
  • Richele Kramer: Love Where You Are and Enjoy the Journey


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  • The Voice that Haunts Me


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  • Elisabeth Hoekstra - The Recipe To Elevated Consciousness
    • You know, basically my life, it started out as a little bit traumatic, not consciously though, which is really what messed me up for the rest of my life. So I was adopted. And just that alone really created trauma and issues in my life, but I couldn't consciously connect those memories with a feeling with an emotion within myself, because I didn't consciously remember. As a baby, you got taken away, and then, you know, you were monitored. You weren't really, you know, loved on for the first couple of months. So I had to figure all of this out through my shadow work that wow, I really started out this life in a traumatic way because I started out, you know, having these abandonment issues. (02:30)• So I was still trying to self-soothe through drugs and alcohol throughout all of this, even though, you know, I was so successful on the outside, like winning awards and living this extravagant career life as a business person. You know, but I was still inwardly, I was hurting really. When I left the real estate industry and joined, I became a president to a mental health gym. That's really when I dove into biohacking. I had already experimented along my journey with a little bit of biohacking here and there, but I was using it in a negative way. To try to bring my brain back from the parties. After, you know, a whole night of drinking and drugs, I would use bio-hacking tools to sharpen myself back up. (06:05)• If you're being chased by a lion, boom, your body will go into fight or flight, you'll be able to pick up and run fast because the blood is going to your extremities. You know, your pupils dilate, so you can take in more and you're basically just running away from a threat. The problem is these days is that people are stuck like that, their bodies are stuck in that response. So now it's impossible to basically heal yourself because your gut completely shuts down when you're in fight or flight. So if you're eating and you're in fight or flight, you're not absorbing that nutrition, you're not taking really anything from that meal that you're eating. You're not thinking consciously you lose 30% brain capacity when you're in fight or flight. (13:27)• You know, you can really tell the people that have done the work, done the deep shadow work. Because they'll literally come from a place of no judgment. It's very difficult for me now to really be angry at people because I understand where that comes from, you know, even the trolls and these people, these haters. I just, honestly, I feel kind of bad for them because their pain runs so deep that they have to express it outwardly to other people, and that's deep pain within itself. Because if you've done the work and you've addressed your issues, you can't really spit that negativity upon other things. It's almost impossible because you don't have it inside of you. Wayne Dyer says the best, What happens when you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out, what happens when you squeeze a lemon? Lemon juice comes out. What happens when you squeeze yourself? (20:50)ABOUT ELISABETH HOEKSTRA:Elisabeth Hoekstra’s first career was in the entertainment industry, where she worked as a model and actor on nationally syndicated television programs, movies, music videos, and magazines. Elisabeth’s evolution as an on-camera talent continued to expand while attending Davenport College for business management and marketing administration. Her current position is Director of Operations for the world-wide brand and TV network, 4biddenknowledge Inc. She is now helping to organize and grow 4biddenknowledge Inc. mainstream, all while hosting her popular podcast “Bio-Hack Your Best Life” alongside President/CEO of 4biddenknowledge, Billy Carson. Elisabeth’s most recent accomplishments have been writing her first book, “The Recipe to Elevated Consciousness” which quickly became a best seller, as well as receiving a certificate in cell biology – mitochondria from Harvard University.CONNECT WITH ELISABETH:Website: https://www.elisabethihoekstra.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/iamelisabethhoekstraTwitter: https://twitter.com/LishoekstraInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/ElisabethiHoekstraCONNECT WITH VICTORIA:Website: YouAretheMagicPill.comFacebook: facebook.com/youarethemagicpill
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    31 分
  • Jody Colvard: The Power of Your Voice
