検索キーワード: 著者 "The Sincere Seeker" すべてのカテゴリー
Ramadan for Kids: Layla & Zayd Learn About Ramadan
- Koran for Kids | Hadith for Kids: An Islamic Children’s Book Introducing Fasting & the Holy Month ... | Eid for Kids (Islam for Kids Series)
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker Collection
- ナレーター: Adriana Paterson
- 再生時間: 7 分
- 完全版
Layla & Zayd Learn About Ramadan, by The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection, introduces Ramadan to your children in a fun and engaging Ramadan story about a brother and sister’s first Ramadan experience. Along the way, big sister Layla and curious little Zayd learn what Ramadan is about and why do Muslims fast in the month of Ramadan. The siblings decide to try fasting this year and the Ramadan story goes on from there. The purpose of this book is not only to introduce Ramadan to your kids but to get them excited and to look forward to Ramadan and fasting.
Ramadan for Kids: Layla & Zayd Learn About Ramadan
- Koran for Kids | Hadith for Kids: An Islamic Children’s Book Introducing Fasting & the Holy Month ... | Eid for Kids (Islam for Kids Series)
- ナレーター: Adriana Paterson
- 再生時間: 7 分
- 配信日: 2021/06/11
- 言語: 英語
価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
販売価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
Islam for Kids: What Is the Religion of Islam?
- Basics of Islam | 5 Pillars of Islam | Articles of Faith in Islam: An Islamic Children’s Book Teaching ... | Cute Muslim Book (Islam for Kids Series)
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker
- ナレーター: Brad Grochowski
- 再生時間: 21 分
- 完全版
The love of Allah is already instilled in our children’s hearts, and it is our duty as parents to help nurture and sustain that love. We must teach our children at an early stage what Islam is, who our Creator is, and what the Holy Quran is, so they can develop a strong and loving bond for them, making it easier for them to grow up with a healthy Islamic mindset and lifestyle.
Islam for Kids: What Is the Religion of Islam?
- Basics of Islam | 5 Pillars of Islam | Articles of Faith in Islam: An Islamic Children’s Book Teaching ... | Cute Muslim Book (Islam for Kids Series)
- ナレーター: Brad Grochowski
- 再生時間: 21 分
- 配信日: 2021/10/08
- 言語: 英語
価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
販売価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
Conoscere e Amare Dio [Know and Love God]
- Presentazione di Dio ai Bambini di Tutte le Fedi [Presentation of God to Children of All Faiths]
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker Collection
- ナレーター: Jenny
- 再生時間: 3 分
- 完全版
Un modo divertente per far conoscere Dio ai nostri bambini è leggere ad alta voce e incoraggiarli a leggere da soli. Conoscere e Amare Dio: Presentazione di Dio ai Bambini di Tutte le Fedi è un libro per bambini che presenta e spiega Dio in una maniera a loro comprensibile. Insegna con amore chi sia Dio e spiega i Suoi attributi in modo divertente, interessante e coinvolgente. Ogni pagina di questo libro spirituale per bambini presenta un concetto con splendide illustrazioni colorate che il bambino potrà capire e apprezzare!
Conoscere e Amare Dio [Know and Love God]
- Presentazione di Dio ai Bambini di Tutte le Fedi [Presentation of God to Children of All Faiths]
- ナレーター: Jenny
- 再生時間: 3 分
- 配信日: 2022/08/08
- 言語: イタリア語
価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
販売価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
Gott, unseren Schöpfer, kennen und lieben lernen [Knowing and Loving God Our Creator]
- Ein Buch für Kinder, das Kindern Gott vorstellt [A Children's Book That Introduces Children to God]
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection
- ナレーター: Uwe Zoschke
- 再生時間: 4 分
- 完全版
Jeder Haushalt sollte sich Zeit nehmen, um das Wissen und die Verbindung der Kinder mit Gott zu fördern und zu vertiefen, um ihre Seelen zu nähren. Das Kinderbuch Gott, unseren Schöpfer, kennen und lieben lernen kennen und erklären Gott auf eine Weise, die Kinder verstehen können. Es lehrt Ihre Kinder auf liebevolle Weise, wer Gott ist und stellt ihnen seine Eigenschaften auf unterhaltsame, attraktive und fesselnde Weise vor.
