A recent Barna survey revealed that half of all church-going Christians cannot identify the Great Commission. So before we dive deeply into the role of the marketplace in God’s mission in the world, this episode goes back to the basics and unpacks the reality of Jesus’ final instructions to us: “Go and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19)
Over 3 billion people are considered unreached with the Good News of the Gospel today. That’s 42% of the global population and rising. A huge portion of these people are what we call “inconveniently lost.” There are no Christians, no churches, no Bibles, no way for them to know about Jesus unless we make extreme sacrifices to go and tell them. This is the greatest injustice in the world today and one we are passionate about engaging as marketplace believers.
For this week’s missional moment, we talk to Greg Mundis, the Executive Director of Assemblies of God World Missions. Greg has served on both the frontlines and in executive leadership of this global missions movement for decades. Everything about Greg just emanates with a passion to see the Great Commission fulfilled, and his belief that business and entrepreneurship are powerful global missions tools is inspiring. Every conversation I have with Greg Mundis is a joy. I think you’ll understand why.
If you’re interested in finding out more about Assemblies of God World Missions, you can visit their website at https://www.agwm.org
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