    • First off, I've been in this business since... Well, I've been on the internet since 1994, and I've worked early on creating businesses, so in 2004, I started teaching podcasting, and prior to that, I helped people get into TV shows, radio, things like that, and there was so many people that had something that they desperately wanted to share. But there was such a limited amount of space. When you try to go into television or movies or anything like that, there are not a lot of spots available, it's like everybody was clamoring to get there. But then when I saw the internet, it's kind of opened up and there's this opportunity for everybody to have a place to speak... To share the message. Their truth. So one of the things that I did was I created FMG Radio and Podcasting Network, and that was in 2004, the first time I created it, and started really bringing in people to really hone in what their message was and find that true power within themselves to be able to share that. (02:46)•   When you think about when you're speaking to people through your podcast, that's what you're doing is like the tonality of your voice, the resonance, how you're speaking to people, when you have that confidence in your voice. That way when you're talking to people, they actually are picking up your energy... We're all intertwined energetically. Everybody in this universe is intertwined, we're able to be fed information. When Einstein talked about relativity, and he would talk about black holes, a lot of it was a theory before, but now they know it's true, and then they start looking at electro-magnetics. Electromagnetic waves is what causes that interconnection between all human beings and actually every object, everything in the universe. But what they found is around the edges of the black holes runs this electromagnetic waves, and so it's interconnected. So, think about how every soul, every being, every plant, everything is connected, throughout the whole universe. (06:39)• What you're talking about is emotion, every cell of your body has vibrational energy within the cell, and so when you have things that have happened to you, like trauma, things that traps that emotion into each cell, the vibration of your voice will be different. So once you open up the trauma, that emotion, and release it, your voice will actually change. When I was younger, my oldest son, he passed away, and my voice changed automatic, it just got really deep, like a man. And I'd go to the doctor and they were like, I don't know what's wrong with you, my voice was just like a man's voice. But my emotions, it triggered something in the vibration of my body because when you speak, it comes up your larynx, you have these vocal cords, they vibrate to be able to have the sound come out. So when the vibration of my body changed, the vibration and my vocal cords changed, which then changed my voice. Once I was able to kind of go through the emotions and clear a lot of that out, and my voice came back to normal. (11:17)•  Because when you're sitting there thinking, what does this person want to hear? It's not what you're saying, it's the intention behind what you're saying. So what's your intention? I think that you need to look at that first. When you start putting your message out there and you have that intention in mind, and you think about these people that you want to connect with, and it's like, what is it that you want to help transform for them? (16:01) ABOUT JODY COLVARD:Jody is the Founder and CEO of FRQNCY Media Group, parent company to FMG Radio, TV, Podcasting and Magazine. She holds the same roles with Podcast School & Women in Podcasting, all are cutting-edge platforms combining creativity, personal empowerment and technology to empower voices, ideas & stories.She began speaking Internationally in 2004, becoming one of the first Women to teach blogging and podcasting in the US and China. She has shared the stage with many notable speakers such as Michael Beckwith, Barbara De Angelis, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield and many more.Jody is a pioneer – an insider’s mentor – in the realms of internet marketing, new media, social networking, and business strategy development. In 2008 she distilled that knowledge into her acclaimed book and training program Be A Show Host: How to Connect Your Dream to The New World of Community, Customers and Continual Profits. This comprehensive media course has been used to teach thousands of students to develop professional, polished, and – best of all – profitable podcasts and radio shows.Jody has worked with celebrities and charity organizations such as Make a Wish Foundation and The Sole of Africa with Nelson Mandela, Brad Pitt and Sir Richard Branson; and with clients featured on 20/20, Good Morning America, Oprah, and Dr. Phil. CONNECT WITH JODY:Visit my website: FMGNetwork.comFacebook: Facebook.com/FMGNetworkTwitter: Twitter.com/FMGNetworkInstagram: Instagram.com/FMGNetwork...
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    21 分
  • 5 Ways to Shift That Sh*t