Gott, unseren Schöpfer, kennen und lieben lernen [Knowing and Loving God Our Creator]
- Ein Buch für Kinder, das Kindern Gott vorstellt [A Children's Book That Introduces Children to God]
- ナレーター: Uwe Zoschke
- 再生時間: 4 分
- 配信日: 2022/08/03
- 言語: ドイツ語
価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
販売価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
Den heiligen Koran kennen und lieben lernen [Getting to Know and Love the Holy Quran]
- Ein Kinderbuch zur Einführung in den Heiligen Koran auf Deutsch (Islamische Kinderbücher auf Deutsch (Islamic ... Books in German) 2)
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection
- ナレーター: Uwe Zoschke
- 再生時間: 6 分
- 完全版
Alle Eltern müssen ihren Kindern schon früh Interesse und Liebe für den Heiligen Koran einflößen. Den Heiligen Koran kennen und lieben lernen ist ein islamisches Kinderbuch, das deinen Kindern den Heiligen Koran auf einfache, unterhaltsame und lehrreiche Weise näherbringt. Das Ziel dieses Buches ist es, deinen Kindern die Grundlagen, die sie über den Heiligen Koran wissen müssen, beizubringen und die Wichtigkeit des Lernens auszudrücken, damit es ihr Interesse wecken kann, eine starke Liebe und Bindung für den Heiligen Koran zu entwickeln.
Den heiligen Koran kennen und lieben lernen [Getting to Know and Love the Holy Quran]
- Ein Kinderbuch zur Einführung in den Heiligen Koran auf Deutsch (Islamische Kinderbücher auf Deutsch (Islamic ... Books in German) 2)
- ナレーター: Uwe Zoschke
- シリーズ: Islamische Kinderbücher auf Deutsch [Islamic Children's Books in German]
- 再生時間: 6 分
- 配信日: 2022/07/27
- 言語: ドイツ語
価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
販売価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
What Islam Teaches Me: Introducing Islam to Your Muslim Offspring
- Islamic Book for Toddlers & Muslim Babies, Book 2
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker Collection
- ナレーター: Erin S
- 再生時間: 6 分
- 完全版
The love of Allah is already instilled in our children's hearts, and it is our duty as parents to nurture and sustain that love. We must teach our children at an early stage about Islam, our Creator Allah, the holy Quran, and our prophet Muhammad to develop a strong and loving bond with the religion, making it easier for them to grow up with a healthy Islamic mindset and lifestyle. What Islam Teaches Me by The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection is an Islamic children's book that introduces the basics of Islam to Muslim kids in an easy, fun, and educational way.
What Islam Teaches Me: Introducing Islam to Your Muslim Offspring
- Islamic Book for Toddlers & Muslim Babies, Book 2
- ナレーター: Erin S
- シリーズ: Islamic Books for Toddlers and Muslim Babies
- 再生時間: 6 分
- 配信日: 2022/07/27
- 言語: 英語
価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
販売価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
My Holy Quran Teaches Me: Introducing the Holy Quran to Muslim Children
- Islamic Book for Toddlers & Muslim Babies, Book 1
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker Collection
- ナレーター: Erin S
- 再生時間: 4 分
- 完全版
Is your child ready to learn about the Holy Quran? Do you want to ensure they will start with something simple? This book is ideal for building a solid knowledge base of the Holy Quran! Learning the Holy Quran while reciting it and understanding its meaning is mandatory for every Muslim household. My Quran Teaches Me, brought to you by the Sincere Seeker Kids Collection, aims to introduce Allah’s (God) last and final revelation to humanity to your Muslim child in a way that is simple to grasp.
