Join Michele today and her guest and dear sister in the Lord, Diane Strack. Diane is the founder and president of SheLoves Out Loud, a global movement to gather women to pray. Diane is proof positive that our God is able to do “exceeding abundantly.”
Take a listen and join the great company of women who are publishing the good news of Jesus Christ! www.shelovesoutloud.org @shelovesoutloudStay connected with Michele!
Visit www.BeautyTradesAshes.com to stay up on upcoming women's events, goodies, and her email list. Follow Michele on Instagram @BeautyTradesAshes.
Thank you for listening!
Take a listen and join the great company of women who are publishing the good news of Jesus Christ! www.shelovesoutloud.org @shelovesoutloudStay connected with Michele!
Visit www.BeautyTradesAshes.com to stay up on upcoming women's events, goodies, and her email list. Follow Michele on Instagram @BeautyTradesAshes.
Thank you for listening!