    •  Number One: You have to actually decide to shift the sh*t right? Enough is enough in the cycle, because if you don't like where you're at, then change it. Decide that you're actually going to take the action to change it... Because if you don't, then you're not going to ever change, and that's just the reality of it. If you can't make the decision to actually change, then you're not going to change, and that's really not what you want. So, dig deep and realize that you want to change, to make the decision.  (02:07) 

    •  Number Two: Tell me what you want, what you really, really want. So, you actually need to know at this point. Make a decision, know what you want, and focus on what you want.  That may take a little bit of time to work on yourself to figure out what you really want.  (02:54) 

    •  Number Three: Pause, observe and redirect. So if you're finding yourself trying to focus on what you want, and then you start to become aware like you're having negative thoughts, or you're saying you can't do something, or having negative self-talk, you're saying something that goes against what you want. To see what you're wanting to focus on, then pause, stop yourself, observe it, become aware of what you're saying and doing, and then redirect yourself. Because you know, it's going to happen, especially in the beginning, you're going to find yourself drifting to that old programming. But that's what we're learning to do, or learning to shift that sh*t, so it doesn't keep happening.  So, you're going to pause, observe and redirect. Then you're going to commit. (03:22) 

    •  Number Four:  Committing to daily discipline. To commit to daily discipline, to actually take that step to shift, and that’s where it becomes a habit. All of a sudden, it's going to shift where you're having more of what you're focusing on.  I know you can do that daily discipline, commit to it, to becoming a disciple to yourself, becoming discipline. And form a new habit. (04:17)

    •  Number Five:  Stay in the present moment. Be intentional on that. That's what happens when you pause, you kind of stop yourself and you observe, you actually do take yourself back to the present moment. So just know that you have the power to choose that, and you have the power to choose that now. You can take your power back, and it's something that you have to do every day.  So, every day, remember that you can do these. Number One – Decide. Number Two – Know. Number Three - Pause. Number Five: Stay Present. Know the direction that you want to take your life and know that you have the power to create your reality. You've got this, I believe in you. Now go believe in yourself. (05:07)


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  • Richele Batt: Warning, Warning - Red Flags in Dating and Relationships

    •  Yeah, and so it's about loving yourself enough to know your value and to leave your situation when you know it's not good for you, or not getting into a situation that you know is a huge red flag. There's a couple of funny memes that I've seen that are hilarious one is perfect for Valentine's day, because this guy is holding a dozen red flags and she goes, 'Oh a dozen red flags, I love him so much', and then there's another one where he says 'Good morning beautiful'. And she says, 'Take me off rotation'.  (8:05)

    •  When that happens, I think is a very important to know what to do. So I think a lot of times people don't do anything because they don't know what to do, they either cut bait and go or they don't do anything. So I think the important thing is to tell people what do you do at that point. Well, that's where communication skills come in, you have to know how to open your mouth and speak. And you know what? It may be a little scary to communicate with someone, especially someone you only just started knowing. I'm like, Listen, first of all, you have to have healthy boundaries. And you have to know what those are. If your boundary is, I need to be respected, like say someone stood you up on a date or something like that. That's probably a boundary. You carve out your time for that person, they decide the last minute they're not going or something, and they act like it's no big deal, that's a red flag. And it's something that needs to be addressed now. (12:40)

    •  There's so much integrity in realizing, Okay, we're not a match. I tell people, 'You're not dating to make it a match, you're dating to see if it is one, and so even when you go through break ups and such, and I've had episodes about breakups, sometimes you complete a relationship and it's about the two people realizing, Okay, this is not working, this is not going to be... We're not compatible for whatever reason, and sometimes they're very difficult. But as long as you do look and realize, Okay, there's lessons to be learned from here in this relationship, and you take those to heart and you go on in the future and say, Okay, now I know what I need and what I want, and hopefully the other person does too, and you help each other grow... What is better than that? I mean, that's what we all want to do. So you're not forcing it to be a match... I think some people get in a relationship and think I have to make this work, I have to... I have to... And they're just like, beating their head against the wall. What's the point of that?  (19:33)

