Yuletide Greeting’s Weirdos!
Welcome to our season 8 FINALE episode featuring special guest medium & healer AMY GOLDENBERG!!
Join us as we discuss life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness (and aliens, of course) as we move into a new year full of new fears & more beers. We'll see you in 2025!
Twas the week before Yule and all through the pod
Not a creature was stirring, except maybe the gods
The Yule log was burning up the chimney with care
In hopes that Mabon soon would be there
The girls were all nestled with headphones on their heads
While visions of Gaia danced in their… heads oh boy I’m losing it
And Ashley in her elf hat and Lauren with her night cap
Had just settled in for a long winters chat
When out on the lawn arose such a clatter
We ran out into the snow to see what was the matter
Blah blah blah
When what do our wondering eyes should appear
The epitome of yuletide gay had entered our sphere
With rosy red cheeks and a dash of magnesium
We knew right away it was our favorite medium
She spoke not a word but went straight to her work
She was speaking with the dead as she turned with a jerk
She sprang to our side to discuss life on the planet
And of course we had issues with technology, damnit
But in the end, your girls had a great time,
So join us won’t you? I’m running out of rhymes
Let us ring in the new year with a new set of dreams
Happy Yule to all, and to all a good scream…s.
TW: Death, Politics, Aliens, Suicide, Depression, Child Abuse, Trauma
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