My Holy Quran Teaches Me: Introducing the Holy Quran to Muslim Children
- Islamic Book for Toddlers & Muslim Babies, Book 1
- ナレーター: Erin S
- シリーズ: Islamic Books for Toddlers and Muslim Babies
- 再生時間: 4 分
- 配信日: 2022/07/26
- 言語: 英語
価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
販売価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
My Allah Teaches Me: Introducing Your Muslim Babies to Allah
- Islamic Book for Toddlers & Muslim Babies, Book 4
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker Collection
- ナレーター: Erin S
- 再生時間: 3 分
- 完全版
Children are given in trust to parents by Allah (God). They are a precious gift. Parents are responsible for their upbringing and will be held accountable on the Day of Judgment. Proper upbringing entails the teaching of Islam and an introduction to Allah (God) at an early age to develop their Islamic worldview with all its virtues. My Allah Teaches Me by the Sincere Seeker Kids Collection teaches Muslim children who Allah, our Creator, is while introducing his attributes in a fun and engaging way.
My Allah Teaches Me: Introducing Your Muslim Babies to Allah
- Islamic Book for Toddlers & Muslim Babies, Book 4
- ナレーター: Erin S
- シリーズ: Islamic Books for Toddlers and Muslim Babies
- 再生時間: 3 分
- 配信日: 2022/07/26
- 言語: 英語
価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
販売価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
Allah, unseren Schöpfer, kennen und lieben lernen [Getting to Know and Love Allah Our Creator]
- Ein islamisches Buch für Kinder, das Kindern Allah (Gott) vorstellt auf Deutsch [An Islamic Book for Children Introducing Allah (God) to Children in German]
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection
- ナレーター: Uwe
- 再生時間: 4 分
- 完全版
Kinder sind eine Vertrauenssache, die Allah (Gott) den Eltern gegeben hat, ebenso sind sie ein kostbares Geschenk. Eltern sind für die Pflege & Erziehung ihrer Kinder verantwortlich. Eltern werden am Tag des Gerichts dafür zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden, wie sie ihre Kinder erzogen haben. Mit der richtigen Erziehung muss die Lehre des Islam kommen und die Einführung, wer Allah (Gott) ist, in einem frühen Alter, damit sie ihre islamische Weltsicht und Tugenden entwickeln können.
Allah, unseren Schöpfer, kennen und lieben lernen [Getting to Know and Love Allah Our Creator]
- Ein islamisches Buch für Kinder, das Kindern Allah (Gott) vorstellt auf Deutsch [An Islamic Book for Children Introducing Allah (God) to Children in German]
- ナレーター: Uwe
- シリーズ: Islamische Kinderbücher auf Deutsch [Islamic Children's Books in German]
- 再生時間: 4 分
- 配信日: 2022/07/13
- 言語: ドイツ語
価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
販売価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
Rayan's Adventure Learning the Five Pillars of Islam
- An Islamic Book Teaching Children About the Five Pillars of Islam
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker Collection
- ナレーター: Erin S
- 再生時間: 21 分
- 完全版
The religion of Islam is based upon five primary foundations or pillars. Just as a building or a bridge would lack stability without strong pillars, a Muslim's relationship with Allah, his God, would lack a focus and a secure connection without the observance of and adherence to these fundamental Five Pillars. This book teaches Muslim kids the basic foundations of Islam in a fun, easy, and engaging way. It is presented in the form of a story about Rayan, who embarks on a journey worldwide with a wise white owl to learn about the Five Pillars of Islam in a unique and fun way.