    •   I was married for 20 years and you were married for a long time, we have an our story from it, right? We have our experience from it, so do our spouses are ex's. They have their story and what they learned from it, neither is wrong or right to be honest. It's what we both needed. But whenever I was married, my life felt like, my soul that like, I was like dead. So I felt like my life was being sucked out of me, and I don't blame that on my ex, it's just the relationship wasn't meant to continue. He didn't suck the life out of me, it was the relationship that was no longer serving me...or him. And so I had to make the decision, I had to be strong enough and listen to that gut feeling, listen to my inner voice saying, 'You are not supposed to be here anymore, get out. (22:44)



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    Website: YouAretheMagicPill.com
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  • Dustin Strong: Strong On Health Part 2
    •  Now, when we get into things like depression, it's helpful to go and look at the biggest, most common things that are happening in our country and the way that people are struggling with digesting protein... I know that sounds weird to go, Wait a minute, you talk about the depression and you're taking about digesting proteins, but why it's important is all of those happy hormones that all the medications they're trying to act upon? They're trying to act upon serotonin, trying to act upon dopamine, they're trying to act upon norepinephrine, and they're trying to keep these happy hormones artificially high in the brain. Well, one of the questions for me, to them is, Why do we need to artificially keep them? Hey, why don't you have an ample amount of those in the first place? And that's why people need to understand that those are derived from essential amino acids. (03:07)•   Okay, so how do you fix it is your question. There's different tools out there to do that, a lot of it is lifestyle changes, eating smaller amounts, making sure, of course, you're chewing your food, really chew your food, not drinking too much water with your meal, because that will dilute the stomach acid, making sure that you have enough zinc, because zinc is required for stomach acid production, so you can do a zinc test... In our clinic, we have a taste test, so you can take something zinc sulfate and you hold it in your mouth, and what you taste kind of helps determine whether you have appropriate levels of zinc in your body. Yeah, and fasting is actually a really good way to help heal your digestive system as well, because we're constantly... We have this unconscious faith that anything we put into our mouth is just going to be magically turned into all the nutrients that we need to sustain life, and it doesn't work that way. (09:04)•  It's a limiting belief, and that happens. And it happens in all kinds of situations, right? Like a kid tries to do something nice for their parent and the parent was in a bad mood that day, and when they made this great gift and they present it to the parent... The parent was like, Whatever, I don't want that right now. That left an impression on that kid, that giving gifts to people is bad, right? So, now we've got to figure out, Wait a minute, that was just a one tiny little situation, but it impacted you because you were young and impressionable, now we're going to balance it out. (18:57)•  One of my healthcare heroes always says that justice and health includes access to and knowledge of all the options, and I don't think number one, that people definitely have the knowledge of the options, and that's my mission to get out there and then they access... Not just access and the means of they have McDonalds, but then there's also a store right there next to it that has a healthy option, but access through their community. If their community is setting up mental barriers to keep them from having access to a belief that's gonna get them healthier. We have a situation where we have more drive-through restaurants and fasted restaurants than we know what to do with. Exactly. So, I guess we just have to keep sharing our message and be bringing education and awareness.  (23:22) ABOUT DUSTIN STRONG:Dustin Strong is the Chief Clinician and Owner of Strong on Health, a private holistic health and wellness center in the Dallas/Fort Worth, TX metro area. He specializes in applied clinical nutrition, holistic nutrition, and clinical consultation for other healthcare providers. Mr. Strong is an accomplished speaker and enthusiastic educator with monthly hands-on workshops with practitioners and is a regular continuing education presenter and featured expert in multiple podcasts, videos, and publications. As a holistic healthcare practitioner for nearly a decade, he is passionate about helping clients who have not had complete success with traditional healthcare methods, believing that being healthy requires a total approach, taking into consideration equally nutrition, physical exercise, spiritual balance, and personal motivation. He has been recognized as a Healthcare Hero by the Fort Worth Business Press and a Hidden Gem by Voyage Dallas Magazine. Dustin is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, and an Applied Clinical Nutritionist, certified by Standard Process and Parker University. CONNECT WITH DUSTIN:Website: https://www.strongonhealth.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/StrongOnHealthInstagram:  https://www.instagram.com/challenge/?next=/strongonhealthYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNTLdNAPS7sPVt-z6rZjYNg CONNECT WITH VICTORIA:Website: YouAretheMagicPill.comFacebook: facebook.com/youarethemagicpill 
