Welcome to Season 2, Episode 2!
During this episode, we sat down with the comedic extraordinaire, Michael McDaniel and he shared his grieving journey. Michael has experienced loss in more than one form and was very transparent and vulnerable in sharing his journey. This episode is filled with emotion, but also there is a space for healing, growth, and love. Michael also talks about what it is like to be a comedian and lose his laughter. How many of us have experienced grief, and it took something from us that was a challenge to get back *insert raised hand emoji*?
Take a listen. Take a pause. Say a prayer. Express Gratitude.
If you would like to connect with Michael on social media, you can find him at:
IG: @IAmMcDaniel
TikTok: @IAmMcDaniel
YouTube: @IAmMcDaniel
Follow us on IG @TheGrievingJourneyPodcast and Facebook @TheGrievingJourneyPodcast
To share your story, email us at TheGrievingJourney@gmail.com