If you’ve spent any time on LinkedIn over the last few months, you’ve probably seen several of the shocked/angry/upset posts that people have made as they found themselves on the negative side of a layoff.
So many of these posts came from the place of feeling a loss of identity because the individual had lost the sense of “individual’ and melded with their job so closely. They had stopped seeing their value as something that is to be brought to the job, not something derived from the job.
When you give over your identity and your sense of worth and value to something (or someone) else, where does that leave you?
It's easy to accidentally allow your job to be the main thing defining who you are and your relation to the world, but today we're fighting back against that.
I don't know who needs to hear this today, but your job? Can never, ever, equate to your intrinsic value and worth.
More Episodes of The Fab Life Project
Cover Art designed by Amber J. Adams
Intro and Outro music by DJ Quads “Dope”