Thuy Le is a successful business owner in St. Pete. Find out how this amazing woman got her start and hear what advice she has for aspiring entrepreneurs.
Le Nail @lenail_dtsp
Tropez @tropezstsp
Thuy Café www.thuycafe.com
La V @la_v_dtsp
Nouvelle Beauty Bar @nouvelle_dtsp
Central Cleaners @central_cleaners_dtsp
Berns @bernsteakhouse
On Swan @onswann
Edison Food Lab @edison_food_drink_lab
Floribbean @the_floribbean
YogaSix @yogasix_stpetersburg
The Body Electric Yoga Company @thebodyelectricyoga
Follow us @eatandmeetstpetepodcast, Tracey @traceyinsunshinecity, and Kelsey @kelsssssssss_.