Devin Roberts is an author from Jacksonville, FL with a new book that just came out, Touch of Gravity. We go over what his book is about, discuss worldbuilding, and how One Piece and Zelda inspired him. Buy "Touch of Gravity" Here! https://www.amazon.com/Touch-Gravity-Book-Ecosphere-Chronicles/dp/1088112730/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1MGS2P09O5XZL&keywords=touch+of+gravity+devin+roberts&qid=1686502195&sprefix=touch+of+graV%2Caps%2C359&sr=8-1 Devin Roberts Social: Instagram- @authordevinroberts Tiktok- @authordevinroberts Follow us on social media: Instagram- @bigdkenergypodcast TikTok- @bigdkenergypodcast