
  • Charles Lowell - Frontside, Effection, and Structured Concurrency

    This week we talk to Charles Lowell, a developer and consultant who has created a library called Effection. Effection is a library that allows you to write structured concurrency code in JavaScript. What is structured concurrency and how could it be useful for you? Find out in this episode!

    • https://frontside.com/effection
    • https://github.com/thefrontside/effection
    • https://frontside.com/effection/contrib/
    • https://frontside.com/

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    53 分
  • Josh Comeau - Creating Delightful Developer Education

    This week we talk to Josh Comeau, a developer and educator who has created a series of interactive courses on CSS, React, and JavaScript. His courses are lauded for their interactive nature and his ability to explain complex concepts in a way that is both easy to understand and fun to learn. Join us as we discuss his journey from a developer to an educator, and his new course on animations and interactions.

    • https://www.joshwcomeau.com/
    • https://css-for-js.dev/
    • https://www.joyofreact.com/
    • https://whimsy.joshwcomeau.com/

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    54 分
  • David Blass, - ArkType, better runtime type validation

    This week we talk to David Blass, the creator of ArkType, a runtime validation library for TypeScript. ArkType goes against the mold of other TypeScript validation libraries by using a syntax that is as close to native TypeScript as possible. It's packed with interesting features and has made David a TypeScript performance expert.

    • https://bsky.app/profile/ssalbdivad.dev
    • https://arktype.io/
    • https://github.com/ssalbdivad
    • https://arktype.io/docs/blog/2.0

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    57 分
  • Aaron Boodman - Replicache and Zero, Building Sync Engines for the Web

    This week we talk to Aaron Boodman, a founder of Rocicorp, the company behind Replicache and Zero. They have been innovating in the sync engine space for years and have been working on Zero for a while now. Zero is a sync engine that is designed to be a general purpose sync engine for the web with a focus on DX and UX.

    • https://rocicorp.dev/
    • https://replicache.dev/
    • https://zero.rocicorp.dev/
    • https://x.com/aboodman
    • https://aaronboodman.com/

    Apply to sponsor the podcast: https://devtools.fm/sponsor

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    47 分
  • Ryan Carniato - SolidJS, Marko.js, and the Future of Frontend Development

    This week we talk to Ryan Carniato, the creator of SolidJS. SolidJS is a modern frontend framework that is designed to be simple, fast, and reactive. It work in almost the exact opposite way of React, but with very familiar patterns. Learn how it's been behind the scenes influencing things for years.

    • https://bsky.app/profile/ryansolid.bsky.social
    • https://www.youtube.com/@ryansolid
    • https://markojs.com/
    • https://dev.to/ryansolid
    • https://www.solidjs.com/
    • https://github.com/ryansolid

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    1 時間
  • Jeff Dickey - Mise, Usage, and Pitchfork and the Future of Polyglot Tools

    This week we talk to Jeff Dickey, the creator of Mise, Usage, and Pitchfork. You might know him from his work on Oclif, a CLI framework for Node.js. With his latest tools he is focused on making development easier and faster.

    • https://www.linkedin.com/in/jdxcode/
    • https://jdx.dev/
    • https://github.com/jdx/mise
    • https://github.com/jdx/usage
    • https://github.com/jdx/pitchfork
    • https://github.com/oclif/oclif

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    41 分
  • Artem Zakharchenko - Mock Service Worker

    This week we talk to Artem Zakharchenko, the creator of Mock Service Worker (MSW). MSW is a library that allows you to mock network requests in your tests and demos. We talk about the evolution of MSW, the technical details of how it works, and the future prospects of the library.

    • https://bsky.app/profile/kettanaito.com
    • https://mswjs.io/
    • https://www.epicweb.dev/

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    57 分
  • Darcy Clarke - npm, vlt and the Future of JavaScript Package Management

    This week we talk to Darcy Clarke, formerly at npm and now at the helm of VSR, a new package manager. VLT aims to be the package manager we all want in the JS ecosystem, while at the same time disrupting the npm registry. See what they're cooking up for the future of JavaScript package management.

    • https://x.com/darcy
    • https://www.vlt.sh/
    • https://www.darcyclarke.me/
    • https://github.com/darcyclarke

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    55 分