Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Winter's Embrace: A Tale of Friendship at Jezero Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-11-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Je bil lep zimski dan.En: It was a beautiful winter day.Sl: Nebo je bilo jasno in svetlo.En: The sky was clear and bright.Sl: Sneg je pokrival okoliške gore.En: Snow covered the surrounding mountains.Sl: Jezero Bled je bilo čudovito, kot vedno.En: Jezero Bled was wonderful, as always.Sl: Zima je prinesla tišino in mir.En: Winter brought silence and peace.Sl: Na jezeru je bila majhna kapelica na otoku.En: On the lake, there was a small chapel on the island.Sl: Vse je bilo idilično.En: Everything was idyllic.Sl: Matej, Nina in Jure so hodili po poti ob jezeru.En: Matej, Nina, and Jure walked along the path by the lake.Sl: Matej je bil nasmejan, a v sebi je skrival nekaj.En: Matej was smiling, but he was hiding something inside.Sl: Imel je ponavljajočo bolezen, ki se je poslabšala pozimi.En: He had a recurring illness that worsened in winter.Sl: Ni želel skrbeti svojih prijateljev.En: He didn't want to worry his friends.Sl: "Kako čudovit dan!En: "What a beautiful day!"Sl: " je rekla Nina.En: Nina said.Sl: Njen glas je bil poln veselja.En: Her voice was full of joy.Sl: "Moramo iti na pohod do kapelice," je predlagala.En: "We must take a hike to the chapel," she suggested.Sl: Jure se je strinjal.En: Jure agreed.Sl: Matej se je pretvarjal, da je v redu.En: Matej pretended to be okay.Sl: Ni želel zamuditi prilike, da bi preživel čas s prijatelji.En: He didn't want to miss the chance to spend time with his friends.Sl: Pot do kapelice je bila strma.En: The path to the chapel was steep.Sl: Sneg je škripal pod nogami.En: The snow crunched under their feet.Sl: Matej je začutil utrujenost.En: Matej felt tired.Sl: Dihanje mu je postajalo vse težje.En: His breathing became more difficult.Sl: A ni želel reči ničesar.En: But he didn't want to say anything.Sl: Želel je biti hraber.En: He wanted to be brave.Sl: Ko so se bližali vrhu, je Mateja premagalo.En: As they approached the top, Matej was overcome.Sl: Kolena so mu popustila, padel je na kolena.En: His knees gave way, and he fell to his knees.Sl: Nina in Jure sta bila presenečena.En: Nina and Jure were surprised.Sl: Hitro sta pritekla do njega.En: They quickly ran to him.Sl: "Matej, kaj je narobe?En: "Matej, what's wrong?"Sl: " je vprašal Jure, vidno prestrašen.En: Jure asked, visibly frightened.Sl: Matej je s težavo spregovoril.En: Matej spoke with difficulty.Sl: "Oprostita," je rekel s tresočim glasom.En: "I'm sorry," he said with a trembling voice.Sl: "Imam bolezen, ki pride z zimo.En: "I have an illness that comes with winter.Sl: Želel sem biti z vama, ne pa da vama pokvarim dan.En: I wanted to be with you, not to spoil your day."Sl: "Nina ga je prijela za roko.En: Nina took his hand.Sl: "Matej, prijatelji smo.En: "Matej, we are friends.Sl: Pomembno je, da si z nami, ne glede na vse.En: It's important that you're with us, no matter what."Sl: " Jure je pokimal.En: Jure nodded.Sl: Zdelo se mu je žalostno, da jim ni zaupal prej.En: He felt sad that Matej hadn't trusted them earlier.Sl: Počasi so se vrnili v varno dolino.En: Slowly, they returned to the safe valley.Sl: Jure in Nina sta prilagodila načrte.En: Jure and Nina adjusted the plans.Sl: Šli so na toplo pijačo v bližnji kavarni.En: They went for a warm drink in a nearby café.Sl: Matej je sedel z njima, tokrat sproščen in spoštovan.En: Matej sat with them, this time relaxed and respected.Sl: Naučil se je, da ni sam v svojih težavah.En: He learned that he was not alone in his troubles.Sl: Njihovo prijateljstvo je bilo močnejše kot kdaj koli prej.En: Their friendship was stronger than ever before.Sl: Čas, ki so ga preživeli skupaj, je bil poseben, s prijatelji ob strani pa je bila vsaka skrb lažja.En: The time they spent together was special, and with friends by his side, every worry was easier.Sl: Še vedno so občudovali lepoto okoli jezera, zdaj pa v duhu prijateljstva in sprejemanja.En: They still admired the beauty around the lake, now in the spirit of friendship and acceptance.Sl: Zima na Bledu je bila posebna.En: Winter at Bled was special.Sl: Sneg je sijal v soncu, a nič bolj kot njihova povezanost.En: The snow shone in the sun, but nothing more so than their connection.Sl: In tako so sedeli ob jezeru, prijatelji, ki bodo vedno tam drug za drugega.En: And so they sat by the lake, friends who would always be there for each other. Vocabulary Words:surrounding: okoliškeidyllic: idiličnorecurring: ponavljajočoillness: bolezenworsened: poslabšalasuggested: predlagalapretended: pretvarjalsteep: strmacrunched: škripalaprilok: bližaliovercome: premagalofell: padelfrightened: prestrašentrembling: tresočimspoil: pokvarimtrusted: zaupaladjusted: prilagodilacafé: kavarnirelaxed: sproščenrespected: spoštovantroubles: težavahadmired: ...