Rayan's Adventure Learning the Five Pillars of Islam
- An Islamic Book Teaching Children About the Five Pillars of Islam
- ナレーター: Erin S
- 再生時間: 21 分
- 配信日: 2022/06/23
- 言語: 英語
価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
販売価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
Conoscere e Amare Allah Il Nostro Creatore: Un libro islamico per presentare Allah ai bambini in italiano [Knowing and Loving Allah Our Creator: An Islamic Book to Introduce Allah to Children in Italian]
- Libri islamici per bambini in italiano Vol. 1 [Islamic Children's Books in Italian, Vol. 1]
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker Collection
- ナレーター: Janine Menocchio
- 再生時間: 5 分
- 完全版
Conoscere Allah Il Nostro Creatore di the Sincere Seeker Kids Collection Insegna ai tuoi bambini che è Allah, il nostro Creatore, e introduci i Suoi Attributi in modo divertente, interessante e coinvolgente. Lo scopo di questo libro è dimostrare ai bambini l’Amore e La Grazia di Dio, così che possano crescere amandolo e avendo consapevolezza di lui. Questo libro insegna anche ai bambini alcuni dei 99 nomi di Allah, ed è un ottimo regalo Eid per bambini, e un libro per bambini per il Ramadan. Acquista ora questo fantastico bestseller per i bambini musulmani!
Conoscere e Amare Allah Il Nostro Creatore: Un libro islamico per presentare Allah ai bambini in italiano [Knowing and Loving Allah Our Creator: An Islamic Book to Introduce Allah to Children in Italian]
- Libri islamici per bambini in italiano Vol. 1 [Islamic Children's Books in Italian, Vol. 1]
- ナレーター: Janine Menocchio
- 再生時間: 5 分
- 配信日: 2022/06/06
- 言語: イタリア語
価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
販売価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
Conoscere & Amare il Sacro Corano: Un Libro Per Bambini Per Introdurre il Sacro Corano in Italiano [Knowing and Loving the Holy Quran: A Book for Children to Introduce the Holy Quran in Italian]
- Libri islamici per bambini in italiano Vol. 2 [Islamic Children's Books in Italian, Vol. 2]
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker Collection
- ナレーター: Janine Menocchio
- 再生時間: 7 分
- 完全版
Il Sacro Corano è la trascrizione delle parole di Allah (Dio), e ogni famiglia dovrebbe decidere un momento quotidiano per sviluppare e crescere la propria connessione e la connessione dei figli con queste Parole, per nutrire le proprie anime. Conoscere & Amare Il Sacro Corano è un libro islamico per introdurre il Sacro Corano ai bambini in modo facile, divertente, interessante e educativo. L’obiettivo di questo libro è insegnare ai bambini le basi del Sacro Corano e esprimere l’importanza di impararle.
Conoscere & Amare il Sacro Corano: Un Libro Per Bambini Per Introdurre il Sacro Corano in Italiano [Knowing and Loving the Holy Quran: A Book for Children to Introduce the Holy Quran in Italian]
- Libri islamici per bambini in italiano Vol. 2 [Islamic Children's Books in Italian, Vol. 2]
- ナレーター: Janine Menocchio
- 再生時間: 7 分
- 配信日: 2022/06/06
- 言語: イタリア語
価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
販売価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
Conociendo y Amando a Allah, Nuestro Creador [Knowing and Loving Allah, Our Creator]
- Un libro islámico para niños para presentarles a Alá (Dios) (Libros islámicos para niños en español, nº 2) [An Islamic Book for Children to Introduce Them to Allah (God) (Islamic Books for Children in Spanish, Book 2)]
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker Collection
- ナレーター: Genessis Carrillo
- 再生時間: 4 分
- 完全版
Los hijos son una confianza dada a los padres por Alá (Dios) tanto como un precioso regalo. Los padres son responsables del cuidado y la educación de sus hijos. Los padres tendrán que rendir cuentas en el Día del Juicio Final por cómo han educado a sus hijos. Con la crianza adecuada debe venir la enseñanza del Islam y la introducción de quién es Alá (Dios) a una edad temprana para que puedan desarrollar su visión del mundo islámico y sus virtudes. Una forma divertida de empezar a presentar a Alá (Dios) a tus hijos es leyéndoles y animándoles a leer.
