
  • the polyamorous look, lesbian codependency, & love is blind

    This week on s0 wet s0 dry Fiji and Autumn discuss everyone’s favorite reality tv shows right now: Love is Blind and The Bachelor. What’s with the damsel in distress trope? Why have anxiously attached people won the internet? Also, are polyamorous people *really* ugly? And why are lesbians so codependant?

    Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D01kdRrazBdE1aYQ91w8k1MIoypUWOfHhm9S95jAeZ0/edit?usp=sharing

    Join our community of confused pussies💦🌵

    follow us on instagram, twitter, youtube, and tiktok @s0wets0dry

    the s0 wet s0 dry team:

    Autumn (host, editor)

    instagram: @autumnkaira

    twitter: @autumnkaira

    tiktok: @autumnkaira

    Fiji (host, editor)

    instagram: @s0wet

    twitter: @s0wet

    tiktok: @fijithesiren

    youtube: @s0wet

    Mylao (Graphic Designer, and Artist)

    instagram: @xlaomedia

    email: xlaomedi4@gmail.com

    A.I.R. (Music Producer)

    instagram: @airgoincrazy

    *This content is for entertainment, journalistic, and educational purposes. We do not own the rights to the content from other creators in this episode.*


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh...

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    50 分
  • debunking main character syndrome

    This week on s0 wet s0 dry Fiji and Autumn deep dive main character syndrome.

    We’re talking: Dressing like a main character, friends that are lowkey haters, being afraid of calling attention to yourself, different types of main characters, self-obsession, narcissism, being in the moment, letting life happen to you, main character energy, being a side character to someone else, taking a back seat in relationships with men, playing the martyr, being selfish, do main characters have to be perfect?, media literacy, polls, listener stories, and more.

    Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SCBbP5YhpJACeACNIvK71VWKFp3jD6ObeP41TVwuG98/edit?usp=sharing

    Join our community of confused pussies💦🌵

    follow us on instagram, twitter, youtube, and tiktok @s0wets0dry

    the s0 wet s0 dry team:

    Autumn (host, editor)

    instagram: @autumnkaira

    twitter: @autumnkaira

    tiktok: @autumnkaira

    Fiji (host, editor)

    instagram: @s0wet

    twitter: @s0wet

    tiktok: @fijithesiren

    youtube: @s0wet

    Mylao (Graphic Designer, and Artist)

    instagram: @xlaomedia

    email: xlaomedi4@gmail.com

    A.I.R. (Music Producer)

    instagram: @airgoincrazy

    *This content is for entertainment, journalistic, and educational purposes. We do not own the rights to the content from other creators in this episode.*


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh...

    Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh...

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    1 時間 25 分
  • why do we party?: partying as performance art

    This week on s0 wet s0 dry Fiji and Autumn ask: why do we party?

    We’re talking: CharlieXCX and Brat, Chappell Roan’s Pink Pony Club, going to your first queer bar, growing up through partying, social alcohol dependency, different vibes in different spaces, going out to find people like you, party culture simulating community, what is true community?, the cultural impact of Freaknik, party hookup culture, the anticipation and potential of a good night, gay bars and underground parties, drag and queer theory, the political impact of gay bars, why does the party life consume people?, strip clubs, Gay Bar: Why We Went Out by Jeremy Atherton Lin, polls, listener stories, and more.

    Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11u3otaSjMmmk_9wvfG8eFy4iCpVhEBrUXj4esXqRAD8/edit?usp=sharing

    Join our community of confused pussies💦🌵

    Intro 00:00:00- 00:02:12

    Brat and Chappell Roan: Pop Music’s Influence on Partying 00:02:12 - 00:14:39

    Finding Yourself and Community in Bars, Clubs, and Parties 00:14:39 - 00:46:17

    Messy party sex and hookups 00:46:17 - 01:00:41

    Drag and partying as performance art 01:00:41 - 01:15:37

    Partying is political 01:15:37 - 01:29:44

    Why does the party life consume people? 01:29:44 - 01:46:54

    What’s got us wet, dry, and still confused about partying 01:46:54 - 02:03:27

    follow us on instagram, twitter, youtube, and tiktok @s0wets0dry

    the s0 wet s0 dry team:

    Autumn (host, editor)

    instagram: @autumnkaira

    twitter: @autumnkaira

    tiktok: @autumnkaira

    Fiji (host, editor)

    instagram: @s0wet

    twitter: @s0wet

    tiktok: @fijithesiren

    youtube: @s0wet

    Mylao (Graphic Designer, and Artist)

    instagram: @xlaomedia

    email: xlaomedi4@gmail.com

    A.I.R. (Music Producer)

    instagram: @airgoincrazy

    *This content is for entertainment, journalistic, and educational purposes. We do not own the rights to the content from other creators in this episode.*


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh...

    Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh...

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    2 時間 4 分
  • why is everything cringe (and ableist)

    This week on s0 wet s0 dry Fiji and Autumn ask: why is everything cringe? And also…. Ableist?

    We’re talking: Why did cringe culture become so popular? What’s considered cringe? Why do we enjoy cringing at others? The authentic era of social media, cringe vs second-hand embarrassment, main character syndrome, the psychology of cringe, cringing at ourselves, embracing the cringe, is cringe humor ableist, cringing at ourselves, cringe tiktok videos, polls, listener stories, and more.


    Join our community of confused pussies💦🌵

    Intro 00:00:00 - 00:04:29What is cringe? 00:04:29 - 00:12:31What is cringing in a social context? 00:12:31 - 00:28:43What is cringe in a cultural context? 00:28:43 - 00:32:28The psychology of cringe 00:32:28 - 00:48:55Cringe content on the internet 00:48:55 - 00:58:14Who and what do we cringe at and why is it ableist? 00:58:14 - 01:13:34What’s got us wet, dry, and confused about cringe 01:13:34 - 01:27:46

    follow us on instagram, twitter, youtube, and tiktok @s0wets0dry

    the s0 wet s0 dry team:

    Autumn (host, editor)

    instagram: @autumnkaira

    twitter: @autumnkaira

    tiktok: @autumnkaira

    Fiji (host, editor)

    instagram: @s0wet

    twitter: @s0wet

    tiktok: @fijithesiren

    youtube: @s0wet

    Mylao (Graphic Designer, and Artist)

    instagram: @xlaomedia

    email: xlaomedi4@gmail.com

    A.I.R. (Music Producer)

    instagram: @airgoincrazy

    *This content is for entertainment, journalistic, and educational purposes. We do not own the rights to the content from other creators in this episode.*

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    1 時間 28 分
  • Lesbian Boyfriends, Mark Zuckerberg, and Sobriety

    This week on s0 wet s0 dry autumn passionately defends Cynthia and Arianna’s emotional wicked press tour and Fiji achieves a month of nicotine + alcohol sobriety while she tries not to crash out. Mark Zuckerberg discovered Brazilian jiu jitsu and is making it everyone’s problem and maybe what we all really need is a lesbian boyfriend

    Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hVmLxEc-zsR_5kmTnLrDe3iS2AeLrZGnU39_5bbCS3I/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.r03ixghge45g

    Join our community of confused pussies💦🌵

    What’s so wet and so dry this week 00:00:00 - 00:07:33

    lebian boyfriends 00:07:33 - 00:15:22

    Mark Zuckerberg’s toxic masculinity 00:15:22 - 00:28:24

    Cynthia Erivo and Arianna Grande’s emotional Wicked press tour 00:28:24 - 00:40:07

    My sobriety journey 00:40:07 - 00:59:41

    follow us on instagram, twitter, youtube, and tiktok @s0wets0dry

    the s0 wet s0 dry team:

    Autumn (host, editor)

    instagram: @autumnkaira

    twitter: @autumnkaira

    tiktok: @autumnkaira

    Fiji (host, editor)

    instagram: @s0wet

    twitter: @s0wet

    tiktok: @fijithesiren

    youtube: @s0wet

    Mylao (Graphic Designer, and Artist)

    instagram: @xlaomedia

    email: xlaomedi4@gmail.com

    A.I.R. (Music Producer)

    instagram: @airgoincrazy

    *This content is for entertainment, journalistic, and educational purposes. We do not own the rights to the content from other creators in this episode.*


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh...

    Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh...

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    1 時間
  • abandoning your creativity for male validation: the male gaze and being perceived

    This week on s0 wet s0 dry, Fiji and Autumn ask: are we abandoning our creativity for male validation? Are we more creative when we’re single? Do we know ourselves outside of the male gaze?

