This week, on the Long Term Pickles podcast, Jenni and Jenn ramble on and wax poetic about what it means to live authentically as yourself. We want to thank our fellow pickle, Rosemary, for giving us this topic to discuss. Don’t forget that you can watch our pickle breaks live on Instagram now and they live rent-free on the grid for you all to visit any time. This week’s pickle break guest was Jenni’s husband Patrick. The real MVP bringing a glass of milk when Jenn’s mouth was literally on fire.
How to talk to the worst parts of yourself – Karen Faith TED talk https://youtu.be/gUV5DJb6KGs?si=eU_-tYoIGMY5uRYA
A song suggestion for when you’re trying to get back to who you are: Back in My Body by Maggie Rogers
Book recommendations and links to purchase from our favorite indie bookstore in Broken Arrow, Rivendell Books & Baubles: The Power of Now, A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle http://tinyurl.com/yedu9cxh
The Body Keeps The Score, Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D. http://tinyurl.com/bdeyxbuf
We love to hear from you!
You can send in your suggestions for topics, questions, and share your bad jokes with us @longtermpickles or email us at longtermpicklespod@gmail.com