On the latest Whisper in the Wings from Stage Whisper, we welcomed on the playwright Lisa Kenner Grissom and the director Dana Scwartz to talk about their latest production, Here Comes the Night. This was a great conversation about a very timely and important piece of theatre, and just like this show, should not be missed. So be sure to tune in and turn out for this great work!
Moving Arts Presents
Here Comes The Night
January 18th-February 16th
@ Moving Arts Theatre
Tickets and more information are available at movingarts.org
And be sure to follow our guests to stay up to date on all their upcoming projects and productions:
Moving Arts: movingarts.org
Dana: danawritesplays.com and ebellofla.org
Lisa: @lisa_kenner_grissom_ and lisakennergrissom.com