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    29 分
  • Dustin Strong: Strong On Health Part 1
    •  You were talking about love before we jump on and recorded, and I was thinking about that, the fact that... What I love about it is when you love something or some person, you benefit from it because you get to feel the love, right? That's sure. They might get it, they might be benefiting from it, but because you're putting yourself in that position where you're getting to feel it, you're winning already. That's the best thing about love...I agree, love is a very good thing to feel. (04:07)•  When you start thinking about what you were and you see it from a fresh perspective, it's so hard to look back because you want to help that person you know, because you  know what you know now, and you think, Oh man, they struggled through so many things and yes, it was a period of my life. I was transitioning, I think, between elementary school and middle school, and I gained a ton of weight over the course of a winter, eating a lot of sugar, and I didn't even realize. I guess it hadn't happened until I went back to school and we were in a bit of a gym class situation where we had to run down to the certain pole and run back and remember running and being passed by who I thought was the kid who was overweight in class, and he passed me like I was sitting still. And then it was just this big moment where I kind of looked down and realized that I was the big kid, I was the fat kid in school. (06:05)•  The interesting thing about nutrition in general is it's a young science, so we're still kind of discovering and understanding as we go, all these pieces, and I'm always trying to distill things down to irrefutable facts, because it's one thing to know it for yourself, to have that experience and know that sugar is no longer a part of my life because it doesn't do anything for me. It may do a small thing for me, but the cost to me is so much greater than the benefit. But to help somebody else understand that's the journey of that, that's so hard sometimes because you have to understand where somebody's coming from, you have to figure out why would they be interested in hearing this in the first place, what do they want to solve? How can I communicate this to them? And so I find this with all the different things, every new little pearl, every new little secret that I find I want to share with people. (10:50)•  Here's where I always want  to make a point about placebo, if you can get some placebo effect in line with something that's truly healing, somebody will do it, right? Why wouldn't you use that power... We don't want to think, Oh, it's just a placebo? Well, yeah, it is, but it works. So that's what I love about nutrition and education, so when I found out that, there's a Dr. Walsh, and in his books here behind me on the wall, because I give it to almost anybody who has depression. He looked at this for 35 years, he looked at 30,000 different individuals who suffered from depression and anxiety, and he looked at millions of labs, and by far, he said, the most common biochemical problem we found is a zinc deficiency, so who would think?  No one would think, Oh, I'm depressed, maybe I need more zinc. (12:21) ABOUT DUSTIN STRONG:Dustin Strong is the Chief Clinician and Owner of Strong on Health, a private holistic health and wellness center in the Dallas/Fort Worth, TX metro area. He specializes in applied clinical nutrition, holistic nutrition, and clinical consultation for other healthcare providers. Mr. Strong is an accomplished speaker and enthusiastic educator with monthly hands-on workshops with practitioners and is a regular continuing education presenter and featured expert in multiple podcasts, videos, and publications. As a holistic healthcare practitioner for nearly a decade, he is passionate about helping clients who have not had complete success with traditional healthcare methods, believing that being healthy requires a total approach, taking into consideration equally nutrition, physical exercise, spiritual balance, and personal motivation. He has been recognized as a Healthcare Hero by the Fort Worth Business Press and a Hidden Gem by Voyage Dallas Magazine. Dustin is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, and an Applied Clinical Nutritionist, certified by Standard Process and Parker University. CONNECT WITH DUSTIN:Website: https://www.strongonhealth.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/StrongOnHealthInstagram:  https://www.instagram.com/challenge/?next=/strongonhealthYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNTLdNAPS7sPVt-z6rZjYNg CONNECT WITH VICTORIA:Website: YouAretheMagicPill.comFacebook: facebook.com/youarethemagicpill 
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