Join us on a special episode of The Lit Pickers as Supriya interviews Daisy Rockwell, a translator who focuses exclusively on women's writing from South Asia. They delve into the gendered nature of Hindi, discuss the shared experiences of women during Partition, and look back at the time when the internet was more fun. Tune in as Daisy talks to Supriya about navigating the challenges of translation, exploring nuanced meanings and gender archetypes in Indian writing, and say some very bad words.
You can find Supriya Nair at @supriyanair and Deepanjana Pal at @dpanjana on Instagram.
If you have any books, reading or literature-related questions, please email us at contact@maed.in.
For a list of all the books mentioned in the season so far, check out: https://thelitpickers.fanlink.to/books
This is a Maed In India Production; check us out at www.maedinindia.in.
Creative Director: Mae Mariyam Thomas
Project Manager: Shaun Fanthome
Head of Audio: Kartik Kulkarni
Producer: Meghna Gulati
Sound Editor: Lakshman Parsuram
Artwork: Alika Gupta
Theme Music: Easy Wanderlings - Here’s to You