Today, I want to talk to you about the usual question as to why should I attend an annual general meeting? There are four key reasons why you as a member of the Strata community should attend annual general meetings. One, you need to be involved in the decision-making of the Strata community. That would impact the next 12 months and probably even more. By being involved, you realize that you will impact the direction of the strata community. So that's the first reason which is being involved in decision-making. Second decision. A second point is it gives you an opportunity to be heard. There is no point in expressing your views outside of the annual general meeting when you do not give yourself an opportunity to be heard by the other members of the strata community. Be heard but be heard at the right forum which is at the annual general meeting about your views, so that others can consider your views prior to voting on the motion. Third, you also need to understand what has happened in the past 12 months and where the current circumstances of the strata community are. That way, you could also make a better and informed decision on matters that are put forward. For a resolution by the strata community. And finally, four, it gives you an opportunity to nominate yourself or be nominated to be part of the committee who will make the day-to-day decisions on behalf of the Strato community for the next 12 or so months. You get a say on the daily operations. That is an opportunity for you, and that is done at the annual general meeting.