Ask someone about their purpose and they may say some combination of “To live my best life” or to achieve happiness. The Declaration of Independence of the United States, the hegemony of ruling ideology, might capture this well in the line “ the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" ... Today’s episode will take a thesis, antitheses, and synthesis approach to examine this idea, critiquing it using Pshcialanlys sand then finding some space for synthesis. Also, it wouldn’t be Easter if we didn’t mention Grace. at the end works cited:
Todd McGowan -https://web.english.upenn.edu/~cavitc...
Peter Rollins- • Grace and the Freedom from Self-Help
Slavoj Zizek- https://altexploit.files.wordpress.co...
Jacques Lacan -https://www.academia.edu/32053409/How...