This week on s0 wet s0 dry Fiji and Autumn deep dive main character syndrome.
We’re talking: Dressing like a main character, friends that are lowkey haters, being afraid of calling attention to yourself, different types of main characters, self-obsession, narcissism, being in the moment, letting life happen to you, main character energy, being a side character to someone else, taking a back seat in relationships with men, playing the martyr, being selfish, do main characters have to be perfect?, media literacy, polls, listener stories, and more.
Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SCBbP5YhpJACeACNIvK71VWKFp3jD6ObeP41TVwuG98/edit?usp=sharing
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the s0 wet s0 dry team:
Autumn (host, editor)
instagram: @autumnkaira
twitter: @autumnkaira
tiktok: @autumnkaira
Fiji (host, editor)
instagram: @s0wet
twitter: @s0wet
tiktok: @fijithesiren
youtube: @s0wet
Mylao (Graphic Designer, and Artist)
instagram: @xlaomedia
email: xlaomedi4@gmail.com
A.I.R. (Music Producer)
instagram: @airgoincrazy
*This content is for entertainment, journalistic, and educational purposes. We do not own the rights to the content from other creators in this episode.*
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