    We’re talking: Being creative with your partner, lacking self-worth, daddy issues, conforming to the male ideal, how the need for male validation affects our voice, prioritizing male validation over your friends, the Carrie Bradshaw hate train, creating for a female audience vs a male audience, authenticity versus approval, art with an audience, being perceived, the male gaze, the white gaze, the myth of male validation, the uses of the erotic by Audre Lorde, the female gaze, polls, listener stories, and more


    Join our community of confused pussies💦🌵

    Intro 00:00:00 - 00:03:17

    Our experiences with craving male validation 00:03:17 - 00:15:13

    Why do we crave male validation and how does it hold us back from expressing our true selves? 00:15:13 - 00:31:43

    The male gaze, the white gaze, and the female gaze 00:31:43 - 01:11:40

    The myth of male validation and the uses of the erotic by Audre Lorde 01:11:40 - 01:26:44

    Do we have to go boy sober to return to our creativity? 01:26:44 - 01:37:36 Wrap up: what’s got us wet, dry, and still confused about the topic 01:37:36 - 01:53:20

    follow us on instagram, twitter, youtube, and tiktok @s0wets0dry

    Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V09FbmZXVU2OqgZoewtYLy9fXXEcm2ztMLha_47s1go/edit?usp=sharing

    the s0 wet s0 dry team:

    Autumn (host, editor)

    instagram: @autumnkaira

    twitter: @autumnkaira

    tiktok: @autumnkaira

    Fiji (host, editor)

    instagram: @s0wet

    twitter: @s0wet

    tiktok: @fijithesiren

    youtube: @s0wet

    Mylao (Graphic Designer, and Artist)

    instagram: @xlaomedia

    email: xlaomedi4@gmail.com

    A.I.R. (Music Producer)

    instagram: @airgoincrazy

    *This content is for entertainment, journalistic, and educational purposes. We do not own the rights to the content from other creators in this episode.*


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh...

    Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh...

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    1 時間 53 分
  • Why do we f*ck?: the art of casual sex

    This week on s0 wet s0 dry, Fiji and Autumn ask: why do we fuck? What is sex supposed to be for? How serious should we be about sex? Is casual sex bad?

    We’re talking: The different purposes of sex, one night stands as art, having sex together versus masburbating with someone else’s body, finding a balance, discovering your boundaries, dealing with post-hook up shame, polls, listener stories, and more

    Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AqsemvwpTHJv_cbuSIzVAWZ-EstmZnWQ5XSYj6V_KlA/edit?tab=t.0

    Join our community of confused pussies💦🌵

    Intro 00:00:00 - 00:01:09

    Feeling weird about sex 00:01:09 - 00:15:14

    The different purposes of sex 00:15:14 - 00:20:27

    The beauty in it all 00:20:27 - 00:45:52

    An honest conversation about boundaries 00:45:52 - 00:52:04

    The wets and drys of casual sex 00:52:04 - 01:04:49

    Post-sex shame 01:04:49 - 1:20:33

    Wrap up: What’s got us wet and dry about the topic 1:20:33 - 01:38:42

    follow us on instagram, twitter, youtube, and tiktok @s0wets0dry

    the s0 wet s0 dry team:

    Autumn (host, editor)

    instagram: @autumnkaira

    twitter: @autumnkaira

    tiktok: @autumnkaira

    Fiji (host, editor)

    instagram: @s0wet

    twitter: @s0wet

    tiktok: @fijithesiren

    youtube: @s0wet

    Mylao (Graphic Designer, and Artist)

    instagram: @xlaomedia

    email: xlaomedi4@gmail.com

    A.I.R. (Music Producer)

    instagram: @airgoincrazy

    *This content is for entertainment, journalistic, and educational purposes. We do not own the rights to the content from other creators in this episode.*


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh...

    Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh...

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    1 時間 39 分
  • 2025 Ins and Outs: Girls Girls, Perverts, and Sincerity

    This week on s0 wet s0 dry, Fiji and Autumn give you our top ins and outs for 2025.

    We also missed updating you on what’s got us wet and dry lately so here’s an update🙃

    2025 Los Angeles Fires Resources:





    Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cC6P75WlgIqCVbHht_untnUad9z-Z8Oiru59vzUZk0Q/edit?tab=t.0

    Join our community of confused pussies💦🌵

    follow us on instagram, twitter, youtube, and tiktok @s0wets0dry

    the s0 wet s0 dry team:

    Autumn (host, editor)

    instagram: @autumnkaira

    twitter: @autumnkaira

    tiktok: @autumnkaira

    Fiji (host, editor)

    instagram: @s0wet

    twitter: @s0wet

    tiktok: @fijithesiren

    youtube: @s0wet

    Mylao (Graphic Designer, and Artist)

    instagram: @xlaomedia

    email: xlaomedi4@gmail.com

    A.I.R. (Music Producer)

    instagram: @airgoincrazy

    *This content is for entertainment, journalistic, and educational purposes. We do not own the rights to the content from other creators in this episode.*


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh...

    Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh...

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    1 時間 16 分