Conociendo y Amando a Allah, Nuestro Creador [Knowing and Loving Allah, Our Creator]
- Un libro islámico para niños para presentarles a Alá (Dios) (Libros islámicos para niños en español, nº 2) [An Islamic Book for Children to Introduce Them to Allah (God) (Islamic Books for Children in Spanish, Book 2)]
- ナレーター: Genessis Carrillo
- シリーズ: Introducing & Explaining God to Children of All Faiths [Introducing & Explaining God to Children of All Faiths [Spanish Edition]
- 再生時間: 4 分
- 配信日: 2022/04/22
- 言語: スペイン語
価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
販売価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
Conocer & Amar el Sagrado Corán para niños [Know & Love the Holy Quran for Children]
- Un libro para niños que presenta Sagrado Corán (Libros islámicos para niños en español, nº 3) [A Children's Book Featuring the Holy Quran (Islamic Children's Books in Spanish, Book 3)]
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker Collection
- ナレーター: Genessis Carrillo
- 再生時間: 5 分
- 完全版
Aprender el Sagrado Corán recitándolo y comprendiéndolo es obligatorio para todos los hogares musulmanes y un gran peso sobre nuestros hombros como padres. Todos los padres deben inculcar a sus hijos el interés y el amor por el Sagrado Corán a una edad temprana, para que puedan crecer con una mentalidad y un estilo de vida islámicos. El Sagrado Corán es la palabra textual de Alá (Dios), y cada hogar debe establecer un tiempo diario para desarrollar y hacer crecer su conexión y la de sus hijos con estas palabras para alimentar sus almas.
Conocer & Amar el Sagrado Corán para niños [Know & Love the Holy Quran for Children]
- Un libro para niños que presenta Sagrado Corán (Libros islámicos para niños en español, nº 3) [A Children's Book Featuring the Holy Quran (Islamic Children's Books in Spanish, Book 3)]
- ナレーター: Genessis Carrillo
- シリーズ: Introducing & Explaining God to Children of All Faiths [Introducing & Explaining God to Children of All Faiths [Spanish Edition]
- 再生時間: 5 分
- 配信日: 2022/04/22
- 言語: スペイン語
価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
販売価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
Apprendre à connaître et à aimer Allah notre Créateur [Getting to Know and Love Allah Our Creator]
- Un livre islamique pour enfants ; Initier les enfants à Allah (Dieu) en français (Livres islamiques ... Books in French) t. 1)
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker Collection
- ナレーター: Melissa
- 再生時間: 5 分
- 完全版
Apprendre à connaître Allah notre Créateur de la collection Sincere Seeker pour enfants, apprend à vos enfants qui est Allah, notre Créateur et leur présente Ses Attributs d'une manière amusante, intéressante et stimulante. Le but de ce livre est de témoigner de l'amour et de la miséricorde de Dieu à vos enfants afin qu'ils puissent grandir en L'aimant et en étant plus conscients de Sa présence.
Apprendre à connaître et à aimer Allah notre Créateur [Getting to Know and Love Allah Our Creator]
- Un livre islamique pour enfants ; Initier les enfants à Allah (Dieu) en français (Livres islamiques ... Books in French) t. 1)
- ナレーター: Melissa
- シリーズ: Introducing & Explaining God to Children of All Faiths [French Edition]
- 再生時間: 5 分
- 配信日: 2022/04/21
- 言語: フランス語
価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
販売価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
Apprendre à connaître et à aimer le Saint Coran [Getting to Know and Love the Holy Quran]
- Un livre islamique pour enfants présentant le Saint Coran aux enfants en français (Livres islamiques pour ... Books in French) t. 2)
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker Collection
- ナレーター: Melissa
- 再生時間: 6 分
- 完全版
Apprendre à connaître et à aimer le Saint Coran est un livre islamique pour enfants présentant le Saint Coran à vos enfants d'une manière facile, amusante, engageante et éducative. Le but de ce livre est d'enseigner à vos enfants les bases qu'ils doivent savoir sur le Saint Coran et de leur faire comprendre l'importance de l'apprendre, afin de susciter leur intérêt et de développer un amour et un lien forts pour le Saint Coran.
