The buzz: “An innovative culture…cultivating a mindset to learn to see the world in new ways” (F.Hoque, fastcompany.com). Does the term “Business Innovation” strike fear or elicit possibility in your organization? If silo’ed business units are timidly testing Machine Learning, AR and AI, but missing the big picture, fear is likely. But if powerful new technology across your products and services is helping you exceed customers’ expectations, you’re on the way to beating less customer-centric competitors. Which type of organization will yours be by 2020? The experts speak. Reuven Gorsht, MoveSnap: “Every problem is a gift – without problems we would not grow” (Tony Robbins). Jeremy C. Thomas, Carom: “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking” (Einstein). Jennifer Ford, SAP: “When all think alike, then no one is thinking” (Walter Lippmann). Join us for Your Business Innovation: Fostering Fear or Evoking Excitement.