55

El or Bel?

I’m incistern on this!

New Testament:

No more waiting

Follow me!

The Wind and the Waves are Real

To go or not to go?

A gift for God

I’m glad it was dark!

He promised us life

Here is your mother

A Vacant Place

The Ethiopian Eunuch

Praise can open doors

©2017 Mark Morgan (P)2017 Mark Morgan
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