Apprendre à connaître et à aimer le Saint Coran [Getting to Know and Love the Holy Quran]
- Un livre islamique pour enfants présentant le Saint Coran aux enfants en français (Livres islamiques pour ... Books in French) t. 2)
- ナレーター: Melissa
- シリーズ: Introducing & Explaining God to Children of All Faiths [French Edition]
- 再生時間: 6 分
- 配信日: 2022/04/21
- 言語: フランス語
価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
販売価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
Islamic Blog for New Muslims: Support for New Muslim Converts
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker
- オリジナル版
About The Sincere SeekerThe Sincere Seeker is an Islamic blog and online bookstore dedicated to supporting new Muslim converts. Offering resources to help you connect with God, find your life’s purpose, and deepen your understanding of Islam, I provide Islamic books, articles, and videos tailored to guide and inspire your faith journey.MissionMy aim is to provide accessible, engaging, and educational content for new Muslim converts (reverts). I strive to guide you on your spiritual journey, deepen your understanding of Islam, and strengthen your connection with Allah through the Noble Quran ...
The Sincere Seeker Podcast | Islamic Podcast
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker
- オリジナル版
The Sincere Seeker is an Islamic book publishing company and dawah organization calling people back to their Creator to fulfill their life purpose. The Sincere Seeker is designed for those who want to find their life's purpose, build a relationship with their Creator Allah (God), and gain a deeper understanding of the true Message, Wisdom, and religion of Islam so they can be guided in this world and earn Paradise in the hereafter.The Sincere Seeker provides a collection of Islamic books, animated videos, and blog articles about Allah, the Holy Quran, God's religion of Islam, and Prophet ...
Unveiling the True Identity of Jesus Christ
- Irrefutable Proof That Allah Is Our Creator, Jesus Christ Is His Messenger, the Message of Jesus Christ and the Gospel Was Tampered With After His Departure, and Muslims Are the True Followers of Jesus Christ | Islam Beliefs and Practices, Book 4
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker
- ナレーター: Austin Vanfleet
- 再生時間: 6 時間 40 分
- 完全版
Uncover the true identity of Jesus Christ through Islamic teachings in this evidence-based exploration. Challenging Christian doctrines, this book presents irrefutable proofs of the Islamic perspective, portraying Jesus Christ as a human prophet of God, not as God, the Son of God, or part of a Trinity with God.
Unveiling the True Identity of Jesus Christ
- Irrefutable Proof That Allah Is Our Creator, Jesus Christ Is His Messenger, the Message of Jesus Christ and the Gospel Was Tampered With After His Departure, and Muslims Are the True Followers of Jesus Christ | Islam Beliefs and Practices, Book 4
- ナレーター: Austin Vanfleet
- 再生時間: 6 時間 40 分
- 配信日: 2022/03/18
- 言語: 英語
価格: ¥ 2,500 または、コインで購入
販売価格: ¥ 2,500 または、コインで購入
My Big Sister's Hijab - Hijab Book for Muslim Girls
- An Islamic Hijab Book for Muslim Girls Sharking Sophia's Journey to Learning About Hijab & Loving it - Islam & Quran: Islam for Kids Series, Book 9
- 著者: The Sincere Seeker
- ナレーター: Erin S
- 再生時間: 5 分
- 完全版
God made the wearing of the Hijab scarf an obligation and instructed Muslim women to wear the head covering in the Holy Quran. So, wearing it is an act of righteousness and an act of obedience to Allah (God). A Muslim woman wears the Hijab to gain the pleasure of her master. It is the core teaching of Islam that whatever God instructs one to do; it is always best for them to follow the instruction - whether one may understand the logic behind it or not.
My Big Sister's Hijab - Hijab Book for Muslim Girls
- An Islamic Hijab Book for Muslim Girls Sharking Sophia's Journey to Learning About Hijab & Loving it - Islam & Quran: Islam for Kids Series, Book 9
- ナレーター: Erin S
- 再生時間: 5 分
- 配信日: 2022/03/15
- 言語: 英語
価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入
販売価格: ¥ 500 または、コインで購入