
  • Episode 15: Wrestlers in Politics
    Why does it seem that politics gets in the middle of professional wrestling sometimes? Tune in as we explore wrestlers who have gotten into political power as well as those who knew how to perform backstage tactics to keep their spot. Add some tomfoolery with controlling the episode timer and you will have a fun episode!
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  • Episode 14: Wrestling Bloodlines
    There is more than one royal family in professional wrestling, and we look into the various families that have made professional wrestling famous. We look into the history of the McMahon family, go international, and talk about the stigma of being a promoter's kid.
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  • Episode 13: The Health of a Wrestler
    How are the physical demands met on a professional wrestler? Dive into the aspects of health and what best practices to take when wrestling. We will also be talking about the steroid scandal and the place of drugs in professional wrestling. Not to mention, we will also talk about the need for physical health in the indies.
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  • Episode 12: The Art of Finisher
    How long have finishers been in place? What is the psychology behind them, and why are they being abused in modern day wrestling matches? Listen to us bring this aspect of wrestling to life as we also talk about the false finish and why it is so dreaded.
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  • Episode 11: Women in Wrestling
    From it's beginning history to the Attitude Era and beyond, women's pro wrestling has been steeped in controversy, gimmickry, and politics. Listen to us as we talk about the legends and the game changers in the industry and why things were so rough back then... as well as the personal tales of Sarah of her learning how to train at the turn of the century. Our jargon of the day is learning about the term "Gaga". Join us as we return to tickle your fancy about professional wrestling in our new recording studio at KPAO.
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  • Episode 10: Crossovers and the Forbidden Door
    Before Vince, there were cross promotions all the time and people trading tapes. After the territories were obsolete, the powers that be didn't even want to do cross-media unless they completely controlled it. See this special episode about the history of crossovers, how the higher-ups handled people going to Hollywood, and why the iron grip has loosened over time.
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  • Episode 9: Breaking the 4th Wall with Worked Shoots
    Everything from promotional wars to using wrestling jargon in promos has been used to make even more money at the cost of pulling back the curtain. Tune in to hear the history of worked shoots, from promotional wars to the Montreal Screwjob. How real is real in professional wrestling? Find out here at Working the World!
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  • Episode 8: Dangerous Styles (High Flying and Strong Style)
    There are many dangerous aspects to professional wrestling, and workers put their lives on the line even when not performing in these styles. Flippity Do's and Strong Style come into mind when putting your body on the line, and we will dive into how they have been profitable as well as instances of them that are bad for the industry. All this and more on Working the World!
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