Thank you so much for clicking on Your Spiritual Resource. I’m Holly Burger. Think of this podcast as your spiritual Rolodex. A place where you can turn over the 8-ball and get an answer. Wait- Did I just give away my age?
I’m 60 years old and ready to share what I have learned over the past 25+ years of doing readings and teaching classes. I've published two books and helped countless people with a myriad of issues and guess what - plot twist- now I'm hosting a podcast so I can help you.
We can talk about prayer, setting sacred space, clearing, and healing. Would you like to learn how to connect with your Guides and Guardian Angel? Do you wonder about your soul mate? Best job? Where to live? People often ask me how they can be of service to the Light. They want to know who their guides are and how to manifest their dreams. Do these things resonate with you?
After working with spiritual guides/angels & Ascended Masters for so long, I have heard the most amazing answers and witnessed many miracles. Let’ s build a community of support together. I would love to hear your thoughts, desires, & questions so we can learn how to bring more happiness to your world.
If you want some free stuff right now, head on over to my website:
I’d love to teach you more about meditation, writing prayers, talking with spiritual guides, sacred geometry, and my latest fascination: NeuroEnergyArt.
Sit back and relax. Let’s do this together. Please follow-like-share, you can search Holly Burger on all the platforms. I hope you’ll check back weekly so we can visit about spiritual advice, interviews, free meditations, how to write a prayer, what the guides say about religion—oh, wait, this is just the trailer. Please come back! I can’t wait to share more with you.
THANK YOU! I truly appreciate you listening and being on your Light journey. - hb